View Full Version : Led Lights VS High Intensity
dale farley
01-13-2014, 09:15 PM
I've always known that the high intensity bulbs draw a lot of current, but I never realized how bad it was until I started calculating the ones in my bus. I have 58 of the ceiling and counter lights. Fifty-eight bulbs at 10 watts each is 580 watts. That is like running a small heater. On a 12 volt system, 540 watts means I am drawing 49 amps if all lights were on simultaneously. That is really significant. I am ordering LED replacements ASAP. As Gil said, this is my largest 12V draw on my batteries on a routine basis. My water pump draws 5 amps.
I just checked the temperature of the lens on the two lights over my desk. The temperature was an amazing 320 degrees on the bottom of the lens. They've been on for about an hour.
Dick in Wisconsin
01-13-2014, 10:10 PM
I just checked the temperature of the lens on the two lights over my desk. The temperature was an amazing 320 degrees on the bottom of the lens. They've been on for about an hour.
I've been thinking about this and I learn how a coach lives, breathes, creates, and digests electricity. All those volts, amps, and watts go into a lot more than just light ... as Dale found out HEAT. So you drain the batteries to pump the heat into the coach via the lights ... but then you drain them again to turn the A/C on and pump the heat outside. Dale confirmed for me that when I buy a coach, one of the first things I need to do is to convert all the lights to LED. Good thread.
Can someone give us a supply source and part number for the LED bulbs? I know Gil has changed his and they really looked nice. Maybe that can be my next project.
01-14-2014, 07:11 AM
Pete. I bought mine from an eBay seller in China. Out of the 50 I bought maybe 2 didn't work. You want warm white and not cool white. If you want ones that work on dimmers, you may have to buy others. You also need to realize you may have to reverse the wiring on your light fixtures as they aren't polarized. There are other far more expensive LED replacements that are not polarity sensitive. Here's an example of one low cost source. 6asc%3D261%26meid%3D4110191257097912158%26pid%3D10 0005%26prg%3D1088%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D5%26sd%3D360717 043105%26
dale farley
03-30-2014, 07:22 AM
I finally got around to changing all 60 of my high intensity lights to LEDs. Instead of drawing 49 amps with the high intensity, when I turn on every light, I draw 9 amps. A huge difference. The LEDs are not quite as bright as the other bulbs, but the trade off is well worth it. I often times felt that the others were too bright anyway. Because the bulbs are a little longer, I had to cut off the wire connectors about 3/16 of an inch. I didn't specify cool or warm bulbs, and there are some differences, but they look fine overall. I wanted to change a couple of the fixtures, but so far, I have not found an exact replacement.
With Gil's assistance, I purchased the LEDs on eBay for 80 cents each. Since Gil assisted, I assume I'll get his lifetime warranty also!!! Other places sell comparable bulbs for 30X more. I actually got a 5% discount for ordering 30 or more bulbs at one time. I have no other LEDs to compare to, so the quality of these may or may not be the same as others. I do know it is very easy to damage the wire connectors unless handled very carefully, but I would definitely do it again.
Dick in Wisconsin
03-30-2014, 11:24 AM
Instead of drawing 49 amps with the high intensity, when I turn on every light, I draw 9 amps.
Did each of the 80 high intensity lights draw 49 amps? or did all 80 together draw 49 amps?
Do each of the new LEDs draw 9 amps? or do all 80 LEDs draw 49 amps together?
dale farley
03-30-2014, 01:30 PM
Dick, The 60 hi intensity lights drew 49 amps total. The 60 LEDs draw a little less than 9 amps total.
03-30-2014, 03:32 PM
That will make a big difference on your batteries when your not hooked up to shore power.
03-30-2014, 05:28 PM
Dale, I'm glad they worked out for you. So, let's see I saved you 30x on the price. Like any good consultant, you would owe me half the savings. Like any attorney you would owe me twice your savings. You can decide if I'm a consultant or attorney ;-).
dale farley
03-30-2014, 07:16 PM
You sound like a consulting attorney to me. I do appreciate the guidance. Now tell me where I can get the light fixtures???
03-30-2014, 09:52 PM
What fixtures do you need?
dale farley
03-30-2014, 10:32 PM
I wanted to get a couple extra complete lights like the one in the first post of this thread, but so far, I haven't found any.
03-31-2014, 08:24 AM
Rather than buying those exact fixtures consider buying some purpose made LED fixtures to put in closets, under counters, or other locations where matching fixtures doesn't matter. That will free up the original removed fixtures for spares.
dale farley
03-31-2014, 08:51 AM
Gil, I have thought about that, and that is probably what I will do. One of the fixtures has lost a significant amount of the reflective paint on the inside upper surface. I did a repair by gluing aluminum foil on the surface of the fixture, and it is not visible through the lens, so that may be all I need. I did find sources for getting the G-4 wires and ceramic connectors if I need any of them in the future.
Joe Camper
03-31-2014, 09:39 AM
That s something everybody could use. Anything that eases the stress on the batteries.
Dale, Brian gave me about a dozen of those style fixtures I will go dig them out to see if they r exact or not. If U like them u can have some.
dale farley
03-31-2014, 10:13 AM
Mine are 2 3/16" diameter on the back side and 2 11/16" on the outside cover. That was what I measured with a tape measure.
03-31-2014, 12:45 PM
Why do all mine look like this with no covers ? I am thinking they are all missing something ?
