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Joe Camper
09-07-2017, 10:08 PM
When I sold my xl a couple years back guy came up and bought it out he was out of Effingham and I thought that an odd coincidence the conversion being a Hickox conversion that were done in Effingham Illinois.

Fast forward, after we agreed on a price and he put the money in my hand he explained that he was the cabinet maker that worked for mr. Hickox and all the interior was his work, how cool is that.

He was actually the first one to drive the bus out of Quebec they flew him up there and he drove it back he recalls having to buy a folding chair because it didn't even have a driver seat. That was 1984 and this bus was one of the very first 102 wide Xls, the start of a model platform that went 15yr up to 2000.


Here it sits, out in the elements, without a bath in months sporting it's 32yr old original paint. Ain't it still beautiful.

So here we r on 2017.

He's getting really close to tearing the whole interior out of it and redoing it again. In his eyes it's dated and he wants it all new and he's a great cabinet maker and I can't wait to see what it ends up looking like based on the quality of the original conversion it's really going to be something special I think.

I'm telling you all this because since he knows he's going to tear the whole interior Out and because unfortunately that when I bought the bus it was very undocumented there were no manuals for either end of the conversion chassis or house. He's having a hard time learning and figuring out how to use everything so today as I was going over everything with him here's where he scratched down all his notes


Has he no shame???? LOL that's no sticky postie note that's indelible black marker.