View Full Version : POG3 Seminars/Discussions
01-09-2007, 12:47 PM
Since it's difficult to get enough crazy Poggers to put on all the seminars we need, I would like to throw out the idea of just Round Table Discussions to supplement the empty time slots. Nothing formal, just wide open yaking in an attempt to learn and understand the various components.
Auxillary Air/Auxillary Air Compressor
Suggestions and other topics welcome, lobster boy up there in Maine needs all the help he can get, I'm sure were driving him crazy!;)
Ray Davis
01-09-2007, 07:04 PM
That is definately something I have been thinking about. We have had lot's of suggestions for seminars, but so far, not many asking to present. Although in all fairness, I was going to distill all the posts, and then ask later for volunteers.
But, I think the concept of a round table a great idea. We also talked about trying to get a "panel of experts" for one or more discussions. In that case the hope was to get outside companies, along with our own "pros" to be their to discuss the issues.
Jon Wehrenberg
01-09-2007, 08:07 PM
Don't tell anybody I told you this, but the best way to get seminar presenter or speakers is to grab the few that actually volunteered, and then fill the rest of the schedule by picking other topics and just telling the POG member best suited to do the topic he had just volunteered.
Keep this between us. I don't want anybody mad at me.
Ray Davis
01-10-2007, 12:59 AM
It's our secret! Noboday else will ever know! :D
01-15-2007, 05:14 PM
Karen & I have been considering doing a seminar on "Wives Driving a Coach".:cool:
Debi (of Debi & Bob-00) suggested a seminar on wives learning to drive. If enough of the gals are interested, we will volunteer our coach to do the demo. I would like for them to ACTUALLY DRIVE THE COACH. This will not be just a classroom lecture; it will be "hands on the steering wheel" learning.
Let me know what you and your seminar selecting team think!:D
01-15-2007, 05:46 PM
Tuga, get a hold of Lew and get his meds, you will need them...a coach full of gals and you!..oh my.
Joe Cannarozzi
01-15-2007, 06:11 PM
Just Keep talking Dale:rolleyes:
01-15-2007, 09:13 PM
You are the man. You have my vote! Ms. Donna finally got behind the wheel of the Mothership on a straight section of the Ohio Turnpike and actually enjoyed it. (My words, not hers). So if you're offering, we think it's a great idea. Watching Karen park the coach at POG II has us all salivating.
01-15-2007, 10:43 PM
Hi Tuga. Lise Anne is up for it! Gary
01-16-2007, 08:58 AM
I won't need any meds, maybe just a stiff drink!:D
Glad to hear that Donna enjoyed the driving experience. Let me know if she wants to sign up.
I am happy to hear that Lise Ann is interested, hopefully some of the others will follow her lead.
Brian & Beverly have volunteered to help Karen and I with the seminar. I think that this will be a lot of fun.
I haven't heard from Ray, Mike Simmons, or Ken about the seminar being approved yet so if you guys could discuss it and let me know about it we can begin the planning.
Anyone else interested?
Gary & Peggy Stevens
01-16-2007, 10:16 AM
Tuga, Peggy said she was absolutely interested. Any driving help from someone that actually knows how to handle these big rigs, ( as opposed to me who thinks he knows how ) would be greatly appreciated.
Can I get some behind the wheel training too? I am not afraid to admit I am knew at this, and could use some tutoring as well.
01-16-2007, 10:19 AM
Karen & I will gladly help you and Peggy learn to drive; it's easy.
Look forward to working with you two in Kerrville!:D
Ray Davis
01-16-2007, 11:06 AM
Karen & I have been considering doing a seminar on "Wives Driving a Coach
Tuge, obviously that is a great idea. Ken and I had tried to actually schedule out a professional bus driving school got the same purpose. However, it turned out that this school was committed to an SKP's rally which is being held the same week elsewhere.
We should probably try to locate an area where the wives could meet to do the bus driving course. This is most excellent!
