View Full Version : Florida Mini-Rally
Just Plain Jeff
01-14-2007, 05:44 PM
We've danced around here and there so this is a 'plan.'
Got reservations at The Great Outdoors for January 28-30. There are a coupla other people going to be there at that time. How about anyone else (Hello Lew?) who'd like to join in?
Bill & Jody?
Anyone out there?
Jon Wehrenberg
01-14-2007, 06:52 PM
We're going to be there then. I can use all the help waxing the bus roof.
Jeff Bayley
01-14-2007, 07:04 PM
We are back in Florida for a spell. Where's the rendezvous point ?
01-14-2007, 09:35 PM
Do they still have a spot for mini rallys at TGO? Last time I was there we had a rally in their parking lot and they said that would be the last.
I'm game if my bride says so.
Just Plain Jeff
01-14-2007, 10:18 PM
Reads like there is a good possibility of some fun here!
I just called The Great Outdoors and rented a spot for a few days, Jan 28,29 & 30. Their number is: 1-800-621-2267
Lew is right, they never did have a good rally space. But some people may have a car there or we can hang out.
Already have my tools for waxing Jon's coach:
Joe Cannarozzi
01-15-2007, 12:06 AM
AHHHHHHHHHHH that figures. We will be in Nashville on those dates headed back for the dreaded great white north.
I might be able to make it...
Just Plain Jeff
01-15-2007, 04:38 PM
Sounding pretty good. Joe, c'mon bend the ol' schedule and spend a few more days in the Sunshine State.
Again, here's the reservation number: 1-800-621-2267
This isn't a formal 'rally' and we'd likely not be parked together, but have a chance to annoy the guys who just bought a new Monaco Executive and tell 'em you can get a used Prevost for $50K.
I dare ya.
Hey Lew, you got stainless steel in yer hardware store? Might need a coupla bolts if you are open.
01-15-2007, 09:03 PM
Hey Guys, I've cnvinced the wife on the TGO thingie. I'll call for reservations.
I talked to a knowledgeable resident of TGO and they said they still had the rally area for about 28 or so coaches with a tent area for whatever. Would we be speaking of that area for the POG 2.5 mini rally? Or will we be spreaqd all over the emmense park?
Didn't take long for someone to kick this subject aff of the front page. Us computer challenged oldies have trouble finding that sh--.
Are we talking about the nights of 28, 29, & 30?
We can afford that trip now that we turned down the fantastic deal at the last rally in Clearwater. Cripes....I would have had to jack the new acquisition up on blocks if I bought it.
Just Plain Jeff
01-16-2007, 04:05 PM
The Florida mini-rally will be a good time for those of us who are stuck on senior eye candy to hang out and talk about our medical problems in training for full-time living in Florida.
01-16-2007, 04:15 PM
Where is the Great Outdoors and will we all be located in the same area ?
01-16-2007, 04:17 PM
If we attend I need a navigation seminar on this site !
Jon Wehrenberg
01-16-2007, 05:10 PM
TGO is in Titusville, FL.
If you are going you need to make reservations.
It is near mile marker 215 on I95.
01-19-2007, 02:00 PM
we'll be there. in fact, we've been there for 3, maybe 4 weeks, and we'll be here til march or april. its a great spot, lots to do, lots of amenities.
if everybody goes to the parking lot rally area, they'll be close to the tennis court, pool, weight room, restraurant, post office, eagle rv repair, etx. there's a tent there, maybe 30x45. its even a/c'd, tho i doubt you'll need it. its been chilly lately - 65 last night. ;-)
anyway, its on rt 50, approx 500 yds west of the titusville city limit sign, and thats approx 1/4 mile west of 95.
nasa is close, and theres a flight scheduled sometime soon, tho i'm not sure of the date.
here's one of my favorite neighbors - all 8-10 ft of 'im is sunning right now as i write this, maybe 50 yds or so away. he just loves those tasty barking hors ’d oervs- i'm hopin' he'll take care of a couple on our street.
