View Full Version : light buttons ?
05-14-2014, 01:39 AM
Does anyone know about changing the lights in the buttons they should always be green and turn red when switch is on or button is pushed in,
some of mine are starting to go out and some are going off and on, I will attach a pic13153
05-14-2014, 01:41 AM
You can not tell but the ones that are not red are green or not working in the pic the green didn't show up,
05-14-2014, 06:30 AM
Those look like Sunmulon switches, like CC used. If so, the cover will pop off with the LED part of the switch. Then the cover and LED part are easily separated. Some report that removing the cover and cleaning the contacts with a micro sized brush has fixed the problem on not illuminating or illuminating the wrong color. These, if the same as CC, are red and green LED switches. In the case of CC, the backlight color for switches that are off is yellow, which is really both the green and red LEDs both being on. Here's the data sheet on the switches CC used.
dale farley
05-14-2014, 08:31 AM
This is the kind of brushes Gil is referring to. Jim K. is one of the ones who has successfully made repairs to these lights. It is easier to remove the bulb with a pair of hemostats or needle nose pliers with tape wrapped around each side so you don't crack the bulb. The bulb just pulls straight out. I never did it myself, but I think you just pull the bulb out and brush the hole with the best fitting brush. I think I got these brushes at Harbor Freight for a couple dollars.
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