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View Full Version : Keyless module

10-31-2015, 09:17 PM
I'd like to start by saying I'm a newbie on POG. I have a 1999 H3 Vantare and have a problem with my keyless entry and am looking for help. I just purchased the coach from a bank, so I am struggling through everything. It came with no useable manuals. I found the module and have tried the code and it will not work to unlock the door. FYI...the panel lights up and I tried the 7/8 & 9/0 and it will lock the door. My question is, am I thinking right in assuming the module is bad or should I be looking for something else? The next question is, I have found many Ford modules on ebay that look just like mine but have a different P/N on them. Are these the same or do I have to have the same P/N from Prevost?
My next dilemma is, I called the convertor and they can't help me with any manuals!! Is there anyway to get them?
I have many, many, many, questions so if there is anyone that would like to help a newbie I would REALLY appreciate it. I'm in the Minneapolis area so if there is anyone close that is available to actually come here that would be awesome. If not, I would be more that grateful to have someone to talk to.
My name is Cliff.

11-01-2015, 12:14 AM
Cliff the person you need to get real cozy with is Donny Meyers you now own his baby. Donnie is the leading go to guy with Vantare. The other fellow would be Ben Cummings at Parliament they were both involved with the building of the early Vantare's. The module your looking for is from a early model ford exployer, don't remember the exact year. Best of luck, Bill

Joe Camper
11-01-2015, 05:41 AM
I have all the house scematics for your vintage Vantare in pdf form. Bet u would be happy to get those. I also know another 99 vantare h3 owner that would probably love to talk to and help u. Let me know.

11-01-2015, 07:40 AM

That module is a Ford module. I don't believe the factory code can be erased. If the factory code doesn't work, it's likely the module, key pad, or connectors. Ditto to the recommendation to call Donnie for anything Vantare' and Ben for anything electrical.

I think documentation is available from Amadas Coach in Suffolk, VA.

BTW, I think I was considering the same coach you bought. If it was as described you got a great deal.

11-01-2015, 08:23 AM
Joe Camper, I think I would be happy to get those because I'm jumping up and down right now just thinking about it!! Short of giving up my wife, what do I need to do to get them? Also, if you would let the fellow you mentioned contact me, that would be awesome. If he would prefer, I can call him. My contact number is
612-670-7290. Thanks for your help.
P.S. I'm sure POG is going to be my new BFF.

Joe Camper
11-02-2015, 05:23 AM
Ok Cliff they r in your hands. Glad to be able to help.

After u have gone over them a bit get to the back wall of the closet in the bathroom. Remove the back panel u will see screws. That's where the DC fuses r but don't just pull the velcroed cover panel unscrew the entire back and u can begin to absorb things. Lot back there the diagrams will come to life.

Joe Camper
11-02-2015, 02:46 PM
Cliff u mentioned u contacted the converter looking for things and it got u no help.

Who exactly did u try to contact.

11-02-2015, 07:46 PM
I contacted Vantare and they said they have no records on these older buses. They are located in VA.
Thanks a lot Joe, I have opened your emails and have a lot of studying to do. It's great to know there are so many knowledgable people available to help us newbies out.

11-02-2015, 09:17 PM
Cliff you might try Amadas Coach.. we had a '98 Vantare H3-45 and the secretary there had all our papers...build sheet that is and cost on the conversion etc... she was super nice... check it out... she emailed me the pdf files and I printed them... even the wiring diagrams..I wish I could remember her name but I can't. you will need your vin number... good luck...Diane

I'd like to start by saying I'm a newbie on POG. I have a 1999 H3 Vantare and have a problem with my keyless entry and am looking for help. I just purchased the coach from a bank, so I am struggling through everything. It came with no useable manuals. I found the module and have tried the code and it will not work to unlock the door. FYI...the panel lights up and I tried the 7/8 & 9/0 and it will lock the door. My question is, am I thinking right in assuming the module is bad or should I be looking for something else? The next question is, I have found many Ford modules on ebay that look just like mine but have a different P/N on them. Are these the same or do I have to have the same P/N from Prevost?
My next dilemma is, I called the convertor and they can't help me with any manuals!! Is there anyway to get them?
I have many, many, many, questions so if there is anyone that would like to help a newbie I would REALLY appreciate it. I'm in the Minneapolis area so if there is anyone close that is available to actually come here that would be awesome. If not, I would be more that grateful to have someone to talk to.
My name is Cliff.

11-03-2015, 06:20 AM
Cliff, Bill's advice about Donnie and Ben is spot on. There is one of three places where the code may be found. I don't remember where but it was not in the first place we looked and subsequently we found out the code from the original owner. Also if you can find online an owners manual for that era Ford product, there is a way of using a factory default code and then making your own. Or try finding someone at a Ford dealer in service or parts over 50 who would know that procedure. We have a '99 shell yr. Vantare and are now very familiar with it along with making many up-grades, so if you have any questions feel free to call me 941 779 5018. George

11-03-2015, 04:26 PM
Thanks Diane, I will give them a call. Cliff

Donnie Myers
11-05-2015, 07:28 AM
What is the last for digits of the VIN? I don't check here too often as I am in the closing stages of purchasing my facility and have very little free time. Your coach is borderline on having fuses in closet or a DC panel in the bay. I have pretty much every record from mid 90's to 2010. We can try to assist you. My number is 386-473-9078

11-05-2015, 03:54 PM
Thanks Donnie, They are 2573. Thanks, Cliff

Donnie Myers
11-05-2015, 10:25 PM
Pm sent...

11-22-2015, 02:19 PM
To all who offered suggestions, I say thank you. After test after test, I assumed it was the module. I contacted Prevost and was informed it would be $335.00 for a replacement, with no option to return if not the problem. I took a shot in the dark on Ebay (for $30.00) and purchased a module with a different P/N and I won! For whatever it is worth, the one I bought is F87F-15K602-AA
Now, on to the next project. Thanks again, Cliff

11-22-2015, 02:47 PM
It's always gooid to hear a problem has been easily and inexpensively corrected.