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View Full Version : Full Driveway

dale farley
09-26-2014, 08:25 AM
This is what you call a driveway full of bus. We left the farm in Florida yesterday and drove back to Huntsville. Our son recently accepted a church in Huntsville, and we wanted to be close to them. Since I'm a little man with a little pocketbook, we purchased a little house in a little subdivision. As typical of older subdivisions, the roadway is only 24 feet wide and the drive way is a little less than 10' wide and about 50' long. Not quite as roomy as the farm.

I planned to park at WalMart until we leave for St Louis but decided I would try to get in my driveway. I knew I didn't have any room to be giggling back and forth, and thankfully, I got in the first time around, without having to back up. Of course, I had Paulette as my point wo"man", and she did a good job. My main concern was the neighbors mail box across the street. As I was turning, I was just missing that box. I also needed to stay off my other neighbor's grass with my front wheels.

09-26-2014, 10:47 AM
The important question is how difficult will it be to get back on the street. Hope your neighbors do not park on the street. Your neighbors will know when you are at home. I would have probably taken out half of the mail boxes on your street trying to accomplish this fete.

09-26-2014, 01:20 PM
Dale are you moving or is this a second house? In a couple days you'll be able to see how good the driveway is or was.

dale farley
09-26-2014, 07:46 PM
Reese, I was concerned about getting it out and since I didn't want to be out there early in the morning, I backed out this evening and hooked up the car. Fortunately, I backed out the first time without hitting the mail box, but I had Paulette watching very closely.

Gil, I guess my concrete drive must be cured really well; I don't see any cracks. I have partially moved and this is at least a second home. I have someone taking care of the farm and we initially just moved one bedroom suit and some clothes and other "stuff". I am not sure what things will be like next year or next month. We keep buying more stuff here. When I say, "I'm going home now, no one (not even me) knows for sure where I'm talking about.

09-27-2014, 02:04 PM
I would have been concerned about a neighbor parking their car on the street and having to maneuver around it.

dale farley
09-27-2014, 07:19 PM

That's another reason I moved it out last night. I could just see me getting up this morning and be blocked in.