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View Full Version : Vanner Equalizer

dale farley
07-04-2015, 12:11 PM
Is there any way to tell if an equalizer is working properly? It says the green light is on when there is a load on the equalizer. I have watched mine several times and only seen the light on one time. I have turned on the AC in the bus to see if that caused the light to come on, and it didn't. I set the inverters to "Charge", and the green light didn't come on, so I'm not sure when the light is supposed to come on. I thought one of the two scenarios would have presented a load to the equalizer.

07-04-2015, 05:15 PM
Dale, turn on 12V loads. Once one of the two 24V half banks is pulled down by a small voltage (maybe .5V) the equalizer will begin to operate and the green light should come on. If this doesn't work I'm pretty sure the manual has troubleshooting procedures.

dale farley
07-05-2015, 09:20 PM
Thanks Gil. I'll give it a try and see what happens.

dale farley
07-10-2015, 10:39 PM
Gil, I turned on a few 12 volt things, and it didn't take long before the green light came on.

07-11-2015, 07:43 AM
Dale, good news!

dale farley
07-12-2015, 02:56 PM
Now I need to reinstall the one that was originally in the bus and see if it was really bad. I assumed that it wasn't working since I couldn't get the light to come on. Unfortunately, I did not turn on a 12v load to see if that made it work. At least, I did find the new one at a very good price.