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View Full Version : New Camper!

Just Plain Jeff
01-13-2007, 08:54 PM

Being well aware that about six POG members are in various stages of getting new coaches, we thought, being honest people that we are, that we'd be the first to reveal a new buy. It's a 'sweet spot' 96 Liberty that Helen made me buy. Well, what the heck, it had all the original Prevost docs with it and every single mod or service written down in the log, where it was done, where, cost, etc.

What's a guy to do?

If the wife wants a camper, you get it for her.


Anyone else ready to fess up?

01-13-2007, 09:09 PM
Great looking buss JPJ, Many happy and safe miles! It looks like something I would choose for myself. JIM

01-13-2007, 09:54 PM
JPJ: Congratulations on the New Liberty - it looks great and I especially like the way the dinning table is set up for both to view the window. Seems to be more roomy that way. Looking Good. Does this mean you will be heading to Kerrville, and buying LEDs? are you another one of those guys with two Buses?

Just Plain Jeff
01-13-2007, 10:23 PM
Jim: Liberty has this deal where you can look up buses on their site and put down money and get what you want...they have more to sell! The place is like a Candy Store! Better yet, and this is just in the formative stages, but they are saying at Liberty that if someone has a special interest in a specific coach, they will bring to Kerrville. How 'bout that for service?

Fast Roger: Nah, it is a story too long to tell here and no one would believe it anyway, but we only have one camper, the Liberty, and yes, we plan to attend Kerrville.

We have decided to remain incandescent, viewing the LED business as only a transitional thing. We have jumped over LED's and have two previously undisclosed and innovative Bling-age items installed on the camper which makes LEDs, well, kinda old fashioned for now.

Very important to other buyers out there: Liberty did a smack-down, top-notch A-1 job on PDI, period. They nailed this bus. They promised that it would operate AS NEW and it does. Makes me want to say that I would only buy a coach from the converter which had originally built it. Gosh, I think I just said that. Huh.

Anyway, buying out of brokerage, -->I think<-- may be risky business when compared to the backing of a converter. OK, flame away, but we could NOT be more satisfied with their delivery...which was done in the showroom with specialists hovering over every step of the delivery, to the finest detail. They challenged us to find anything wrong and haven't yet.

But we're still trying. That's the way businesses used to run in the old days and y'wanna know what? I'm gonna spend my paltry few bucks with the guys who do it right.

End of rant.

01-13-2007, 10:43 PM
Yah Yah, I know I know bu bu but if the wife says not yet then you know whats not gona happen. :(

01-13-2007, 10:49 PM
Jeff & Helen,

Gorgeous coach, congratulations! I see many happy miles down the road.

Makes one want to go out and buy a new bus.


01-13-2007, 11:51 PM
This is awesome. You actually were FORCED to purchase this Beauty by your Wife. Pass the magic dust. Gary

01-14-2007, 12:55 AM
JPJ, sweet looking bus,,,, congratulations are in order.. Looking forward to meeting you at P3

Just Plain Jeff
01-14-2007, 07:36 AM
Thanks all.

(Writing to the guys here, including Debi, who is one of the guys): Y'see, you gotta make it seem like it was their idea.

You KNOW how to do that.

Whining works if all else fails.

As to the table, Liberty remanufactured the interior in North Chicago for the previous owner. At first it seemed kinda weird, but it really works as you get more room in the kitchen and the old maxim prevails, &quot;How many people can stay in your camper?&quot; Answer: Entertain six, feed four and sleeps two.&quot; Helen gets to use that table for her projects. I get the stainless. :D

Joe Cannarozzi
01-14-2007, 07:55 AM
Picture says a thousand words. Beautiful. What is the wood? Anybody looking for an 86.
Debbie asked if those two pictures are the same bus. Then said the outside is just like ours, that is what ours should look like on the inside. See what you do?!

01-14-2007, 08:20 AM
Nice coach, Jan and I are looking forward to seeing it and meeting you at POGIII.

It is starting to look like by the time we get to meet everyone and see all the new coaches and look at any &quot;for sale&quot; coaches from vendors, there won't be enough time to learn things from the sessions.

Just Plain Jeff
01-14-2007, 08:53 AM
The wood is a laminate material (not Vitricor) with a smooth kinda sheen on it.

Yep, both pics are from the same bus.

Joe: You're in the neighborhood, peel off some wallet-sized pictures of dead Presidents and get what you want.

You sound ready to rock!

01-14-2007, 08:56 AM
If the wife wants a camper, you get it for her.
Anyone else ready to fess up?