Ray Davis
01-16-2007, 11:09 AM
On other topics for the wives. Kathy, Jean and Janet are planning on meeting real soon to go over ideas for wives topics. I know there has been some discussion on some kraft type of seminar. And then there is some great shopping (and eating) in the town of Fredricksburg, which is about 30 minutes away. Just beyond that is the Wildflower Ranch for those who are into gardening, it's a must see. And the LBJ ranch is not far beyond that. There's also some discussion of driving into San Antonio for a day there (about 1 hour away).
As always, we'd love any suggestions.
01-16-2007, 01:42 PM
We will start planning the Driving seminar today. I am happy to see that so many people are interested in learning to drive a coach.
I was going to let everyone begin driving in the campground; the streets are wide and the turns are gentle. Additionally, it would facilitate the scheduling of driving times. If each person drives on the campground streets for 10 minutes, and we have 20 people sign up; it could take about 4 hours for everyone to drive. Having 4 people in the coach at one time the others could either watch or return to their coaches for R&R until their turn to drive comes up.
I would really like for everyone to drive on the interstate. In order to accomplish that, we may have to do a 2 day seminar; one day driving in the campground and the next day driving on the interstate.
Let me know your thoughts.
01-16-2007, 02:51 PM
I would really like for everyone to drive on the interstate. In order to accomplish that, we may have to do a 2 day seminar; one day driving in the campground and the next day driving on the interstate.
Let me know your thoughts.
I am glad I suggested the idea but now I am regretting it a little because I likely will not even be there! I almost didn't post it because I thought, hmmmm, maybe I should wait until the next POG rally, hoping that we would be able to attend The the generous side of me won out so all you ladies, pop a wheely for me in Tuga's coach!! :eek:
Gary & Peggy Stevens
01-16-2007, 03:24 PM
We will start planning the Driving seminar today. I am happy to see that so many people are interested in learning to drive a coach.
I was going to let everyone begin driving in the campground; the streets are wide and the turns are gentle. Additionally, it would facilitate the scheduling of driving times. If each person drives on the campground streets for 10 minutes, and we have 20 people sign up; it could take about 4 hours for everyone to drive. Having 4 people in the coach at one time the others could either watch or return to their coaches for R&R until their turn to drive comes up.
I would really like for everyone to drive on the interstate. In order to accomplish that, we may have to do a 2 day seminar; one day driving in the campground and the next day driving on the interstate.
Let me know your thoughts.
I just wonder if Buckhorn RV Resort will have any thoughts about newbies driving around their resort ? :eek: I can see the dogs, and kids running for their lives now :D
I am checking into Sams Clubs or Super Walmarts or large Trucking companies close to the resort that we may use as a training facility for driving, just to see if there are any other options for your driving classes.
The I-10 freeway both ways for miles around Buckhorn is hilly, and wide open and great for training purposes, using the Jake or Retarder and downshifting techniques. :cool:
Just Plain Jeff
01-16-2007, 04:03 PM
Helen says:
I think that having the women drive the coaches is a great idea. Every one should be able to drive their own camper because that's the fun of having one. But the instructors should NOT be the husbands. I would like Jon to teach me how to drive our camper.
JPJ says:
We should make time in the schedule for people to do the driving sessions. Probably on the days where there is as much free time so that shuttling back and forth is not a problem. It wouldn't be a "POG" sanctioned event as there is no insurance to cover any problems, but some of us have our good Explorer RV policies covering both drivers, so that's probably OK. I would like some driving lessons too, but not from Jon. He would want to read the manual first.
Ray Davis
01-16-2007, 04:58 PM
I don't know, but I would probably suggest that we try to locate a spot off the RV park. Having a bus drive around for 4 hours might not be super appreciated, especially when it's people who have not driven before.
I can do two things if it makes sense:
1. Contact Buckhorn, and see if they have any problem with the course.
2. If they do, ask them for suggestions where we could run it?
Or we can try to do it on the sly ....
Thoughts anyone?
Jon Wehrenberg
01-16-2007, 05:29 PM
Since Di has driven our coach (the first one) and has chosen to not drive any more (she doesn't like the responsibility although she did great), she knows there is a lot to this. The professional drivers in this group will agree that driving up and down the roads in the campground will not prepare a new driver for narrow construction lanes, parking, turns, and managing the energy of a 45,000 pound bus.
