View Full Version : Operation Bus Barn
Jamie Bradford
10-10-2014, 04:56 PM
Hi All,
I am in the process of building a Bus Barn. I would welcome any tips and/or advice that anyone has to offer!!! I want as few " I Wish I Had Thought Of That's " as possible.
Also , I live where the structure must be the same as my house - the bus will need to be driven in and backed out. The garage will be at the end of my driveway.
This is where I am so far - I think ????
22wide x 54deep x 16high
Concrete Floor 6"
Block Construction
14 x 14 roll-up door
5 windows - 2 on each side 1 in the back
1 walk-in door at the rear on the side towards the house - near the roll-up door
I was wondering about sky-lights? Do I really need windows?
Thanks for your input…………...:)
10-10-2014, 05:53 PM
My neighbor has the sky lights that based on tubes from the ceiling to the roof. I'm amazed at the amount of light they conduct. You should consider putting your lighting high, about 9 feet, and on the walls rather than the ceiling. You'll be glad you did.
Why can't you back in? That will put your RV electric on the same wall as the sub panel. The good thing with driving in is that you don't get exhaust in the garage. Is the door going to face the road?
Put in a dump connection, if you are allowed to do so. A work sink is a nice option.
Are you putting in a roll-up door or standard garage door. The standard door comes in insulated form. And yes, they have automatic openers for standard doors of the size.
If you go for windows, consider placing them a bit high to deter bad guys.
Make it wide enough so mine will fit too ;-)
10-10-2014, 06:59 PM
Bus Barn, humm……
I really did work this issue when I built mine. Mine is 30 x 60, 13.5 feet high at the walls, with a 14 x 14 automatic roll up door.
I love the door being automated. As I recall to put an opener on the door cost $2800 for the heavy insulated door. No regrets.
The bus barn has a 4” brick wainscoting, with vinyl upper and a metal roof. Building construction is metal building roof structure and 2x6 framed wood walls.
I am glad I sized it 30 x 60. I have plenty of room on the side to work on the rig, plus store things. I have since built a 10 x 30 “man cave”, hobby room, with overhead storage. It has worked very well.
There are those that think a pit is necessary. It would be nice, but I live in Texas and our water table where I live is too high and a pit would be problematic, plus every pit I have ever looked in seems to collect all sorts of things from oily rags to water. So I think mine would be the same. Also, with a pit installed, you must park over the pit, thus eliminating the possibility of parking to one side to allow for other projects.
I would be sensitive to size. Bus barn, bigger is always better.
I do have sewer installed in mine, but not for the bus. I remember I visited a friends bus barn when I was thinking of building mine and he had a sewer dump built in. Walking in, sewer is the first thing I smelled. Just a thought.
I would say the best thing about my barn is the electric door and plenty of room. Well worth the cost. Lifting a 14 foot high garage door if for younger guys.
I think there is a post on POG, with pictures when I built it.
Good Luck,
10-10-2014, 08:00 PM
Jamie,I used 6 inch concrete and I would demand 8 inches or more if I could do it again.
Good for you! A bus barn is a great thing to have. Make it plenty big. mine is 1800 sf, and I wish it were larger. I have two 14x14 doors, one with an electric opener, and one man door. I installed an extra 50 amp plug that is near the bus door that we have used numerous times when someone visits with an RV. I back into my barn, and have a a hose system to run the bus exhaust to the outside of the barn (but when I bought my present bus, the hose will not fit the flat exhaust tip), but is nice to have. I have A/C and heat which makes it nice to work in all type of weather (when E.J runs me out of the house) and TV, and refrigerator. I was not able to put in a dump, because of the distance to my septic system, but would really like to have a dump available. Try and keep your lighting at a height that is easily accessable to change. I have one row of lighting in the center of my barn, and have to have some one come change the bulbs because of the height. Also keep room for a nice work bench with ample lighting and storage.
You will not regret building your bus barn, it is one of the best things I have done.
Good Luck
10-11-2014, 07:10 AM
Make it larger than mine ! Also, sure would be nice to have a pit in that baby so all your friends could come over and use it !
10-11-2014, 07:14 AM
Bus Barn, humm……
I really did work this issue when I built mine. Mine is 30 x 60, 13.5 feet high at the walls, with a 14 x 14 automatic roll up door.
I love the door being automated. As I recall to put an opener on the door cost $2800 for the heavy insulated door. No regrets.
The bus barn has a 4” brick wainscoting, with vinyl upper and a metal roof. Building construction is metal building roof structure and 2x6 framed wood walls.
I am glad I sized it 30 x 60. I have plenty of room on the side to work on the rig, plus store things. I have since built a 10 x 30 “man cave”, hobby room, with overhead storage. It has worked very well.