Joe Cannarozzi
01-19-2007, 07:39 PM
Debbie and I pulled in here today. You folks are in for a treat. Just came back from dinner, I can't decide what was better the food or the music. 5 star!
01-19-2007, 10:42 PM
I called today for reservations and they could accommodate me just the 29th and 30th. I could stay in the rally area and move. I chose to stay in the rally area all 3 days. So beware, Ace Hardware will be there.
01-19-2007, 10:50 PM
Ben, make sure they don't change the dates of the mini rally. We don't want to say "WHERE'S BEN" again.
Just Plain Jeff
01-20-2007, 05:30 AM
See y'all there!
Jeff Bayley
01-22-2007, 07:32 PM
We are in Fort Pierce and heading more North tommorow. When is the Florida mini ralley date ?
Joe Cannarozzi
01-22-2007, 08:10 PM
Jeff haven a hard time gettin replies latley, nobody is gonna take you seriously until you change that avatar:eek:
Jon Wehrenberg
01-22-2007, 08:18 PM
What's wrong with that avatar?
I look like that when Roger forces me to work on his bus.
01-22-2007, 10:48 PM
Sunday the 28th Mini rally.
As for location at TGO...They did not have 3 days in the same location so I took 3 days in the rally area. Water and elec only with dump a short hop nearby.
01-24-2007, 09:39 PM
I expect you will be arriving on Sunday, maybe earlier. Will you be going in the back door of TGO? With your reputation, you should, but then again, you have a different coach so maybe they won't recognize you.
Good luck
Just Plain Jeff
01-24-2007, 10:47 PM
Lew: I'm used to going in the entrance with the rest of the hired help. That is, unless I can borrow one of Mango's buses.
Keep your fingers crossed.
See ya there!
01-25-2007, 09:32 AM
You guys better tighten up, A1 will be doing inspections upon arrival. I was at the Casa Del Grease Pit on Tuesday and the Liberty was shining big time. Ask to see his fuel cap, he had it chromed!:eek:
Just Plain Jeff
01-25-2007, 09:34 AM
Yeah sure, like you'd have to ASK?
01-25-2007, 11:43 AM
puttin' chrome on a stainless bus is like putting LEDs on an older bus, don'ch think?
Joe Cannarozzi
01-25-2007, 05:32 PM
Well, he'll be cleaning it again cause we saw him going the other way, south bound I-75 this morning around 8 or 9 heading into some good rain:mad:
Had a feeling he overnighted at the Flying-J at the 2MM on I-75 in Georga. If he did we just missed them by mabye 10 minutes:rolleyes:
Woulda been nice ta catch them.
Orren Zook
01-25-2007, 07:32 PM
It'll be nice when Jim gets the POG directory out so at least you could call (via cell) if you were passing someone on the road.
Jerry Winchester
01-25-2007, 08:39 PM
If you guys are going to hang with A1, you will need some insight into his daily schedule.
12:30am - First wizzer break of the night. Check all systems, reset float charge on inverters and calibrate AC system to .007 degrees.
3:30am - Security check and sponge squeezing (second relief of night). Check ice maker output and bag extra cubes to sell later.
4:45am - Official A1 start of the day.
4:47am - Showered and breakfast ready
4:50am - Breakfast of prunes, Special K and Ensure finished.
5:00am - Begin Light Preventative Maintenance Schedule
10:15am - Lunch Served
11:45am - 12:05pm - Free Time
12:05pm - Level A System Check
3:15pm - Break for Lawrence Welk Rerun
4:15pm - Clean up for dinner
4:30pm - Dinner at _______ (Insert Luby's, Picadilly, Cracker Barrell or any place with Senior Discount)
4:55pm - Dinner over. Check blood sugar, electrolyte level and tool inventory
5:15pm - Begin Power Down Program
5:45pm - Hit wizzer one last time
5:46pm - Lights out
01-25-2007, 08:53 PM
Jerry, I think you forgot, check in on the young'uns on POG.;)
01-25-2007, 08:54 PM
No wonder we don't hear from him ;) His schedule's way too full! JIM
Jerry Winchester
01-25-2007, 09:03 PM
And I forgot the part where he goes out to wake up the roosters.
