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View Full Version : Backup Camera and Monitor, 04 Featherlite

02-10-2014, 06:13 PM
While I'm at it I have another question concerning backup cameras. My screen stopped working a couple of days ago right after I had the coach worked on and shore power and inverters were turned off for a little while. Screen is approx 10.5" diagonally and when turned on, screen says "no signal". This outfit has mirror cams, back of bus cam and trailer cam. The screen splits to show different views. I checked the small fuses in small bay under driver's seat labeled monitor and they looked fine. Anyone know what the problem might be? Seems it is one thing after another, but i really appreciate the help every time. .....Mike Shaw

Joe Camper
02-10-2014, 06:23 PM
When U had this recent work done were they in the dash?

02-10-2014, 06:27 PM
Thanks Joe. No, not the dash. This had to do with electric boxes that signal the slide outs and needed to be disconnected temporarily.

02-10-2014, 11:47 PM
I don't know what kind of bus you have but on my Marathon I had a intermitent signal going to the screen. In my overhead above the drivers seat the video cable goes into a connector that looks like a piece of shrimp and transfers it to 2 little wires, I also had one of these under the bed. All I had to do was press the connector together to connect the signal and all was fine. I'm sure somebody can give you the correct name of the part I'm talking about. This also happened to me after some work had been done in the bus. Hope it is that easy.

02-10-2014, 11:50 PM
Sorry, didn't see the Featherlite at first.

02-12-2014, 08:55 AM
The monitor itself is run by a computer switching power supply mounted behind that section of panel and is powered by 120vac off inverter #1 (the audio/video system labeled breaker). If you get nothing to indicate the monitor itself has power with key on and "b/u cam" switch on dash flipped up, make sure your the breaker for a/v is on and inverter #1 is powered up. After that, you'll have to start looking for dc ignition control fuses out in the driver electrical access to see if a fuse is blown or something. If you need further assistance, let me know.


02-14-2014, 01:00 PM
Thanks, Ben. The monitor seems to be the only thing not working properly. It does light up and display AV the No Signal and goes black. I connected the video cable from the monitor to a small tv and still get no signal. Also my built-in GPS screen does show picture behind coach when in reverse. I appreciate any advice. Thank you, Mike Shaw