View Full Version : DD lube/fuel/filter Requirements

01-25-2007, 10:18 PM
i got an official DD lube, fuel, and filter reqmts doc during a visit to DD-middletown, ct. i've posted it here ("http://wheresJodyAndBill.Com/pdfs/DD-LubeFuelFilter.pdf"). in it you'll find the info about fuel % sulphur vs engine longevity plus info to refute the commonly held idea that marine diesel is the same as road diesel. yeah, news to me too.

it's a scan'd-and-convert'd-to-pdf doc so it's kinda big, ~2MB. didn't really want to type it all in. oh well....

and it's kinda good for those nights you're having difficulty dropping off to sleep. ;-)

see (some of) you on sunday.