01-25-2007, 10:35 PM
Chances we won't be around when Winchester reaches the Social Security age so we can't rag on him using the same schedule. Don't forget the Metamucil. I know I spelled it right cuz the container is right on the counter mister big anaconda.
I'll be out in the rally area and it will be about Tuesday before I find Jon and Jeff. They are good at hiding.
Are we going to Dixie Crossroads? Wife is not a fish eater but we'll find something for her.
01-25-2007, 10:45 PM
lew- dc has some good rock shrimp - tastes like, no, not chicken, lobster. same texture, pretty much same taste.
get there early - the line backs up like a used car sale at parkway auto sales.
01-26-2007, 10:43 AM
[quote=lewpopp;9633]Chances we won't be around when Winchester reaches the Social Security age so we can't rag on him using the same schedule.
Yah, I was thinkin along those same lines! :p
I have never met him he sure sounds like a mean guy. :D
When he turns 40 like JPJ and a few others he's gona have a whole new group of guys in here and judging buy the standards of teens today there gona be prety nasty!! He won't have a chance then and he'll be all alone. :eek:
I was wondering; when did the expression "anal" become popular?
Would you say Howard Hughes was anal, eccentric,or both? :confused:
01-26-2007, 10:37 PM
The word "anal" reappeared immediately at the time Jon was born and started doing things. We enjoy his work.
As for "anal" as far as Winchester is concerned, he is what you might refer to as an mean young analistic fool who chases fire trucks all over the world. We refer to him as a sfincter also (spelling)
Just Plain Jeff
01-28-2007, 06:48 AM
Here at the micro-rally, Eastern Division, Southeast Area, Florida Chapter POG President Kathy Poppleton and her husband Lew showed off their innovative badges. Perhaps other chapters and divisions will have such products from their weekly activity meetings.
Much better than the crummy woodburned bolo ties, don't you think?
01-28-2007, 06:54 AM
Jeff, can you take lots of photos and post, (get a close up of Lew, I want to put a face with his posts) We wish we were there, tell all hi from us.
01-28-2007, 08:28 AM
Jeff, can you take lots of photos and post, (get a close up of Lew, I want to put a face with his posts) We wish we were there, tell all hi from us.
Here you go Dale, from POGI--Kathy is the pretty one and Lew is eating the flower off the table centerpiece:D I hope you get to meet them both at POGIII, you will enjoy their company and Lew's commentary:eek:
01-28-2007, 09:12 AM
They're not crummy woodburned nametags. THey're high grade FORMICA.
About time your avatar showed some class.
Hi Lew.
Sorry I didn't make it to the mini rally... I'm in bradenton, FL parked in Jeff Bayley's front yard.
I just had too much work to get done. This is my busy time of year... once May rolls around, life will become much more lesuirely.
I'm currently trying to figure out if I'll make it for the last day of the Liberty rally in Stuart. They don't have any parking spaces, but I might drop by. Is anyone else going to be there... I think Steve and Jon were going to be in attendance.
01-28-2007, 10:02 PM
you missed/are missing a good time. have fun in bradenton and stuart.
01-28-2007, 11:12 PM
Mango, Thanks abunch for lunch. I probably wouldn't have given my credit card number to Lew, but, huh, I only have one bus. What was it JPJ ask, when you get ready to go in the bus, is paper or plastic, no it went like this : is it stainless or H?
JDUB, you have more friends than I thought, your name certainly came up in discussions - I thought it was a fire, from the smoke. Not only were there Mango Mike Caps, there were Boots & Coots present!
Ben: Sorry we missed ya, see ya at Stuart?
01-29-2007, 07:24 AM
If Jeff posts just half of the pictures he has taken, he'll have a movie. The quality of the pictures varies as shown in the picture of Kathy and myself.
