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View Full Version : Generator Start problems

10-16-2017, 04:11 PM

I have a 2006 Marathon XL and am having issues starting the generator. I was on the road and the gen wouldn't start. It acted like the battery was dead. I got someone to "jump" me and the gen started right up. Twice more I had the same issue until I got home. I took the battery out and had it load tested. It tested good. Replaced the battery and now I can't even get it started by "jumping" it. Any suggestions? Starter? Battery? Electrical?

Thanks in advance.

John Emmett
Aberdeen SD

10-16-2017, 06:45 PM

Are you trying to start it from the generator panel? If so, there's little between the battery and generator besides the cutoff switch installed by Marathon. Make sure the negative connections on the the battery and generator are good. We often forget to check the negative connections.

10-16-2017, 10:47 PM
Hi Gill. I doesn't seem to make any difference if I try to start the gen from the generator panel or from inside the bus. I get a code of "CC 1" which from the manual tells me that it is cranking for the first of three cycles. After about 10 sec the panel shows a code of "OC". I have looked and checked all the connections that I can reach/find. I am beginning to think that the starter might be locked up as the gen only buzzes/hums before the "OC" occurs.


10-17-2017, 02:25 PM

If the battery and connections are good, it could also be the starter solenoid. Make sure the connections, both positive and negative, are good first. If you can access the starter, you can try directly applying power to the starter, not the solenoid, with a heavy gauge cable. A jumper cable can be a good choice. If the starter turns over the engine, the problem is solenoid or connection.

10-22-2017, 09:37 PM
Update on my gen start issue. It turns out that it was a starter relay in the generator.

Thanks for the help with this issue.

John Emmett