View Full Version : FMCA Indio Rally
01-11-2007, 02:02 AM
We are at the FMCA Western Regional Rally in Indio, anyone else from the group at the rally?
Mike and Dee Clark
02-01-2007, 09:23 PM
We just joined FMCA, owned a bus since 1998, thought it would be a good idea. We didn't know what benifit it would have. Does anyone in this forum think that this was a good idea also? I like the magazine but I'm thinking that it might be the biggest benifit.
02-01-2007, 10:02 PM
Hi Dale and Jan. I have been a member since 1999 I believe and I have been to several Conventions in Pomona ,California. I am a R V Junkie so I Love the large Rally's and Conventions. There are so many people to meet . The
RV show and the Vendors are out in full force. There is a Carnival like atmosphere to the whole thing. The Mag is great and full of info and articles.
02-01-2007, 10:14 PM
What took you so long to join FMCA?
I guess I've been to more notional rallys than you've had hot meals. Welcome aboard. I loved going to see all the junk we could buy for the coach and whatever. We have a nearby rally in Perry Ga but I've been to 3 there already. We've done all of the sightseeing we can handle in that area.
Your FMCA # is a bit higher than mine. I joined in 79 I think. It is 33300. But I have an elderly ass along with all of the other malfunctioning parts.
Just Plain Jeff
02-02-2007, 07:07 AM
We think the benefit from joining FMCA is the CoachNet road service program. It covers your camper and tow vehicles. They have a great service and we haven't been afraid to use it over the years. It is about $300/year, but considering that most of the big boy trucks that are used to tow a camper bill out at about $210/hour, it's good back up.
02-02-2007, 08:07 AM
Jeff, I seen the FMCA emergency roadside assistance for 238.50 for 3 years, is that what your talking about?
Can or should I toss the rest of the stuff? can't see needing that big book with members.
Just Plain Jeff
02-02-2007, 08:16 AM
Yup, that's the Coach Net service and I think it's a good deal. As to the Big Book, we found it to be totally useless. As most things in FMCA these days, it seems to be more about grabbing dollars from the manufacturers (advertising and rally space) than much else. There's a discussion over on Prevost-stuff about FMCA. The organization has moved from a 'Family' deal to identifying revenue sources and milking them to the max.
For those new to camping, there are occasional articles in the magazine that are of interest.
For those of us driving around in stainless coaches (Paper or plastic? in the case of others), the converters are looking more to groups like POG as better venues for getting out the word.
It's my suspicion that once the first Prevost converter gives FMCA the heave-ho, you'll see a mass exodus.
02-02-2007, 09:16 AM
Don't get excited, this isn't a Harry message.
The price you gave for Coach Net isn't $300 a year. Dale was closer to it being for 3 years at that price.
Maybe you prefer to pay that for one year because of the silver sides.
Just Plain Jeff
02-02-2007, 09:28 AM
Lew, when you're right, you're right. I looked at it is $300 for THREE years.
When I used Mango's credit card for the $300/year deal it must have been for something else.
Sorry for the mistake. Hard to keep up with your sharp accounting.
02-02-2007, 09:59 PM
The Prevost Prouds are a Chapter of FMCA which keeps the Prevost Convertors participating. My FMCA #301530 , joined in 98 or 99, I dont remember exactly but if Lew joined in the 70's, he got to be in the low 100000's. I have met members who joined in the beginning and have numbers in the low 1000's (4 digits). Thats just to say FMCA is very big and defines the RV Lifestyle , as does Good Sams. The last time I purchased Coach Net, it was lees than $100.00 for one year. Gary
02-02-2007, 10:04 PM
The New H3 is signed up with the POG approved Explorer RV insurance plan.
Part of their package is complete towing coverage. It's on a reimbursement basis which means you pay up front but then they cover all towing costs.
I am also a FMCA member. Never hurts to join as there is stength in numbers.
02-03-2007, 10:56 AM
My FMCA number is 288726 and in my opinion it's barely worth the annual dues. Muddy rally's (Charlotte and 2 times in Perry) and the focus seems to be on the advertisers. Of course there are seminars to teach you how to open the door on your RV or hook up a sewer hose.:rolleyes:
02-03-2007, 11:03 AM
I guess why I finally joined was Outdoor Resorts at Table Rock Lake in MO. ask if I was a member I could save $5/night, (4 of July week) so being who I am, I joined, figured 5 nights just about will cover it plus we are staying in Phoenix for a week at a place that also discounts for fmca. So what the heck.
Just Plain Jeff
02-03-2007, 11:29 AM
How to hook up a sewer hose?
We thought that the remote Port Dump Valve handled all that.
No wonder....
Jerry Winchester
02-03-2007, 04:19 PM
How was ODR at Table Rock Lake? We have been threatning to go there but haven't spoken to anyone who had been there........
Kevin Erion
02-03-2007, 04:39 PM
Jerry, I didn't stay there in the bus but spent an hour looking around, very nice but a little far from anything to do. I would say about 35 minute drive in the tow car to Branson or the new Riverfront area. I do have to say that the Ozark area is Beautiful!
02-03-2007, 05:19 PM
Jerry, we have been there before and really like it. They added more rv spots and boat slips. It is in the quiet part of the lake, so if you want close to Branson, its not the place. We like it since we take our boat.
02-04-2007, 02:08 PM
My number is 33300 and the way I fugure it it is a million away from your number. I be no Prevost Proud. I have spent all of my bucks.
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