I think the idea is excellent, but except to introduce the feel of it to the wives, driving is something that an entire rally can be dedicated to. That would give the ladies (or gentlemen) sufficient time behind the wheel over a several day period to learn all of the necessary skills. That should be conducted by a professional driver or trainer and the students should have the learner's permits if their state requires them. I think the training should take place in the student's own bus.
Since a lot of states now require a special license (usually a non-commercial class B) that is another consideration before going out on the highways at this rally.
Gary & Peggy Stevens
01-16-2007, 05:41 PM
I don't know, but I would probably suggest that we try to locate a spot off the RV park. Having a bus drive around for 4 hours might not be super appreciated, especially when it's people who have not driven before.
I can do two things if it makes sense:
1. Contact Buckhorn, and see if they have any problem with the course.
2. If they do, ask them for suggestions where we could run it?
Or we can try to do it on the sly ....
Thoughts anyone?
Ray I am one step ahead of you, I placed a call around noon to the Buckhorn Resident mgr. and asked if they knew or could direct us to a place we could have our driving course setup. They have not called me back yet. They have about 6" of snow right now on the ground ? :(
Will keep everyone informed of what they say. There are some big lots like Home Depot, and Sams close by, if nothing else turns up.
01-16-2007, 07:16 PM
I am glad I suggested the idea but now I am regretting it a little because I likely will not even be there! I almost didn't post it because I thought, hmmmm, maybe I should wait until the next POG rally, hoping that we would be able to attend The the generous side of me won out so all you ladies, pop a wheely for me in Tuga's coach!! :eek:
Don't regret the suggestion, it was a winner. Looks like it is creating some interest. We'll miss you and Bob in Kerrville, but I am sure that we will get together at POG 4.
01-16-2007, 08:20 PM
Getting permission from Buckhorn is a good idea. If they will let us do it, I think that it is a perfect setup. As I previously stated, the streets are wide and the turns are gentle. It also affords easy access to switching "driving groups of 4 people". I also have no problem with doing it at Sam's or Home Depot, but I also think that we should ask their permission as well.
I disagree, I think that the way to learn to drive is to drive. A ground school will help, but ultimately getting behind the wheel is the only way. Start out in a controled environment going slow and start out practicing the basics; starting, stopping, and turning. Hopefully, some confidence will be gained and a respect for the machine will be learned. You are right about the campground not preparing the student for the hazards of the road, but they have to start somewhere; campground or shopping center, either is fine with me. They have to crawl before they can walk.
I am not a professional driver, and I will certainly yield to a professional driver who offers to give the seminar. I have taught Karen and several others to drive my coach in about 30 minutes. She does not know statistical information about the coach, but she and the others can drive it safely and effectively. She does not have a special license, but neither do I. Of the 300,000 motorhomes on the roads I wonder how many have special licenses! Let the beginners start at the beginning.
I think that you have a good point regarding the student learning to drive in their own coach. It just makes good sense. So I don't know what the best solution is: maybe we just need to keep discussing the possibilities.
Jerry Winchester
01-16-2007, 08:27 PM
I think you should take the whole thing out to the Kerrville airport and use the Mooneys on the ramp as traffic cones. 'Bout all they are good for.......
01-16-2007, 10:35 PM
I can tell this subject has Legs (no pun intended) . I would say we will have to see just at what level each person wants to learn. There may be individuals who will pass on the actual driving on the freeway.
Are there any Stadium Parking lots, Wharehouse Lots, or Abandoned paved areas.
Everyone has their own pace at learning, I am the type that will jump on something , start the motor and go. Most people are not like that. So, I would think a go slow approach.
01-17-2007, 12:06 AM
Jean has not driven since driving school ( 1/2 day class at Lazydays), I am sure she will want to do it and it is a great idea...I will help you if you would like any help with all the gals...Mike & Jean Simmons
Joe Cannarozzi
01-17-2007, 08:02 AM
I think the boys should be made to wash, dry and put away the dishes while the girls are learning behind the wheel:D
Make it a learning experiance for all!