There are those that think a pit is necessary. It would be nice, but I live in Texas and our water table where I live is too high and a pit would be problematic, plus every pit I have ever looked in seems to collect all sorts of things from oily rags to water. So I think mine would be the same. Also, with a pit installed, you must park over the pit, thus eliminating the possibility of parking to one side to allow for other projects.
I would be sensitive to size. Bus barn, bigger is always better.
I do have sewer installed in mine, but not for the bus. I remember I visited a friends bus barn when I was thinking of building mine and he had a sewer dump built in. Walking in, sewer is the first thing I smelled. Just a thought.
I would say the best thing about my barn is the electric door and plenty of room. Well worth the cost. Lifting a 14 foot high garage door if for younger guys.
I think there is a post on POG, with pictures when I built it.
Good Luck,
Hector, I remember watching the pictures of your Bus Barn when you were building. You did it right.
10-11-2014, 04:21 PM
What everyone has said is true but, they all forgot about the 70 inch tv, wet bar with Bud on tap and the stirpper pole!!!
LOL, Corey
Dick in Wisconsin
10-13-2014, 09:14 PM
Jamie,I used 6 inch concrete and I would demand 8 inches or more if I could do it again.
Why? Did you have a problem with the 6" concrete? What bag mix did you use?
10-14-2014, 05:51 AM
The shop was on ground that was filled with sandrock and was not compacted as well as it should have been,so I do have some cracks,we also have the transporter in the building and there are some cracks around it.
10-14-2014, 08:37 AM
6" of #3,500+ psi concrete on your sand base should be more than adequate. This gives you over 20,000# per sq in. You will want to make sure they use screen and fiber reinforcement. This will take care of any uneven compactness in the soil, which shouldn't really be a big deal over sand. Although screen reinforcement seems to be on its way out in favor of fiber, you can use both. Also, make sure you ask for commercial fiber, which really just means twice as much. Why some don't prefer the use commercial fiber is because it can be seen after the concrete is finished. The fine fiberglass strands often are visible on the surface. I don't consider that a big deal. I've done it twice. My last garage I used a two part epoxy with paint flecks and it looked great.
Two keys to eliminating or at least reducing cracks, that are almost inevitable, is to make sure the concrete has been given ample time to cure, that it has enough stress joints, and that the ground has been compacted after leveled. My current pad, built on soil likely similar to yours has been crack-free. It's a minimum of 6" thick with shovel width and 12" deep perimeter. The perimeter has one piece of rebar. I did not use reinforcing mesh on the advice from several in the concrete business that it's not necessary when using fiber. I used commercial fiber. Home builders in Florida try to wait at least a month before pouring after the soil has been prepared. I can't say I've seen the same for garage builds. In an ideal world, they would also use a heavy roller on the prepared soil. I've never seen this on residential builds here. What is typical here is for the grader (tractor) to be run back and forth over the ground.
Your coach's floor load is less than 3,000# per sq in when it's on it's tires. Depending on the floor jacks that are used this number can be significantly greater. That's why floor jacks should have weight distributing pads.
Where you live makes a difference. The build process here is nowhere the same as what I saw in Virginia.
10-16-2014, 04:37 PM
My man cave / was big enough for the glass coaches, but not the Prevost. When I converted the warehouse space I had installed, Clopay insulated overhead doors rated at 17.5 insulation as they face west and the space is air conditioned. We used jack shaft openers so as not to consume any overhead space. I also had the ceiling sprayed (insulated) with expandable open cell foam. (Closed cell will conceal a roof leak.)
if you're thinking about connecting a dump station to a septic system, you may want to reconsider that. The chemicals we add to our holding tanks run havoc on septics.
Bill Dator
10-19-2014, 08:45 AM
I insulated my barn and it made a big difference in both winter and summer. I also put in a 500 gallon septic tank for the dump. It is connected to the floor trains and is more than adequate to enable me to dump the 3 or 4 times a year I need it.
I put windows up high under eave lets more natural light in harder to break into but also harder to clean
10-22-2014, 07:24 AM
Jamie, consider air conditioning the Bus Garage. Mine is and I really appreciate it in the Florida heat. Climate control for the exterior of the Bus will go a long way in extending the life of paint and parts. It makes working on the Bus a lot more enjoyable and reduces the run time of your Bus A.C.
TG Transport
10-22-2014, 03:48 PM
Mine is 52' x 26' with 16 ' eaves. My door is 16' x 14' and it helps because I've got a tight off street approach. Floor is 8" thick. Internal dump station and water. I was unable to install a pit due to the permitting regulations that made it cost prohibitive. I've got 4 translucent roof panels and highly recommend them for the natural light.