As for being president and etc, you guys and gals know this group is like the "Headless Horseman".
We had a roundabout get together in a little house on TGO last night and Jeff sat with the women. What a break! I'm so damn hard of hearing, I had to heard everything twice. That's tough because most of the stuff was parts #'s that Jon had on the tip of his tongue.
Jon asked to use out computer today and he'll probably use my name to tag on JDUB, so beware.
Just Plain Jeff
01-29-2007, 09:41 AM
Son of a gun.
What happens when you get a bunch of people together with big metal campers with no plan and lotsa laughs?
Here it is: ("")
Now most of the many people staying, dropping by or visiting added zest to the flavor of those who are at TGO; surprise visits by Fast Roger, King of Bling and his bride Micki, and then along come Mike and Karen Kerley with their western motif (that word is for Lew) fancy Country Coach.
Of course, it will be a shocker on the link to provide the single, only publicly-known documentation of Lew actually spending LewBucks (bookmark that).
Now if we can just get Jon to talk a bit about the fresh water shut off valve on the flush in his camper.
He just doesn't want to discuss it.
Probably because he is a tight-lipped Yankee at heart.
Anyway, the rest of us are having much more fun that adults are supposed to have...!
Gary & Peggy Stevens
01-29-2007, 10:28 AM
I hope nobody was hurt when that blue Saturn had the front end damage done to it?????
Gary S
01-29-2007, 11:48 AM
Front end damage occured when Lew, completely startled by his good fortune to win the Anal award, fell backward in a blissful swoon. Congratulations Lew.
I'm sure some of non attendees ears were burning during that roundchair discussion. I'm saving up all my juicy tidbits for POG III.
Lew, Thanks for the response on thin slide. We are close, but still not there yet. Keep looking.
How many times did the rent a cop have to come by the group asking you guys to"keep it down"?
Jerry Winchester
01-29-2007, 12:40 PM
Now I expected you to defend us from the Dark Side, but between the Outback dinner and the Florida mini, I feel like we will have to exercise some demons at POG 3.
Gary & Peggy Stevens
01-29-2007, 04:29 PM
Hey Jerry, what is up with using MangoMikes Mug as your Avitar ? If you are too shy (or embarrased) to put your picture up there, put your beautiful wifes ( Rae ) picture up there.
That would surely brighten up everyones day !
Gary S
Toy Box
01-29-2007, 06:47 PM
Ben.. Please come to the stuart rally. We will be there and would like to say hello. I plan to stay over until Monday P M.
Just Plain Jeff
01-29-2007, 08:51 PM
Oh, the mendacity!
01-29-2007, 09:32 PM
For the life of me, I cannot figure out how Roger would hang out with the likes of Jerry. He always seemed to me to be a really nice person until he cornered me and presented the "Anal Award" (of wich I do not deserve) to me. He has gone way over to the other side since you implanted some sort of chip in his brain at the POGII.
Roger has a wonderful wife and coach. Roger is deteriorating as he listens to the constant crap.
He must have purchased the trophys by the case. The store must have thought he was a Hilton with that many crappers to kee tidy. Oh well.
I hope I don't rip my shirt climbing the fence at Liberty. Are you POG guys considered the GED. ( grand elderly dissadents) They all got their high school thru the GED system.
01-29-2007, 09:51 PM
So about the damaged Saturn, WHAT HAPPENED! Enquiring minds want to know. If Lew does not
want to tell, maybe someone else could leak the truth.
01-30-2007, 07:17 AM
sorry . . . what happens in titusvillel, stays in titusville . . . until POGIII i'm sure!
01-30-2007, 11:56 AM
Proud New Prevost Coach Owner- JPJ Where am I?
Jody in the Bling Mobile, Looking Great!
Jody, Bill, and Jeff in JPJ's sharp, good looking new coach!
More later - gotta go do the tourist thingy.
01-30-2007, 04:01 PM
ya'll look like you are having entirely too much fun, especially Jeff:D Great to see you Jody you and Bill are lookin' good!
