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View Full Version : Rescue Tape Reminder

dale farley
02-19-2015, 07:26 AM
This is just a reminder to those who don't carry a roll of Rescue Tape with them. There have been several members who have used this tape in emergency situations and posted positive results. It seems to have many uses including repairing leaky hoses, covering electrical connections, insulating tool handles, etc. I have a roll but have never needed to used it. It may be something you want to consider for the tool box.

I see there are many knock-offs of the brand, and I notice that some of them don't say they are for making plumbing repairs but more for insulating properties. This may be something to consider when making a purchase of a roll. Most WalMarts sell the original Rescue Tape, and there are different prices and types/colors of the original Rescue Tape, so be sure to read the package before purchasing.

Here are a couple short videos about the tape: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZwIMxshZNE


02-19-2015, 06:09 PM

Thanks for the good idea and suggestion! I ordered some from Amazon today! Hope its never needed, but if it is, it'll be available in stock on the coach.