Jamie Bradford
11-08-2014, 10:18 PM
Roll-Up Door vs Track Door ???
Any thoughts here? Pros & Cons of each.......
11-09-2014, 06:35 AM
Roll up doors take up more space above the door opening requiring a taller ceiling. The advantage of roll up is you have a clear ceiling when it's up, if that matters.
11-09-2014, 06:50 AM
Yes! Insulated overhead door if you plan on installing A/C.
I installed a Clopay insulated overhead door with a Jackshaft motor. Jackshaft operation is mounted on the side of the door track. Not having the motor and chain mechanism overhead makes it easier to get around on top of the coach when the door is closed.
If you use these heavy doors with a jackshaft motor, be sure they install booster springs at the end of the tracks to get the door moving from a full open position.
Rollup doors are cheaper, but require more headroom at the opening header and offer little if any insulation. They also don't seal to the building very well when closed. They don't require overhead tracks, but the coach won't be parked under the tracks anyway.
11-09-2014, 07:04 AM
I have overhead on tracks. Each panel is insulated and I would encourage this if the door will have East/West exposure.
11-09-2014, 09:27 AM
If you opt for a heavy duty trolley style door opener for a standard door, you will need a foot clearance between the coach and the ceiling. Here's one example: Trolley Lift (
If you go with a roll-up door the opener will be mounted on the front wall, like this one, Hoist Lift (
There are likely other options. These are just the common ones.
Jamie Bradford
12-13-2014, 02:12 PM
Progress Report
We started construction this week……...
Here is a link to a picture file I am keeping :
I will keep this updated as the progress continues………...
12-13-2014, 07:54 PM
How deep do you have to go for the footing in Florida ? What is the frost line, if any ?
12-14-2014, 07:31 AM
Great progress!
12-15-2014, 06:41 AM
I agree. Keep the pictures coming.
dale farley
12-16-2014, 05:00 AM
Looks great Jamie. I must have missed the pictures of Debbie digging on the footings!
Jamie Bradford
12-31-2014, 11:57 PM
Hi All,
After a brief pause for the holidays we are back on track……...
All is progressing well...
01-01-2015, 06:34 AM
Dale, notice how there is no response to your humor. Lets try this one. Jamie, is there a basement under your Bus Garage ?
Jamie Bradford
01-01-2015, 10:52 AM
I plan on putting the basement in next year……….
01-01-2015, 06:08 PM
Would the basement be for the gators and venomous snakes? Yikes, I hope not.
TG Transport
01-01-2015, 07:55 PM
Mine has been in use for about 90 days and is 26x52. I will try to post some pictures this week.
Jamie Bradford
01-15-2015, 10:41 AM
Walls up & waiting to put roof on………..
01-15-2015, 10:14 PM
Looking very nice.
01-16-2015, 06:52 AM
Looks like your crew has done a pretty good job cleaning up and not letting it look like a construction site. The building looks huge. Were you there when the crane installed the lintel ?
dale farley
01-16-2015, 08:16 AM
Looks great Jamie. It won't be long now.
01-16-2015, 09:49 AM
Awesome! It may be big enough for the bus and Lars.
Jamie Bradford
01-18-2015, 08:32 AM
Jim ,
I was not there when they put the lintel up - no crane though - 6 guys muscled it up scaffolding - they told me it took 2-3 hours…..
Crane coming in the am to put the trusses up - should be covered & dry by week's end…..
02-09-2015, 07:10 AM
Jamie, any update on this project ?
Jamie Bradford
02-09-2015, 11:33 AM
Hi Gang,
The roof is up and the building in dry….They are putting up the siding this week…Here are some more pictures:
02-09-2015, 04:24 PM
Looks great Jamie. I know you will be glad to get finished up. At least in Florida you shouldn't have to worry about freezing weather!! Maybe?
02-09-2015, 07:38 PM
Wow a roofer that actually uses the required safety harness.
That looks great. Debbie should appreciate being out of the Florida sun when she waxes the bus next time ;-)
02-10-2015, 05:23 PM
Wow !! Awesome job Jamie !! wish I had that in my yard !!
TG Transport
02-22-2015, 07:30 PM
How's the barn coming? Here's ours in downtown Chattanooga. 26x52 main building with 14x16 front office. Tight site but I can walk there from our building.
02-23-2015, 04:45 PM
Nice garage! Where's the snow?
Jamie Bradford
02-23-2015, 05:27 PM
Towson - That looks great!
Jamie Bradford
03-20-2015, 03:14 PM
Hi Gang ,
The Garage is DONE !!! Yea:D
I still have some finishing touches to do but I am going to wait a bit & see how I want to fine tune things…….
