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View Full Version : Generator repair

01-13-2015, 07:14 PM
A couple of months ago the Powertech Generator in our Millennium had a fault that resulted in a lot of smoke coming from the generator bay. I called Powertech and they don't repair generators. They referred me to Van Mor, Inc. in Ocala. I knew the problem was in the generator head not the Kubota engine. I stopped at Van Mor on the way to swell and they agreed the head would have to be replaced. Meanwhile I did a lot of research on this site as to what to expect in terms of head replacement. I watched the youtube video and decided I best not try it myself.

We just got back up to Van Mor to have the head replaced. They have a large, clean facility in a nice area in Ocala. They have 50 amp plugs for over nite stays. From the time we got there it took 13 hours to replace the head and the voltage regulator and they did a great job. Johnny did all the work and did a great job. A really nice guy. Gerald is the one to talk to if you need your generator worked on. And the total bill was much less then I had expected after researching it on POG.

dale farley
01-13-2015, 10:50 PM
Its always nice to hear when someone has a good experience and gets quality work at a reasonable price. Thanks for the post.

01-14-2015, 06:03 AM
Great information. I didn't know Powertech wouldn't work on what they build.

01-14-2015, 07:37 AM
Thanks for the insight. I'm curious how many hours you had on your generator.

01-14-2015, 06:19 PM
I had 449 hours on the generator. The head had obvious signs that some windings had overheated with the insulation melting. They had originally thought the bearings may have been bad, but they were fine. They think the generator may have tried to drive the pedestal, due to a fault in the transfer switch. The generator did function after the smoke incident, but I had no confidence in it and wanted the head changed.