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View Full Version : Foggy XL driver's window

08-23-2014, 09:08 AM
Good Morning,

Has anyone simply broken the inside portion of the thermopane window in order to alleviate the foggy window? I would love to here of any creative ideas that others have tried.

Many thanks,
Howard Potter "Daysail"
2001 CC dbl. slide

08-23-2014, 03:03 PM
I've considered replacing the double pane side windows with single pane safety glass. And why not? They would then match all the other windows in the coach.

08-23-2014, 11:26 PM
I did it by acident was trying to drill vent holes in the inside glass and the safty glass popped into the shattered patern but didn't break. Had to dig the pices out made a mess but worked just fine, you just need to really work on the edge finish, hope this helps. Bill

Joe Camper
08-24-2014, 07:13 AM
Gill aren't the large smoked xl side windows double pane windows too. I think they R. They fog up.

What great quality control. If we own 1 long enough they will without a doubt need replacing. Usually wont take 10yr

08-24-2014, 07:24 AM
Joe, the only double pane windows in my coach are the side windows in the door and next to the driver. I could see the other side windows fogging if the coach had Prevost OTR air depending on how the window vents are aimed.

08-24-2014, 11:53 PM
Two seperate solutions have been previously discussed . One is to have them fixed. The windows can be split ,cleaned and reinstalled.
The 2nd is to repace with 1/4 inch glass.

Joe Camper
08-25-2014, 05:07 AM
U can also go to a local glass shop and have them coustom made 2 pane just like factory but at 1/2 the price for better product.

We did it on Bill Lambrects Vogue in Lawton OK.

U can also have a local glass guy remove separate clean and repair the existing ones for a couple hundred bucks had that done on a Angola in Tampa.

08-25-2014, 12:38 PM
Gill aren't the large smoked xl side windows double pane windows too. I think they R. They fog up.

What great quality control. If we own 1 long enough they will without a doubt need replacing. Usually wont take 10yr


The curved side windows in mine look to be laminated glass. A couple of them have a little fog starting in the corners after 32 years.

My drivers side window is really fogged up. I'm going to pull it out and if I can't clean it - I'll have a glass guy use it as a template and cut some fresh glass.

Mine is a bit different that the newer coaches. I have a large side drivers window that does not open and small "toll" windows that slide below it.

Joe Camper
08-25-2014, 04:43 PM
Dan that early XL also resembles the H's with the way the cockpit is 2 steps down. That toll booth window was reintroduced to the XL and XLV in 2000 with the XLII.

Anyone with a XL or XLV would really enjoy having a look around your bus and its many different things.