We are currently squating in Baileys driveway and he suggested a belly dancing class for the guys while the girls are busy driving!
01-17-2007, 10:32 AM
When asked if she wants to drive Shirley says "not my job" I'm not threatended by her taking over the driving and she's not threatened by me wearing her panty hose. I guess we're from another generation. I would enjoy seeing her give driving the bus a try but if it's something she's not comfortable with then there will be no pressure from me to have her do it. If something disabled me away from home my son or another experianced driver would be asked to get the bus home.
Just Plain Jeff
01-17-2007, 11:36 AM
Ah, in reading your posting carefully kind Sir, you mentioned wearing your wife's panty hose?
Could you expand a little on that please?
Perhaps there is a secret in a lasting marriage we may have missed?
01-17-2007, 12:09 PM
Really funny you chose panty hose for the metaphor:D
Gary & Peggy Stevens
01-17-2007, 12:27 PM
I think the boys should be made to wash, dry and put away the dishes while the girls are learning behind the wheel:D
Make it a learning experiance for all!
We are currently squating in Baileys driveway and he suggested a belly dancing class for the guys while the girls are busy driving!
I already wash,dry and put away the dishes, and cook most of the meals, so what am I going to do??:D
01-17-2007, 01:29 PM
Jim, there is something you should know about Harry, he doesn't speak in metaphors, he speaks
the truth. :D
Joe Cannarozzi
01-17-2007, 01:52 PM
Gary, you could now try those things while getting down the road, or, you could try Jeffs suggestion, Belly-Dancing lessons!
Just close your eyes and try to picture some of these guys doing that:eek:
01-17-2007, 04:55 PM
Gary, I too do a lot of cooking and plan to be @ pog3 without a bus. If you want something to do share some of your recipes and mobile housekeeping secrets with me. :D :D and maybe Harry could join us and share his secrets too. We could just hang with the gals and have fun while everyone else gets dirty!!:eek:
Jon Wehrenberg
01-17-2007, 08:23 PM
JIM / No wheels for now....
Quit being a pessimist and plan on having your new ride at POG III. They are making and selling them every day. There is one out there for you.:D
Then the collection of nut cases can help you with more advice than you can stand.
01-17-2007, 10:22 PM
John, I'm beyond help. I am already making up my own answers.:D:D:D
I know my bus is out there but it costs twice what I want to pay for it. I am patient and I will just wait. I am not like JPJ Jeff, buying three in one year, or Jeff B. with so many in the garage. I only want to buy the (right bus) one time, and keep it up for aro 15 yrs. or so. After that it will only be talking with friends about what we used to do. I know there is at least one other in the group that waited over a year to make a decision. I have not looked that long. I am still gathering info and trying to figure out what is truly important and what is just a whimsical notion of grandeur. Some of you may think this is a foolish attitude ( you can not find the perfect bus) but I want to try.;)
I was thinking of sending my wife Barb to truck driving school to get a class A CDL. Then I could let her drive while I bake cookies and sip lemonade while reading classical literature and petting the dog.
Complicating this all is; my heart is in the stainless, but the H3 is extremely desirable. Slides are not necessary,but they sure would be nice, and on, and on, and on.
By self diagnosis I believe I have a case of MPD. I think I have it under control. Ha! JIM
01-17-2007, 11:10 PM
Hi Jim. The Quest can be just as fulfilling as the purchase. But, there is nothing better than Journeying in a Prevost! Enjoy life, buy a Bus!
01-17-2007, 11:25 PM
John, I'm beyond help. I am already making up my own answers.:D:D:D
I know my bus is out there but it costs twice what I want to pay for it. I am patient and I will just wait. I am not like JPJ Jeff, buying three in one year, or Jeff B. with so many in the garage. I only want to buy the (right bus) one time, and keep it up for aro 15 yrs. or so. After that it will only be talking with friends about what we used to do. I know there is at least one other in the group that waited over a year to make a decision. I have not looked that long. I am still gathering info and trying to figure out what is truly important and what is just a whimsical notion of grandeur. Some of you may think this is a foolish attitude ( you can not find the perfect bus) but I want to try.;)
I was thinking of sending my wife Barb to truck driving school to get a class A CDL. Then I could let her drive while I bake cookies and sip lemonade while reading classical literature and petting the dog.
