View Full Version : What Year is My Coach
09-23-2014, 11:07 AM
I have wondered how a Prevost VIN can be assigned to a converter and then have the converter change the model year. Clearly the VIN identifies Prevost as the manufacturer as well as defining the model year.
The answer is that there are rules for multi-stage manufacturered motorhomes. A Prevost shell in not the final product. What is sold by the converter is. If you want more information or help if your state misregistered your coach it's all right here:
Reagan Sirmons
09-23-2014, 02:36 PM
Is it not fair to say that the converter nor the State did not change the model year of the Prevost at all but that the converters do in fact simply designate the model year for their specific new conversion being sold? The State is not interested in the year of the model upon initial sale is it? If one is in a State with a sales tax and is paying their fair tax as dictated by the statutes, what interest does the State have in the year? The State is interested in the value of the transaction upon which the tax is levied, is it not? Is the point to be made that the seller of a Prevost conversion should be required to disclose the year of the shell as well as the year of the converter's model? If I recall correctly, about two years ago, someone had acquired a used 2009 conversion only to find out several months later that the shell was a 2006....and the conclusion of the POG group was that the new owner would certainly take a significant hit on the value... that seemed to be an extreme number of months but as I have followed this, 24 months can be more common than we realize if the business is slow for the converters who have taken delivery on previously ordered take or pay shells... It would appear self-evident that a conversion that has the same shell year as the model year has an inherent value greater than one with different model and conversion years. Do you agree? Just some thoughts.
dale farley
09-23-2014, 03:21 PM
As most of us have seen, different converters do things differently. My conversion was completed in 1999, but it is registered as a 1998 conversion on a 1998 shell. I am surprised it wasn't registered as a 1999.
09-23-2014, 06:02 PM
Dale, get FL to change it. Use the reference I provided. It shouldn't be hard.
Pres, the only model year that should matter is that of the converter. With that said, shell changes may be important. Shell changes can be both positive or negative. Take for example emissions. Most would find positive value in a 2008 conversion with a pre-2007+ EPA engine and shell. On the flip side, the straight axle shell may be viewed negatively when compared to IFS.
The bottom line is that you aren't registering a Prevost, you are registering a conversion that used an incomplete Prevost shell. You should want the registered model year to reflect the newest year possible. It won't effect sales or use tax but may impact resale value.
As I recall, only 3 or 4 states require disclosure of the shell's model year. If the rest of the converters are like CC, the Prevost and CC identi-plates are on top of each other making it easy to see both model years without disclosure laws.
09-24-2014, 07:46 PM
It's very important to make sure your coach is registered properly. We had a customer who purchased a coach from a dealer unfamiliar with Prevost. Dealer listed it as a 2006, although it was converted in 2008. Big difference in sale between a 2006 and 2008!
09-24-2014, 10:59 PM
I wonder if the converter updates Prevost with the "new" VIN so they can link it to the VIN it was born with? When I call for parts, Prevost asks for my VIN and they use it to make sure I get the right stuff (keep in mind I have a 32 year old coach). I can only imagine the nightmare this practice "could" cause years down the road for some unsuspecting owner.
09-25-2014, 07:31 AM
There is only one VIN. It is the one issue by Prevost. When the converter completes their final assembly they simply assign the model year, final manufacturer and model. They also assign a serial number. This serial number does not replace the Prevost VIN and is not used on the vehicle registration.
09-25-2014, 03:05 PM
Thanks for the clarification. I suppose mine is a bit different than most. It was probably converted about 20 years after it left the factory and I have no idea what company did the conversion. The only "number" I have is the VIN as was issued by Prevost.
09-25-2014, 03:53 PM
Dan, although this might not be your case, a passenger bus that is later converter would not fall under these rules. The passenger bus is a completed vehicle when it left the factory whereas a shell that leaves the factory is not a completed vehicle. Many, maybe most, states allow you to redesignate a passenger bus to a RV. I haven't heard of anyone changing the manufacturer or model when when they changed the designation.
09-25-2014, 04:38 PM
Gil, I agree none of this applies to my coach. Interesting note; according to Prevost my coach began its life as a passenger bus (based on a few artifacts I believe that to be true) and according to my title its make; is a Prevost, model; LeMirage XL and designated as an "RV". Just out of curiosity, is yours titled as a Prevost or Country Coach or both?
I also read in the document you provided that at least in one state reg (Wisconsin I think) the converter can modify the date up to 24 months max between the build date of the coach and the finished date of the conversion. I did not read the entire federal reg so I don't know if that applies across the board.
09-25-2014, 10:15 PM
Dan, your registration is not surprising. Someone changed the vehicle, and nothing more, at some point.
Multi-stage vehicle have to registered and titled by the final manufacturer. So, all should be registered/titled under name of the converter. Traditional coaches are done the same way. They begin life as a rolling chassis by Freightliner, Roadmaster, or someone else. They are not registered under the name of the rolling chassis.
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