Yes I think that is a great idea, these coaches can make allot of there Own heat, I have a power vent behind my large TV monitor that kicks on to keep the electronics cooler and it blows right in the coach,
03-31-2014, 12:45 PM
None of mine have any covers , looks like there missing an outer ring and glass ?
03-31-2014, 12:59 PM
Would these work also ?
03-31-2014, 01:54 PM
13045Mine do not have a cover. I think the halogen bulbs with a cover would produce too much heat and become a fire hazard.
dale farley
03-31-2014, 02:20 PM
As shown by the pictures, mine have covers with glass lenses. There is no comparison between the heat of the new and old bulbs. Each bulb has 26 LEDs.
03-31-2014, 03:38 PM
Many of the horizontal bulb mount G-4 fixtures have covers, mine do. The horizontal bulb mount fixtures really don't have room for covers. Personally, I prefer the look of covers versus bare bulbs. To each their own.
I ordered some that were round, and when I installed one of them it has a YELLOW color. I notice yours have a yellow tint, cna you get them in white? If so where, and do you have a P/N so I don't wind up with 30 more lights that I don't want to use. I would also like to find some LED's to fit the Chevrolet type lights on my bay doors. They are the old style single element like an 1156. I noticed Gil's the other night in N.O. and they look great. (I know mine are a different type)
dale farley
03-31-2014, 05:57 PM
Mine said they were warm white, and I wanted the warmer bulbs because they are more like a regular incandescent bulb.. Some of them are whiter than others, but I really don't see a big difference when a whole bank of them are turned on.
Maybe I will try a bank of them to see. We missed you and Paulette in N.O., We are anxious to see your new ride as well.
Dick in Wisconsin
03-31-2014, 09:44 PM
One of the fixtures has lost a significant amount of the reflective paint on the inside upper surface. I did a repair by gluing aluminum foil on the surface of the fixture
Dale ... is that a technique you perfected in making your hats?
dale farley
03-31-2014, 10:01 PM
All I can say is, it worked.
03-31-2014, 10:53 PM
Here are some nice Puck light.
The transformer is not needed . It says 3 volts to 36 volts on the secondary .
My Coach lights are 24 volt. However, many of my lights are dimmable but I have not found any lamps that are dimmable.
Here is a good site for lamps.
04-01-2014, 01:18 AM
This might not mean anything but when I went to led, s on my Harley I had to buy a special box to make them blink because the voltage change is so low it won't detect it,
Maybe this is possible to wire into make them dimmable mine have three levels and I would hate to lose that,,,,,,,
dale farley
04-01-2014, 08:42 AM
Larry, Some of the LEDs are dimmable and others aren't. They usually cost more, and they will normally say if they are dimmable.
Joe Camper
04-01-2014, 08:56 AM
Dale no cigar. These do not have covers. The bulbs r the same but they face directly downward. Looks like they need a 2 in hole and the trim ring is 3in.They R adjustable direction both ways.
If U want a few I have 12 let me know. Maybe use these like Gill suggested if U can not locate exact duplicates.
dale farley
04-01-2014, 09:56 AM
I'd like to get three of these to put in my closet. I see no reason why they won't work. I assume that is a G4 socket?
Joe Camper
04-01-2014, 06:43 PM
Tell me where to send them.
dale farley
04-01-2014, 08:23 PM
I sent you a PM.
04-03-2014, 12:31 PM
My friend with an older Liberty was going with these lights for all his bays and closets the come in different brightness
He said there a little expensive I said I might look cheaper, He said buy once cry once .)
They work with 12 and 24 volt,
Joe Camper
04-03-2014, 12:56 PM
There sure is a huge variety of choices.
I was planning on hard wiring lighting in my XL in the suspension towers, underneath. A external outlet down there too. Never got around to it.
Dale 4 lights r headed your way snail mail. Be sure to thank Brian E he gave them to me.
Postage was 6 bucks put it in the church donations .
04-03-2014, 01:40 PM
I bought one of these to try in closets and under cabinets, but have not gotten around to it yet. I ordered new tail lights from these folks, so I just added this to the order. They are 12-24V and waterproof. These only come in cool white, so I would not recommend them for ceiling lights.
04-03-2014, 01:47 PM
Larry, those Rigid units are for extreme environments, which explains their $69+ price. For your application there are a lot of other choices that are far less expensive. If you are doing one or two, fine. If you have to replace a lot that becomes very expensive.
I bought these to replace my backup lights, but didn't like the oval look. I put them in the engine bay and wow! They are awesome.
dale farley
04-03-2014, 02:16 PM
Thanks for the lights. I'll put your $6 in the church, but I'll send you some for your trouble.
dale farley
04-03-2014, 02:18 PM
When are you leaving Alabama and heading home?
04-03-2014, 03:08 PM
We flew by you yesterday. We should have stopped by as driving from Henderson, LA to home made for a long day.
dale farley
04-03-2014, 04:29 PM
I thought some of the group were in Alabama for the week. Sorry I didn't check with you sooner. I was going to tell you to stop by since we are here for a few days. You could have got in the pit and checked your bus out. Although I did have to get a 5 ft snake out of there yesterday. I'm glad I wasn't under the bus when I saw him. I might have damaged my engine with my head.
dale farley
04-18-2014, 09:24 AM
Joe, I got the lights, and they will work, so thanks for your efforts. I at least reimbursed your postage. Thanks to BrianE for being the initial supplier.
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