View Full Version : Poggers & Valentines Day
02-15-2007, 09:58 AM
We took a break from the track and ran down to TGO to see Bill & Jody. Since Bill and I are big spenders, we took the girls for burgers and beers for Valentines Day.:p Mango didn't send us any money for lunch and Crack Boy in Texas didn't step up. 70 degree's and sunny, sorry Joe.
You may not know, but Jody fell off her bike, broke her arm, bruised her face and shoulder and dropped her wine bottle. She is scheduled for arm surgery this Friday, so lets keep her in good spirits. Just kidding about the wine bottle, but I'll let her tell you how it happened.;)
02-15-2007, 12:46 PM
OUCH Jody!! I'll be thinking of you this Friday. Hey, it looks so nice and warm where you are maybe I need to come down and be your private duty nurse:confused: (and no, this is not Bob-00 writing this it is Debi:-) I hope you feel better soon......Can't wait to hear the story though Tom's mention of the wine bottle scenario sounds plausible!
Jerry Winchester
02-15-2007, 01:46 PM
So Jody, drinking and BIKE riding don't mix either? ;) Well I hate it that you are injured, but I am sure Bill will take ever precaution to not burn the coach down while you are convelesing. And when he takes you to the hospital, don't let them give you any crap about your dad coming with you......
Jon Wehrenberg
02-15-2007, 03:29 PM
Get better soon. make Bill do all the work.
mike kerley
02-15-2007, 07:29 PM
Tough break! (pun intended)
Get better quick and ask Bill to look into training wheels for that bike. Strange, I always landed on my head.?
Mike and Karen
Just Plain Jeff
02-15-2007, 08:29 PM
Jody, Jody, Jody (Since your dad isn't posting today due to the Lawrence Welk Marathon on TNT)
Hey kiddo, get better! We will all need another hand at polishing coaches at POGIII.
(That would be one of yours).
Bill Dude: Take care of that precious gal!
The Sled Dog and Bed Wetter
02-15-2007, 09:49 PM
Jody: Mick and I sure are sorry to hear about your crash. I new it was Daytona Race Week but didn,t know you were in it.
Wish you the best, heal up good and get well real soon!
Micki and Roger
02-15-2007, 10:06 PM
Do let the remarks from Jerry bother you. Bill doesn't look like your daddy, he looks like Casey.
Get better soon. Is that a lawyers collar on your arm?
Jerry Winchester
02-15-2007, 10:33 PM
Did you forget your medicine again or did you overmedicate with Metamucil and now you're so backed up it's causing crappy thoughts?
Jody, Just ignore him. I thought all the Dark Side guys had done an intervention with him while in Florida, but just like my coach, he was only stable for a day or so and the leans have set back in..
02-18-2007, 10:50 PM
the li'l invalid is neatly tucked under her blankey, off on a vicodin holiday. she's feelin' much better tho. much better'n yesterday, anyway. still, you gotta think that havin' somebody screwin' sheet metal screws into your wrist bones has GOTTA hurt. she sez to thank all who offered condolences (and/or shuck and jive). too bad the implant is that cheap ol' titanium - i tried to get stainless, but... as it turns out, the titanium wasn't that cheap afterall. :-(
tom & nance - it was great to see you guys this week. hope the daytona experience was great. hope you didn't leave early - the last lap crash was SPECTACULAR!! woohoo! too bad for the army car.
and as for the lew-quote
Bill doesn't look like your daddy, he looks like Casey
isn't that where the expression, "lucky dog" comes from?
thanks guys
Just Plain Jeff
02-19-2007, 07:33 AM
WMM: Take care of The Jody! We're no strangers to the hardware. About 16 years ago Helen decided to try ice skating after many years off the ice: Broke her arm in 15 places and wound up with the external hardward and internal hardware that had to be tightened once a week. About six years ago I had a high-speed motorcycle, well, incident, with 7 screws and hardware. We both wound up with lots of Surgical Stainless 302. I kept mine, thinking that ultimately it may prove to be useful in the camper, but haven't found just the right place yet.
But no rivets, so no good.
She'll bounce back quickly and please give her our very best!
BTW: Incoming PM to you.
Helen and Jeff
02-19-2007, 08:21 AM
Bill, Did guys in trench coats and sunglasses mutter those words just before surgery?
Hope she pops back soon.....cause we all know who, like in most homes, calls the shots.
Here is the latest picture of Ellen....after the Atlanta bike show.
02-19-2007, 03:50 PM
What, the D J's where in Atlanta and didn't call Truk.:eek:
Ellen, you be styling..... We're going to bike week, are you going?