Complicating this all is; my heart is in the stainless, but the H3 is extremely desirable. Slides are not necessary,but they sure would be nice, and on, and on, and on.
By self diagnosis I believe I have a case of MPD. I think I have it under control. Ha! JIM
I'm with ya...I've been looking for 8 months now (plastic coach took 18 months-but what a deal !!)...I know it's out there too but I've just not found it yet. I'm pretty busy right now and that's taken some of my "bus hunting " time but I'll find it one day soon.
Education seems to be VERY important. I know exactly what you mean about prices being twice what they seem they should be. Some people are very unrealistic. Now that's where the education comes into play. The more we know the better we will be at making sure we do not make a mistake...
I too have MPD, not really under control, but I'm living with it for now.
Gary's right, the search is fun and makes the purchase that much more enjoyable.
Ray Davis
01-17-2007, 11:29 PM
IF you happen to look on Ebay for a bus, I found something recently which made my life a bit easier.
You can now save favorite searches. I have a search which searches for "Prevost Bus" in the ebay auto area. I saved this as a favorite. And now, every day where there is a new entry which matches the search, I get an automatic email. I think there were 2-3 new busses listed this morning!
Makes it nice, you don't have to searching yourself, just check your morning email!
Just Plain Jeff
01-18-2007, 07:45 AM
John, I'm beyond help. I am already making up my own answers.:D:D:D
I know my bus is out there but it costs twice what I want to pay for it. I am patient and I will just wait. I am not like JPJ Jeff, buying three in one year, or Jeff B. with so many in the garage. I only want to buy the (right bus) one time, and keep it up for aro 15 yrs. or so. After that it will only be talking with friends about what we used to do. I know there is at least one other in the group that waited over a year to make a decision. I have not looked that long. I am still gathering info and trying to figure out what is truly important and what is just a whimsical notion of grandeur. Some of you may think this is a foolish attitude ( you can not find the perfect bus) but I want to try.;)
I was thinking of sending my wife Barb to truck driving school to get a class A CDL. Then I could let her drive while I bake cookies and sip lemonade while reading classical literature and petting the dog.
Complicating this all is; my heart is in the stainless, but the H3 is extremely desirable. Slides are not necessary,but they sure would be nice, and on, and on, and on.
By self diagnosis I believe I have a case of MPD. I think I have it under control. Ha! JIM
First of all, MPD by definition is a terminal condition. And the trick to it is that just when you think you have it under control, it is getting worse.
As to our swapping around, we kinda live in Prevost alley down here along the freeway in Florida and have been lucky enough to buy a little lower than market at the end of the season and make a buck or two on the coaches in order to move into the camper we wanted.
Since Mango cut me off his credit card, we've been on our own, minding our own bucks. I don't get it. He considers family ahead of his POG buddies. Maybe he is just in one of those MPD phases when reality strikes?
Anyway, we know several people who have been looking at coaches for over six years and have never bought, thinking they could find the 'perfect' coach. Not sure that such a critter is out there. There are only a couple hundred a year produced and most people don't have theirs for sale, requiring buyers to be somewhat more flexible in making choices.
You'll know it when you see it.
Jon Wehrenberg
01-18-2007, 08:07 AM
After a few years of ownership and the purchase of two coaches we personally find the process of finding a coach fairly easy despite having some very specific requirements.
Right now, if we had to buy a coach it would have to be an XL, with over the road air and a private toilet. As you can imagine that wipes out almost every coach for sale. But it narrows our search so we are not bouncing around.
We know the process of looking at coaches for sale eventually makes you jaded if you do not clearly define your needs, and after a while you just get sick of looking on the internet or traipsing through every coach for sale.