Jeff and Princess Helen--WOOHOO!! I could just tell you wanted to tell me something the other night on the phone Helen--you bad girl you :D I am going to tell the nuns:eek:

The coach is gorgeous and Jeff, can you do private counseling for Bob--he doesn't seem to be hearing me about the wife wanting a new camper???<G>

Thanks for including me as one of the guys, er, I think?

01-14-2007, 09:31 AM
Jeff & Helen,
Gorgeous coach, congratulations! I see many happy miles down the road.
Make one want to go out and buy a new bus.

I was emailing with Mike this morning and he sent me a picture of his new coach--it's still a secret so I decided to share it with this small, private, very confidential group:eek: I guess Jeff and Helen just pushed him over the edge! Nice graphics Mike, what colors are you planning??

Just Plain Jeff
01-14-2007, 09:50 AM
[QUOTE=rmboies;9023]I was emailing with Mike this morning and he sent me a picture of his new coach--it's still a secret so I decided to share it with this small, private, very confidential group QUOTE]

Are you kiddin' me? This group is small, private and confidential?

I'm pretty sure Mango would always keep the Mothership at hand for the even-numbered days when he attends PP rallies with his tie and diamond cufflinks. This should be interesting...

01-14-2007, 09:58 AM

Beautiful Bus! Let's see now, Liberty - Vogue - Liberty all within a 1 year period. I do belieive there is some kind of award needed.:D

I'm also curious about Liberty's &quot;black operation&quot;! There must be some sort of Mission Impossible treatment room in the basement and during the night they spray this gas into your bus and you float out in a deep sleep and hover over to the treatment room where they surgically implant a micro Liberty chip under the skin on your forehead.:eek:

I think this helps us poor non worthy other bus owners explain to each other that hey, it's not their fault, they can't control the Liberty thing!:D But, the chip must be faulty, I doubt there is any programming for the word CAMPER and Liberty in the same sentence.:cool:

Congrats, great looking Bus......

Just Plain Jeff
01-14-2007, 10:14 AM

Tom, I think you are onto something.

We are all (maybe) sensible, rational people, but when it comes to The Ride, well, y'know.

Jus' campin'

Jon Wehrenberg
01-14-2007, 04:08 PM
Its a shame all the non-Liberty folks have to learn about the euphoria experienced by Liberty owners. We try to keep it to ourselves, but unfortunately sometimes owners get so excited they just let it slip.

JPJ posting pictures of his new ride is sure to inspire even more folks to go out and buy a camper just like his.

It's amazing what you can buy on a postal worker's salary.

Gary & Peggy Stevens
01-14-2007, 05:21 PM
Jeff, don't forget to update your POG signature, with your new Info.

Your rig looks great.


01-14-2007, 06:06 PM

Congratulations on the Liberty. It is beautiful. What are the exterior colors?

That table is really neat. Can't wait to see it in Kerrville!:D

01-14-2007, 08:06 PM

Great looking bus; congratulations!

Jon When I was searching for a bus I narrowed the search down to a Liberty and a Country Coach. Both were 40 feet and both were 99 models. Difference in price was $100,000. Bought the CC. The euphoria from having an extra$100,000 in my bank account......priceless.


Just Plain Jeff
01-14-2007, 10:13 PM
Yeah, Denny. But you instantly downgraded yourself to a second class citizen on this forum :) BTW, I agree with you about the $100K. Especially considering that Liberty is technically inferior and misses the operational sweet spots. The brand is well maintained though and resale prices are still excellent (in absolute terms, not considering the price drop %). Just like Mercedes.

When we were looking for a new camper, we took a look at what was available that would be a well-maintained rig within a budget that didn't need a great deal of work. After stumbling around narrowing down the possibilities, it didn't matter so much the conversion at the time, we were mostly concerned about the best value. As there aren't always a ton of coaches available at any given time, you have to make compromises in decor, cost, conversion and all the many variables in a custom product.

Just about every conversion has its strong points. Probably the neatest coach I have ever seen was a 1985 Executive; it was just great. So, there's no pecking order here...the whole enterprise of having a bus is to have fun and enjoy this beautiful country.

And that's the most wonderful part; meeting nice people as there are on this forum and enjoying the company of others who have similar interests.

And BTW, aren't we getting close enough for some of the others who are in various stages of acquisition for them to step up to the plate here?

C'mon, let's hear what yer up to?

mike kerley
01-15-2007, 11:55 AM
Jeff, Great looking bus, I'd say you did well.

This is why I dont let my wife onto this site!!!!!

Just Plain Jeff
01-15-2007, 04:29 PM
Mike: Guess I forgot to tell you that she was provided her own access codes the other day.

(Just kidding)

Joe Cannarozzi
05-20-2007, 01:22 PM
Seems like some pictures that have been put up in previous posts have dissapeared:confused: