View Full Version : ISRI Seats

Joe Camper
08-14-2017, 10:09 PM
I'm not a big fan of these auto seats if for no other reason than when u stand up in a tight right turn to keep a view on your right hand mirror the seat drops out and when u return to it u r sitting on the floor. That and the unbelievably complicated design requires a few PHD to begin to understand it. Then there is the terrible rubber air lines that crumble and the barbs that r very vulnerable to cracking off with just a touch. I could go on but I'll stop.

I did a Web search to see how to adjust the ride height valve, there is 2 screws on the linkage arm buried in the base to achieve this but nothing in isri pdf says or shows.

Has anyone adjusted those screws and can pass that on.

The seat currenthly does not air up enough.

I hesitate to even go in there to adjust for fear of disrupting one of the air lines and creating another problem and it wouldn't take much based on past experience.

Thank goodness this is a Royal and they kept it simple enough to be able to lift the skirt to see into the base. Most isiri do not even facilitate that.

Help. Uncle, uncle!!

Joe Camper
08-14-2017, 11:25 PM

I managed to get a picture of it. I am assuming those 2 screws r limits and I don't know if something is bad or I am trying to incorrectly adjust it.

There is info on pdf on how to remove and replace it but nothing on adjustment.

Got a message in to ISRI maybe they will respond.