View Full Version : Rear Bedroom slide retracts part way, 2004 Featherlite
01-20-2014, 05:34 PM
Here again, working on getting my coach in shape to travel after year long sitting. Things are going pretty well thanks to some great advice from POG member's responses, but was preparing to take it for service and the rear driver's side bedroom would not fully retract. It moves in maybe 5 or 6 inches and then stops. The slide will go back out and lock properly. Have tried it with the engine running at fast idle and same result. If anyone can advise me on a possible solution, I would be most appreciative.
Thanks, Mike Shaw
Joe Camper
01-20-2014, 06:38 PM
That's an all electric slide. When it quits going in and u stay on the button does it drag the voltage down or just die?
01-20-2014, 07:24 PM
It just stops coming in but doesn't seem to drag the voltage down. I also checked well and nothing seems to be blocking it in any way. Just unlocks, moves in about 6 inches and stops. Thank you, Joe
01-20-2014, 11:28 PM
If it is a Prevost Slide, you can call their 800 number for assistance. When it stops, do you see the switch blinking? It will indicate by the blinking the problem. Several problems I have experienced have been low air, level of coach, and battery voltage. I slide mine in when the coach is running and I have full air on the auxiliary air and I am at ride height. Also, make sure the brake is on and your in neutral.
Joe Camper
01-21-2014, 07:14 AM
Its not a prevo slide. It was marketed as HWH but by then IMO it is more of a Vantare slide than an HWH. I asked around and this is a new failure to everyone I asked.
Its not pulling voltage after it stops and 6 inches is more than enough to spin the motor a few complete revolutions so its probably not a dead spot in the motor either.
It will be just as important if not more to figure out what caused this as it is to get it in again. If its any concession be happy it happened in the garage.
Please let us know the results
01-21-2014, 07:55 AM
Here's a shot in the dark as I don't know this slide. It's possible that there is a current sensing circuit or a resetting breaker. When it stops can you immediately switch to having the slide go out? If so, that almost certainly rules out a self resetting breaker. You may Want to bring the slide in to the point it stops and them send it out a few inches. Then have a person or two push on tye slide while you try to close it. This is to reduce any resistance that might be increasing the current draw on the motor.
Have you tried calling HWH and Vantare?
01-21-2014, 11:20 AM
Thank you all! The slide stops coming in but it is still sounds like the motor is making purring sounds trying to continue. Have stopped for fear of burning it up. I can immediately reverse it and it will go all the way back out, stop and lock. Have contacted Jim Marsh who fields most questions on Featherlite and was in on building of most of their coaches. You pay him an annual fee for advice. Sent him photos of slide outside and several inside under the bed where track and small electrical box blinks green. He had no immediate answer but said he would try and find out.
01-21-2014, 12:50 PM
Latest event. Cranked engine and placed on fast idle. Slide came a lot further in but stopped a few inches short of closing. Got it to go back out but now stopped a few inches short of being all the way out. Just about lost in my attempts as to what to do next. Thanks, Mike Shaw
01-21-2014, 12:56 PM
This also happened after I leveled the bus.
Joe Camper
01-21-2014, 01:31 PM
That almost sounds like the limit is moving around.
01-21-2014, 03:48 PM
Tilted bus all way down on side opposite slide and it cam fully in and locked. Seems like gear that moves slide could be worn because it sounds sometimes like it is turning but nothing is moving. Concerned about putting it out in a park and can't get it back in! Can gear wheel be replaced without taking whole slide out?
01-21-2014, 07:45 PM
I don't know where you are located but Donnie Myers in Sanford, Fl. is probably the best in the country at repairing Featherlite slides.
Joe Camper
01-21-2014, 09:37 PM
Hey Bob Montana is a LOOOOOOOONG way away from Sanford. :ogreat advice that's who I called too.
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