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View Full Version : Electric Shades ?

06-02-2014, 02:58 PM
I had a problem with a couple of my shades you could hear them running but they wouldn't go up and down,
when I had my bus work done a couple years ago a guy pulled them out said he put a small screw in the gears slipping on the shaft and fixed Them,
I watched him take the shade down from across the coach a dozen times,
now I have two more not working but I can't figure out how to drop them out to fix them,
he was not removing any screws but I have push them every which way and can't get them out,
What's the secret ?:confused:

06-03-2014, 12:22 AM
Hi Larry. I would think one end is in a hole and the other end in a slot where you would slide up to remove. So, push left and try to push up on the right side or visa versa. I have always unscrwed mine and taken them down. My interor motor had a plastic slotted end which came off so the motor turned but it did not catch, So I just had to snap the slotted in back on the motor.

06-03-2014, 12:41 AM
Larry, If you are talking about the electric shades on the side windows and not the front rollup type then if you will put your head against the window and see the back side of the blind you will see there are two screws that hold the shades up with a small plastic disc.. if you loosen the screw you can take the blind down easily.
I hope that works for you.. that's how mine were installed in our Vantare... they were from Levolor.

I had a problem with a couple of my shades you could hear them running but they wouldn't go up and down,
when I had my bus work done a couple years ago a guy pulled them out said he put a small screw in the gears slipping on the shaft and fixed Them,
I watched him take the shade down from across the coach a dozen times,
now I have two more not working but I can't figure out how to drop them out to fix them,
he was not removing any screws but I have push them every which way and can't get them out,
What's the secret ?:confused:

06-03-2014, 04:52 PM
Larry, If you don't find any screws, look for two or three metal clips about 3/4" wide against the glass behind the top metal bracket of the shade. My Graber shades snap into those clips by rotating upward toward the glass. To release, a screwdriver or putty knife pushed upward against each clip releases the shade which then swings downward and inward. The clips can be released one at a time. I can take a photo if you think you have similar clips. The clips are visible in a mirror held against the glass. 'Hope this helps.

06-03-2014, 10:50 PM
Thanks everyone I will check all those Ideas and get back to ya,
Watching grand kids for a couple days so my hands are full .)
Thanks a ton