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View Full Version : The value of spare belts!

Greg Haag
12-09-2016, 07:08 PM
On the chance that this might help someone else, I thought it might be helpful to share my experience. I just purchased my coach in November, so I scheduled a Level 3 service with Prevost to be sure everything was in good shape. My point in mentioning this is in no way to blame Prevost, but to say that even when you maintain your coach things happen. That was on Monday, on Thursday my engine temperature light came on, thankfully I was able to pull over immediatly. Turns out I had lost my fan belt. Thanks to the previous owner, their was an old belt left on the coach and a gentleman I know talked me thru the replacement process by phone (this was my first time for this). By having a spare belt, this turned out to be about a 20 minute delay. Also, I would have been reluctant to do this had it not been for the area I was able to pull off. I had about 30' between my coach and traffic, so it felt reasonably safe. So now having gone thru this, I have stocked up on a few spare belts in case this should happen again. Safe travels and Merry Christmas.

dale farley
12-09-2016, 07:59 PM
Good advice Greg.

12-09-2016, 08:37 PM
Greg, glad everything worked out, with no damage. It is probably overkill, but I change all of my belts every year. I think it is best to replace them at my convenience rather than take a chance of having a belt break and possibly do some damage to the coach in an inconvenient place. It also gives me a chance to check the tension on all of the belts. I also use a marking pen to put the date installed on each belt.

12-09-2016, 08:54 PM
I tend to replace my belts well before their time. All belts can be replaced with really good belts for not much more than $100. I will admit my generator and generator fan motor belts run much long.

I'm glad to damage occurred and that fix only cost you 20 minutes.

Joe Camper
12-10-2016, 05:27 AM
What belt was it that u lost Greg the set off the crank pully or the cerpentine belt for the fan drive??

I ask this question with reason and that being the set of 3 driven off the crank pully can be 1 of 2 different lengths and depending on the chassis only 1 of the options is the correct one. The choices r 1 in different and it makes all the difference in the world.

If the fan is not centered in the schroud or if u see wear marks in the schroud that set may need to be changed.

Greg Haag
12-10-2016, 09:08 AM
Joe, it was the serpentine belt for the fan drive. I did not want to confuse my point in the post above, but there was a reason the new belt shredded. I am not quite sure how, but the pulley on the motor was out of line by about 1/4" and so it was not lining up correctly on the tension arm.

What belt was it that u lost Greg the set off the crank pully or the cerpentine belt for the fan drive??

I ask this question with reason and that being the set of 3 driven off the crank pully can be 1 of 2 different lengths and depending on the chassis only 1 of the options is the correct one. The choices r 1 in different and it makes all the difference in the world.

If the fan is not centered in the schroud or if u see wear marks in the schroud that set may need to be changed.

Joe Camper
12-10-2016, 10:15 AM
Ok understood. I am guessing your chassis is an 05.

On another note but right in the same location.

What kind of manifold pressure do u get? What kind of mialage r u averaging? Did u get service records? Has the turbo after cooler been replaced? This vintage had a bunch of bad ones originally. Almost all of them. Lack of boost and poor fuel mialage is the indicator an when new to it all ..... That's why I mention it. Check the service Recipts see what's there either way.

Greg Haag
12-10-2016, 02:42 PM
Joe, not sure on the manifold pressure. On the milage, when I am towing F-150 in flat land, I have been averaging roughly 6.8 mpg. I just got back from going from Arkansas to Knoxville, TN and back and averaged just below 6 mpg. I will see what I can find in his old records. Thanks for mentioning it!

Joe Camper
12-10-2016, 04:21 PM
K. The fuel mileage is in Normal peramiters. Bet its been replaced.

Did u know that if in person at any prevo service center they will print u out the complete service history from new, everything they have, but u have to ask. It will give u all the recalls and what is still undone if anything too.