02-19-2007, 04:25 PM
Looking cool Ellen!! Hey don't feel neglected Tom-- Micki and Roger went by us twice and never called either :p Are you talking about bike week at Myrtle Beach?
Bill, how about an update on Jody, how is she doing? Bob-00 has extra hardware as well after a severe hip fracture several years ago. Looks like we have several bionic POGGERS!
02-19-2007, 04:31 PM
Tom, You were on your way to the event formerly known as NASCAR.
We will be in Atlanta quite a bit because my daughter, her husband, and my grandson have moved there. Unfortunately because of the impending opening of the Target import whse in Savannah Ellen will not have a lot of spare time to travel. My brother-in-law, also in Atlanta, has a Softail and we are planning a trip to the Tail of the Dragon in the spring......maybe you could join us? Ken
Jon Wehrenberg
02-19-2007, 04:49 PM
Getting close to Casa Del Grease Pit.
02-19-2007, 07:59 PM
OK, your off the hook.:D We're in for the dragon whenever your ready..;)
02-19-2007, 10:29 PM
I first looked at the picture of Ellen and I thought she had her arms tatooed. Then I noticed she had a stylish shirt on, PHEW !
03-01-2007, 07:43 AM
[QUOTE][/QUGetting close to Casa Del Grease Pit.
Jon, What is the full day admission to " the pit " ? I thought Mango had mentioned a family pass was the way to go. You really should do a re-post of the pictures for the new POGGER's. Ken
Jon Wehrenberg
03-01-2007, 09:14 AM
OK, here goes....
Jon Wehrenberg
03-01-2007, 09:26 AM
In the top picture above starting from the left is the 120 pound grease barrel and pump. I have about 45 feet of grease hose so once I have the gun in my hand I can reach every fitting. It really speeds up the process of lubing the coach.
To the rear of that is the compressor. The compressor is piped so I have air at both ends of the pit, as well as numerous places in the garage. Most important is the two lines dedicated to the 1/2" air hoses for the 1" impact wrench. It takes a lot of air.
You can see some of the tools hanging, and if you can see it between the grease drum and compressor my rolling tool chest has the rest of the tools. The steps to the pit are at this end of the pit. They worked great for my 40 foot coach, but with the 45 I have to crawl under the bumper to get to them.
The right rear shows my washing machine for doing bus washing towels and my greasy clothes. That is convenient to have.
To the right of that is my hand wash sink. Not visible in the corner is my urinal. The blue rack is my hardware collection. Stacked over and around that are spare parts. The drum is how I used to by my 8V92 40W, and soon it will be converted to my used oil storgae tank
The picture looking out the door shows the pit goes almost the full length of the garage Once the bus is over the pit I can access anything necessary underneath it. Even with the pit, if I am working on a bus I still use supports under the body jack points.
03-01-2007, 09:53 AM
Jon, Great pictures ! You have what I have only been able to dream about so far. I am going to get that bag you told me about and start stuffing the Ben Franklins in it so I can come visit.
99 Country Coach 45XL
03-01-2007, 10:28 AM
Would JDUB fit? Take the chance and maybe he'll get stuck. It would be most truculent removing him. It may have to be done in pieces, large peices.
Jon Wehrenberg
03-01-2007, 11:34 AM
JDUB is a special case. While I can stand upright in the wheel areas, he will have to bend over to keep from hitting his head.
He also is exposed to the risk of getting wedged in the pit since it is only 2 feet wide. Fortunately rumor has it that he has a personal propulsion system that may enable him to break free if he does get wedged.
03-01-2007, 08:57 PM
Was that a relief tube I saw in the picture of the pit?;)
Jon Wehrenberg
03-01-2007, 09:27 PM
No. In the middle of the pit is a sump. In the sump is a pump. If I have a spill, like oil or fuel I can pump it into a tank or containers, but if I get water in the pit from washing it or the floor down, I can pump from the sump into the drain you see. That goes to an oil separator outside the garage because I assume there is always going to be some oil, grease or solvents in that water.
Jerry Winchester
03-02-2007, 01:24 PM
Good thought on that sump. If you ever host Acrak4U at the shop, he will have the water hose out trying to douse your crack while watching you work. You know he is obsessed about that, so a sump will at least keep him from flooding you out whilst he is giddie with the process.
Bite me.
03-02-2007, 11:08 PM
Ya know Jer, I'd kiss your butt, but you are all butt to me. Mark the spot.
Go back to sleep. We were doing fine with out crack4U.
03-03-2007, 10:36 AM
Jdub's favorite flower pot....
03-03-2007, 07:02 PM
Tom: How did you get the Lawn Chair unfolded? and from the bay of the Texas General Bus?:cool:
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