As a result of our knowing what we need we automatically wipe some converters off the list of coaches we will even look at. By narrowing things down we know what conversions we will consider, what the market prices are, and if we are ever placed in the position of having to replace our current coach we can literally make a decision in minutes. We have so we know the process doesn't have to be lengthy.
Gary & Peggy Stevens
01-18-2007, 04:36 PM
I got a call back from Sue at the Buckhorn RV Resort in Kerrville, TX.
They all talked it over, but could not think or come up with an empty lot anywhere close to them that we could use as a drivers course.:(
There is the usual Wal Mart, Lowes, Home Depot, but they will probably have to much traffic in the center to be of use to us ? :confused:
Like I said, I-10 is right next door and the hills and valleys would give anybody an excellent opportunity to hone their driving skills.
And Jerry's idea of the Mooney Airport may be an alternative, just not sure?
:) Peg and I are flying to Tampa on Friday for the Super RV Show. Anybody want us to pick them up something,
( something small I mean ) ? :D
01-18-2007, 06:17 PM
We parked in the Mooney parking lot one night after midnight when I could not find a better place to park it for a sleep break in the area. There was not much room from trees and mud, and we woke up surrounded by a couple of hundred employees cars. Luckily I had aimed the coach towards an escape route so we were not boxed in . The Airport there is pretty small, has little in the way of paved roads except the county roads leading to it and all around it and they are almost all just 2 lane country roads.
Another alternative place for driver training would be a quiet residential neighborhood, in the middle of the day there should be little traffic and not many people home. Learning to drive takes some practice making turns so you get a sense of what is behind you as you corner, you would not get that on the interstate.
I am sure a suitable location will be found!
Peter vS
94 Marathon XLV
01-18-2007, 06:44 PM
That's a great idea. A subdivision during the middle of the day when everyone is at work will be perfect. Maybe we could find a newly developed subdivsion with not too many houses. I am going to email Dee Christenson @ Buckhorn to see if he knows of any neighborhoods close by the RV park.
Mike Simmons has volunteered to be an instructor in his coach. If anyone else would like to volunteer we sure could use the help. How about it guys!
01-18-2007, 09:41 PM
As I offered via PM, Beverly and I would be glad to help. I delivered MH's at LaMesa RV's Portland location for a year or so and had to go through their pre-employment driving course. Their focus was on maneuvering and backing around cones in a parking lot prior to road tests. Would suggest the concentration needed and rapid progress gained in this exercise is a good way to break the ice for fledgling drivers. As we all can imagine, it teaches mirror use, pivot points, hones backing skill and is a great confidence builder. Following with neighborhood driving would be very good initial driving course. Would also think that a very short (thirty minute or so) pre-driving ground school would be a good way to kick it off. Thoughts?
94Liberty XL
01-18-2007, 10:17 PM
Brian & Beverly,
Now we're getting somewhere! Your experience will be our foundation for the driving part of the seminar. If you could make a written outline of the manuvers that the wives should follow on the driving course the other instructors can all be on the same page.
Glad to see that you think the neighborhood driving course is a good idea. I think that it is perfect, especially if we can find one that is new with just a few houses.
I am starting a written outline for the ground school. If anyone would like to do the ground school or participate in the ground school please let me know.
This will be a very rewarding seminar because we will be helping our fellow RVers - OUR WIVES!
01-18-2007, 10:32 PM
I can really understand what you searchers are looking and looking for. the perfect bus. If you find it you will have no need for us to help you make adjustments..Not plopping the money on the counter reminds me of a couple of things.
The word "entrepeneur" means to put your money at risk for something. Normally in business. I had a few friends that wondered why I would take some of the chances in business the way I did during my life. They are presently living hand-to-mouth and they think I was lucky to make a few bucks when I risked every thing I had to my name. I am not in the position to boast, but I am better off than they are.
What I'm trying to say is for you to step up and let it loose. NO PERFECT BUSSES, PLEASE !!! Keep searching. There are busses out there looking for a good home.
01-18-2007, 11:05 PM
I heard there is a great used Liberty coming up for sale that belongs to a resturant entreprenur. Something about going with one that he and his wife like together. You might want to check it out. It has to be in tip top shape - I know the guy that owns it.