Most of the project was pretty smooth - a few bumps here & there…. It is nice to have the bus inside !!!
03-20-2015, 04:29 PM
I am so jealous!
It looks great and spacious! Looks like Lars likes it too!
03-20-2015, 06:12 PM
It looks great!
03-20-2015, 07:11 PM
Looks great Jamie. It's good to have a home for the bus!
03-21-2015, 07:16 AM
Looks like you did a good job of planning Jamie. Enough room for the slides to go out and room to square dance on the other side. And....Lars gets to sit on his couch and watch his favorite shows on T.V.
dale farley
03-22-2015, 04:41 PM
Great job Jamie. For another $20 to $30 thousand you can implement all these suggestions!
TG Transport
03-23-2015, 06:58 AM
Looks good Jamie.
Joe Camper
09-09-2017, 04:52 PM
Okay all you guys out there with the huge bus Barns with all the cool stuff in there, you know who you are.
Who can even identify this much less also be having one in the garage???
Never worked in anyone's garage with one of these before.
09-09-2017, 07:34 PM
I'm afraid I'm not qualified to take a swing at that! :)
09-10-2017, 12:24 PM
Why , That belongs to a Golf Nut of course. And just by the details of the pic. I might be able to guess what kind of coach You are working on. And maybe even what state its in ??? LOL
Joe Camper
09-10-2017, 01:22 PM
Should have brought my clubs!!
What state am I in?? Where was I the end of last week where will I be tomorrow? kind of like where's Waldo.
It's getting close to that rally everybody's going to be hitting the road, be careful out there keep the shiny side up.
09-10-2017, 10:00 PM
Oklahoma maybe ? Be safe out there on the road Joe.
Joe Camper
12-20-2017, 06:33 AM
I have recently put an addition on my garage. A post and beam structure I built about 20yr ago with 20ft long 8by8 timbers that were being discarded from a large steel mill expansion I had the privilege of being involved in. In 2 words, free stuff.
So now I've got a floor too. I have had a garage for 20yr and swept the floor for the first time last month. Now I sweep it even if it doesn't need it, just because I can.
I started planning shelving and storage and came up with this very unique stylish and cost effective solution.
Living in a big city does have some benefits.
I went to Craigs List and searched 2 tabs, furniture and free stuff. I set the search pera miters in furnature tab to 20 miles and 100 dollars max.
I ended up with 14 china cabinates for a total combined sum of 460 Doolars!! No typo. Some I got free, 1 I did give 100 for. That top one I paid 40 bucks for it.
I've seporated the upper and lower halves and only used the uppers. Mounted them up on the wall high enough to have room on top to display collectibles and mounting them on the wall, the floor is clear.
They have glass doors glass shelves already lit. I could not have built shelves out of 1 by for what I paid for this beautiful eclectic assortment of china cabinates.
All being glass doors makes projects sooo much better and often with others helping leading helpers to stuff is really good now.
My tools and my hardware r now displayed like good cuts of salami at a fine Italian deli.
These larger heavy items r frequently just given away. I love seeing the reaction of many when I show up lay them on their backs and seporate the 2 halves to facilitate hauling them away. Most have no clue.
Good job Joe, now it will be easy to find some tools to borrow.
Mike GAy
02-12-2018, 11:15 PM
Okay, I'm a newcomer here, and I will enjoy reading this thread. My wife and I just acquired a 2004 Liberty Elegant Lady, and we are looking at building a barn for the coach....
and the ski boat,
and the Seadoo,
and my tractor,
and the trailers,
and the UTV,
and the Gator,
and the 4-wheeler.
Looking into a 40X60 with 16 foot walls. Probably will have a U-shaped loft for the two side lanes. Aisle for the bus will be 50 X 16. It will give us storage above the tractor, boats, etc, with a lot of headroom for the coach.
I look forward to reading through this!
Joe Camper
02-13-2018, 06:18 AM
09-02-2023, 11:57 AM
Any of you guys bought the Harbor Freight Scaffolding? Pretty inexpensive, looks like it can stack, though they say don't stack them.
09-02-2023, 11:34 PM
Yes, I have one and a couple of my neighbors have them. They can be stacked, but it's not the most stable platform in the single height configuration. Defiantly a bit wobblily when stacked two high. Trust me, been there done that.
09-03-2023, 12:05 AM
Ok Cool, I will get one. TY:cool:
09-10-2023, 12:53 PM
Hi All,
After a brief pause for the holidays we are back on track……...
All is progressing well...
Looks awesome. Will use this as a template for Marathon H3 0851
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