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View Full Version : Prevost fuel guage

Cal Krupa
09-16-2017, 07:23 AM
Is it possible to calibrate the fuel gauge on a 2001 XL45 Marathon? It reads 3/4 when actually full.

Any advice will be appreciated.


09-16-2017, 08:56 AM

I'm not aware of a calibration procedure.

I would determine where the problem is first. The sending unit can be checked by reading the impedance at the sending unit with a full tank. The sending unit can be accessed through a removable panel on the passenger side in the bay immediately in front of the filler. It's easier to check the sending unit at the terminal board just outside the driver's door (at least I think it's there on an XL-II). If this reading is correct its the gauge or wiring.

I'm traveling our I'd look up your electrical drawing and give you more specifics.

Cal Krupa
09-16-2017, 04:01 PM
Gil, I will check this out.

Thanks Cal