If I procrastinate too long on doing something, I forget what I was suppose to be doing. Then you miss out.
Get on the Bus - Its great. It will make you growl like Tim the tool man, walk like John Wayne, Spend money like the Trumps, see the country like Ben and give you a smile that is limited to but a few of the more blessed taxpayers in this great country.:cool:
02-20-2007, 04:27 PM
On other topics for the wives. Kathy, Jean and Janet are planning on meeting real soon to go over ideas for wives topics. I know there has been some discussion on some kraft type of seminar. And then there is some great shopping (and eating) in the town of Fredricksburg, which is about 30 minutes away. Just beyond that is the Wildflower Ranch for those who are into gardening, it's a must see. And the LBJ ranch is not far beyond that. There's also some discussion of driving into San Antonio for a day there (about 1 hour away).
As always, we'd love any suggestions.
greetings from fla where it is finally back in the 70's! that, and the fact i can focus long enough through the pain killers - whooo hoooo - i would like to add some "non-tech" ideas for POGIII. yes, that means bill has agreed to head to kerrville - another whooo hooo! obviously (maybe not), this is jody the one-handed typist.
surgery (see rallies & getogethers/v-day entry for accident details) was friday and hoping to regain the crafty use of both hands by rally time in april.
i teach rubber stamping (cards and scrapbooking) workshops and would be happy to put something together fot POGIII. we did a few things at POGI and i think we had a good time. i did, at least!!!!! what do you think?
i also have some other crafty type things i can either do as a demo or more fun as a hands on workshop if there is an interest.
let me know your thoughts or point me in the direction of the activities' leaders.
thank you all for your well wishes.
Jerry Winchester
02-20-2007, 04:43 PM
Rae actually had a real good time doing the stuff at POG I (not that I didn't think she would, but this is not her typical orbit) and I know she would be up for a like minded session at Kerrville.
She did, however, knit her dog a sweater for those early morning walks....
02-20-2007, 05:56 PM
Hi Jody,
Happy to see you are on the mend and typing through the fog of pain meds;)
I thoroughly enjoyed your stamping seminar--it was a lot of fun and I have continued to use them at home and make creative cards for my friends. Though we likely will not be at POG III (unless by some miracle we get a new coach and Bob has to make good on his promise) I am sure the other ladies will find it a very useful craft! Helen's nite lights were a hit as well:D
Ray Davis
02-20-2007, 06:47 PM
i teach rubber stamping (cards and scrapbooking) workshops and would be happy to put something together fot POGIII
Hi Jody,
That sounds great. We can probably work it in. We were meeting just this past weekend, trying to finalize the slots. As I remember (and we'll get the final schedule posted soon), there is a crafty thing happening Tuesday AM relating to wine glass ornaments/id's, which hopefully we get to use in the (optional) wine tasting on Wednesday night. Tuesday PM one of the CA girls volunteered to demonstrate some new stuff for cleaning/polishing corian counters.
Thursday was shopping in Fredericksburg and lunch.
Friday was driving class.
Luckily, Kerrville has extra meeting rooms. When I was there in October, there were at least 4 rooms we could meet depending upon size. We could very easily double-up one of the timeslots, OR perhaps the currently scheduled slots won't take long enough, and we can do two things in one session timeframe.
Anyway, I think there's probably be a lot of people interested. I know my wife is a very avid scrapbooker, and would probably enjoy it too.
Jon Wehrenberg
02-20-2007, 08:11 PM
Ray, Mike and Ken,
For the rally can we get a big lettered sign for each POG III attendee's windshield, either behind the wipers or maybe standing up inside with the POG members name and maybe where they are from. If the member has a different sign in name could that also be included?
Something like that is done at the Liberty rallies and it helps place the people with their coach, and in this case will help associate the sign in name with the real name with the bus. People really need to see what some of these folks look like. Scary isn't it?
Ray Davis
02-20-2007, 08:47 PM
Good idea Jon. I think I can come up with something like that.
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