Just Plain Jeff
01-30-2007, 08:07 PM
OK. they say what happens in Titusville stays in Titusville.
So for whatever reason the vivacious charming and witty Jody of Bill and Jody fame finds that her car keys are locked inside the car. What would you do? It is night and starting to rain.
Of course, she calls her dad. What a sweetheart, American-style (tears welling in your eyes yet?)
Dad arranges for the AAA guy to show up with a gizmo to open her car door...and now for the ending: All wind up happy. Another reason for a POG party (are we that desperate?)
All's well that ends well.
01-30-2007, 09:18 PM
has anyone seen my wife? she's not answering her phone. and di doesn't know where jon is . . .
. . . and jeff . . . where did you get that pic? i've been in boston in biz since sunday. what IS going on there???????
01-30-2007, 09:26 PM
and why is my wife calling jon, "daddy"????????
01-30-2007, 09:38 PM
JDUB: Lew has got ya beat on this one: Moral of the story when going out to eat - let the Lewster drive - no walking!
Kathy does enjoy the Benefit of having Lew around.:cool:
Jerry Winchester
01-30-2007, 09:45 PM
That's why I let my brother-in-law drive. The OU sticker doubles for handicapped parking............
01-30-2007, 09:46 PM
Mango: Hope this doesn't hurt:
We almost made a wrong turn, but its ok now.
01-30-2007, 09:51 PM
Hey Bill, not to worry, she didn't say, "who's ya daddy".:D
Where's the bike?:eek:
01-30-2007, 09:55 PM
Fast Roger,
Why is it Mickie looks so "stylin'" and you look like Joe Tourist?
Remember don't spend all your disposable income w/ JB. Save some for that trip to Mango's.
Joe Cannarozzi
01-30-2007, 10:10 PM
Glad to see you down there pickin up the rope where we droped it:)
Some questions
Ever been down there before?
How crowded is Sugarloaf in Feburary?
Think you'll go back?
Hows the food been so far?
We already decided next year we are not moving around central Fla. as much, gonna stay south of Largo for the whole month mabye longer.
Sunset Key just south of 7-Mile bridge, gulf side, 39MM, if Fiesta key closes, is looken like the spot . We will have enough info in May to make the choice.
Oh well. LOOKIN GOOD, don't miss Raymunds Italian at the 21mm:)
01-31-2007, 08:17 AM
i thought that was a ref to paternal indiana parents ... hoosier daddies.
mike kerley
01-31-2007, 02:37 PM
But, it was great to put faces (the correct ones) with the names and meet Bill and Jody, Jeff and Jon (nice couple). We had already met Kathy and Lew In Port St. Lucie. What a bunch. We had a great time and lots of laughs, but in retrospect, this crowd (membership?) is probably best taken in small, carefully measured doses. To much could have caused aches and pains from laughter.
We had a great time and enjoyed lying about our campers and how trouble free they are. I hope we can get to Texas in April where I'm sure the volume will be turned up and the LPM (laughs per minute count) will increase!!!
Thanks to everyone for being so hospitable.
Mike and Karen
01-31-2007, 10:25 PM
You missed a very important get together because you had to mix work with pleasure. What a spoil-sport. Just the same we discussed (or should I say 'they discussed') and said they decided that at Kerrville there would be a place for the stainless in the "posh" area and the plastic (h's) would park near the dumpsters and maintenance away from the class coaches.
"Hoosier Daddy" Jody, the mini would not have been the same without you and the "Hippy Geek".
OOPS, I promised I would be kinder and less aggressive, sorry.
01-31-2007, 10:54 PM
Quote (I hope we can get to Texas in April) End quote. Mike, just put it on the calendar and it will happen.
I'm so curious how many bus's are registared, it seems like a lot are going to be there.
