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View Full Version : 2000 Country Coach - Hurrincane Heater - Cirrculation Pumps

10-02-2015, 10:11 AM
So glad to have found POG! ****Warning: NEWBIE here****

I picked up a 2000 CC H a couple months ago with 64K on it from Florida. I have learned more in the last 2 months then i think all my college years :) ...

So I'm from Upstate New York which gets cold, so in advance of the cold I wanted to confirm the heating functionality of the coach ( it has the Hurricane System built by but not installed by Jim Rixen of Rixen Enterprises out of Oregon.

Upon inspecting the Hurricane system before firing it I notices that in the electrical box attached to the Comfort controller coolant tank had sensors mounting tabs broke and shorted out against each other (UGLY)

I called up Rixen and Jim has been a huge help. Got a new tank with all new electronics and sensors

After installing the new hardware, I was able to get the Hurricane to fire and burn nice and clean. But I'm not getting heat to the house?? My coach has 3 pumps located just in front of the Hurricane system in the passenger side engine compartment, and I wasn't able to hear or feel them running.

I have the 2 thermostats set over the outside temperature, and mode set to "Furnace". Everything appears to be calling for heat properly except the pumps never kick on to circulate the heated coolant.

On a side note, I made sure the Prevost coolant reservoir tank was filled as it appears the entire system is connected, when the Hurricane system warmed up I noticed some coolant coming out of the Prevost reservoir cap. Calling Jim Rixen back up to bother him with my issue, we determined that because the pumps aren't circulating the coolant.
To test the theory, I manually added 12 volts to one of the pumps and sure enough the pump kicked on and start the circulation process.

So my long winded question hear is, I see the light for the house circulation eliminating on the control board located driver side bay 1 where the CC ECC electronics are (and at that spot I'm getting 12 volts). I'm assuming there is some solenoid or something that should be kicking the 3 pumps on? but for the life of me I can't find it. The CC manual mentions a circulation Switch, but according to me not finding that and Jim telling me that some CC have it built in to the controller system I,m assuming again a blown fuse or bad switch some where but I'm lost at this point.

Side note: on the CC ECC brain with all the daughter boards - I did notice the that I'm missing about 7 fuses on the right side bottom (if in the bay facing forward) note sure if since this was a Florida coach if they never used the heater and stole the fuses for something else. I dont know what the boards control but hoping a fuse is my issue.

Sorry for being long winded and a newbie, but man I'm hooked..
If anyone can steer me in the direction of how to get the circulating pumps running I will be indebted.