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View Full Version : Happy to be back on POG

10-02-2014, 11:45 AM
Hi Folks,

Just want to say hi and express how happy I am that POG exists! :) Now that I own a Prevost H3 Vantare I thought I'd renew my POG membership. Since I'm no longer welcome on Prevost Community I can say unequivocally how important an alternative forum is! Jamie, thanks for the membership! :)

10-02-2014, 12:46 PM

Welcome back! What you will quickly discover (if you didn't already know) is that no one here is looking to have their ego fed and we don't put anyone down. I know this is not the case on a few other forums.

Another great thing is that Jamie puts on an awesome annual rally. There are also occasions throughout the year when a mini-rally is put together by a POG member. Those too have been great events.

BTW, I've looked at your forum when looking for Detroit specific items. It's obvious to me that you know more than many when it comes to mechanical systems.

Welcome back!

10-02-2014, 02:19 PM
Glad to see you on this board.
Reese Cantrell

10-03-2014, 06:55 AM
Welcome back SpongeBob ! I remember when you joined POG five years ago and owned a Bluebird. Your contribution to this Forum over the years was appreciated.

10-03-2014, 11:28 AM
Thanks guys, I really appreciate the welcome and anticipate a future rich in sharing our P-bus experiences.

BTW, Tom made an unfortunate post about me alleging a WanderlodgeGurus money making credit card based fuel discount scheme. I've asked him to retract it because it's an absolute false fabrication. There are no plans for a program, there is no such program on WaGu, and there never will be. WaGu is a strictly non-profit community service. The "great loss" on PC is the subjugation of the individual and collective membership.

Okay, enough about this. I'm ready to put this episode behind me and forge ahead. Thanks everyone for putting up with this! :)

10-03-2014, 02:15 PM

Don't feel like the Lone Ranger. In a post on the other site I see that I too have lost my account. That was the first and only method of telling me I got the boot. I haven't posted there in quite some time, although I continued to provide direct help to the members. I don't know why I'm no longer welcome, but could make some guesses. I do know that I never broke any rules nor was I ever warned of whatever it was that led to being persona non grata.

It is interesting that a site that claims not to censor has taken censorship to an ultimate extreme.

Like David, its not worth dwelling over as I won't lose a thing, but many of their members that don't already have my email address may.

Joe Camper
10-03-2014, 04:50 PM
Hmmmmmmmmm. We must have went to different schools together. I was never allowed to join that site right from the beginning. I tried a few times then inquired about it. Was told it was something wrong with my laptop but am fairly confident there isint.

Hey Gill how would U like to try to repair a used broken control module for a webasto? Ill give U a dollar.

I have 2 or 3 of them lying around. I know there R guys out there doing it why not U. Let me know I will send them to U to play around with.

There is also a tester for the control modules that carries a webasto part #. It would not be too difficult for a guy like U to build a similar device that engages each of the control coils 1 at a time.

10-03-2014, 06:36 PM
Man o man !

dale farley
10-03-2014, 07:33 PM
Welcome to the Forum David. I look forward to your posts.