01-31-2007, 11:43 PM
Joe: Sugarloaf is full in Feb, and it appeared all of the Campgrounds were maxed out. We made reservations months in advance, This was the 3rd choice, but wound up being the 1st cg we could get accomodations.
this was our 1st visit to the keys, if I go again I would probably stay in the Northern Keys - The drive time is a little much 35 to 45 mph. took 5.5 plus hours to go 190 miles with no stops. Maybe in Five years or so, they will have the roads equipped to handle the traffic. Key West is a great place to visit and lot of history. As Mango pointed out I did the Joe Tourist Bit for a bit. Would recomend the Rusty Anchor in Key West for seafood. Didn't get a chance to try your suggestion. Would not recommend Hurrican Joes didn't care for it. Weather a little on the cool side
02-01-2007, 10:10 AM
Hey King, be glad your just experiencing cool, here's what it looks like this AM in sunny GA, the hills of TN are probably much worse!:eek:
You lucky dog......
02-01-2007, 04:24 PM
Geesh Tom, I feel so sorry for you -----NOT
85 in Stuart this afternoon, I need some ice! for my beverage. :cool:
Must be a global warming thingy.
Jon still can't get a good internet connection with his puter. He is building up.
02-01-2007, 07:20 PM
Hey Trukman,
Just saw the pix of your backyard. You've got room for TWO BUSSES!
I'll be down shortly.
02-01-2007, 08:17 PM
too short of a visit. really missing all of you. and of course those who were not here . . . and it warmed up very nicely (80's) today.
couple of shots of the photo evasive lew (and kathy) they really were having fun - i think lew was really hungry, we really enjoyed meeting karen and mike, and jeff finally showed his best side . . .
02-01-2007, 08:38 PM
Big red has company, but I can't tell ya!;)
02-01-2007, 09:27 PM
well, in closing the great outdoor mini rally, i tried to get pics of everybody leaving, leaving us behind while they went on to other rallies in more.... anywy...
all the others pulled a baltimore colts, but i got this one tear-ass'ing outta here.
be that as it may, i had a great time with 'em.
all of 'em, including her long lost 'Dad'. thanks guys.
02-01-2007, 09:38 PM
Significant Occasions Happen Often Amoung POG Members:
Good Times Had By All!
02-01-2007, 09:54 PM
i've been aimin' to take jon's brush holder away from him, by polish or by shine, but i never expected this.
i want to thank the academy, the producers, and all our fans.
here's to our upcoming season.
Just Plain Jeff
02-02-2007, 07:00 AM
You will note that the high-speed exit by the LewMan was affected by the ACE True Value bays on the curbside of his coach. We all think about tire inflation pressures on the steer, drive and tag axles. Lew Man also has the left/right inflation deal to consider.
That's some pretty fancy driving at 62.5 mph on the narrow exit road, considering the speed limit was 15 mph. They may be re-issuing #3 to LewMan, The Intimidator.
02-02-2007, 10:12 AM
sorry lew - didn't see that one comin'
02-02-2007, 09:39 PM
too short of a visit. really missing all of you. and of course those who were not here . . . jody
Jody and Wm, thanks for the pictures, it was great to be with all of you vicariously:D
Attention, Mango Mike et al, Bob asked me to make an announcement for him:
IF our coach sells, and IF he can buy the coach he likes at Millennium, he will come and party with ya'll in Kerrville! So, anyone have any connections at Millennium? :eek: We have talked with one person who is supposed to be in sales but I really have to question that..........
02-02-2007, 09:48 PM
Great news!
Talk w/ either Meg Moro, Nelson or Evelyn. Anyone would be glad to sell you a coach. Are you looking at a Millennium? Maybe you can snake Sting's.
02-02-2007, 09:55 PM
We are in the process of replacing our microwave/convection with the original Sharp Carousel and every (2) company we order it from says it's on back order. We tried another company in California.
We wouldn't have had to change it if Bill Miller (yeah, Jody's Bill ) haddn't have busted it. Come to think of it, shouldn't he pay for the replacement if I ever get it?
Jody, we have a neighbor that is leaving the 1st of March so his space is available if you wish. I used your name because you are the common sense brain in your coach. Mr. Nerd would forget his whatcamacallit if it wern't attached. Right?
02-02-2007, 10:17 PM
Lew, your sounding a little frisky tonight! What's the story behind that, do you feel like you dodged a bullet? (tornado):o
02-03-2007, 08:42 AM
Great news!
Talk w/ either Meg Moro, Nelson or Evelyn. Anyone would be glad to sell you a coach. Are you looking at a Millennium? Maybe you can snake Sting's.
thanks Mike--I doubt Sting's coach will even be ready by POGIII but we could try :D Truth be known, I think Bob-00 felt fairly safe in making that statement!
I'd talk to Nelson at Millennium I think it's his OK in the end that will sell the bus. They're all good guys overthere.
02-04-2007, 11:02 AM
We wouldn't have had to change it if Bill Miller (yeah, Jody's Bill ) haddn't have busted it. Come to think of it, shouldn't he pay for the replacement if I ever get it?
would that be when i forced you to use a pair of water pump pliars to wrench out some of the parts? sorry about that.....
Joe Cannarozzi
02-04-2007, 11:20 AM
First it was the smashed Saturn, now this? What did we miss by leaving early?
I thought what happens in Titusville stays there? Guess that doesn't apply to all.
If it weren't for the exhaust fan and the stove light our micro would have went the same way of the compactor, the scrap heap. Never use it.
What the heck are water pump pliers, a term used before my time?
02-04-2007, 11:36 AM
First it was the smashed Saturn, now this? What did we miss by leaving early?
I thought what happens in Titusville stays there? Guess that doesn't apply to all.
If it weren't for the exhaust fan and the stove light our micro would have went the same way of the compactor, the scrap heap. Never use it.
What the heck are water pump pliers, a term used before my time?
Hey Joe, How the heck do you live without a microwave?
FYI: Water Pump pliers = Channel Locks.
:) JIM
JOE, Where you @ these days? You back home yet?
Joe Cannarozzi
02-04-2007, 11:52 AM
In my humble opinion, this is just 1 aspect of what makes Debbie and I a great team on the road. I keep things rolling, she keeps things cookin. The micro in the bus is used for additional cabinet space. The one at home was given to us for a present and we graciously display it.
Thanks for the clarification on the tool!
Yes we are back in Chicago, this mornings temp. -6, wind chill, -26. Went out and started the gen. this morning just to see if it would. No problem!
02-04-2007, 01:35 PM
I refer to water pump pliers as "Wyoming Socket Wrenches"
Bill still broke my microwave trying to chin himself so he could see better.
Can you imagine "WHATEVER HAPPENS IN TGO, STAYS IN TGO" with Jeff there. Cripes, we tried to plan things and Jeff had the answers before he got up at noon. Said he was working, yeah, sure. How's that for getting the mail out?
02-04-2007, 01:43 PM
In my humble opinion, this is just 1 aspect of what makes Debbie and I a great team on the road. I keep things rolling, she keeps things cookin. The micro in the bus is used for additional cabinet space. The one at home was given to us for a present and we graciously display it.
Thanks for the clarification on the tool!
Yes we are back in Chicago, this mornings temp. -6, wind chill, -26. Went out and started the gen. this morning just to see if it would. No problem!
Just tell me JOE, How do you make pop-corn? Reheat that coffee and leftovers?
I think the "microwave" is integrated into daily life if you like it or not, just like the computer and TV! :D :D JIM
Jon Wehrenberg
02-09-2007, 02:32 PM
I found these on the wall at the Titusville, FL post office. I think we should be on the lookout for these folks. It is my understanding these folks may have has something to do with a missing entertainer's coach but I'm not sure.
Jon Wehrenberg
02-09-2007, 02:39 PM
I think these are the wives of the desperados shown above. Pretty classy looking ladies I might add.
Jon Wehrenberg
02-09-2007, 02:47 PM
Best looking Prevost driver I have ever seen. This guy looks more enthusiastic than most, but that is probably because he doesn't have to pay for his diesel fuel.
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