View Full Version : ISUMs
Joe Camper
12-21-2013, 10:09 AM
With hearing about Lews death it has got me thinking of isums.
Air bag tanks - Footballs
Macerators- Growlers
inverters- Weasels
Remote holing tank dump control- Dave Mathews Switch
Please help me expand my vocabulary
Joe Camper
12-21-2013, 10:16 AM
What R we gonna call that shade that has its switch next to the bed that covers the window that Marathon put in hundreds of the shower stalls that allows viewing from the bedroom. What R we gonna call that button Hmmmmmmmmm;)
12-21-2013, 02:48 PM
ok Joe, for us bus nu-b's - I'd love to know the back story on the Dave Mathews Switch......
Also, for some reason I'm having a strange desire to trade my bus for a Marathon.......
12-21-2013, 03:34 PM
I heard The coach driver of TDMB dumped the black while on a bridge and it covered a yacht and it's occupants.
12-21-2013, 04:51 PM
oooh - googled it - sounds like that was a couple hundred thousand dollar flip of the dump it get the isum!
I think if I had one of those I'd render it inoperable so a DA with dollar signs wouldn't be tempted to make an example out of me by "dumping" my bank account into the general fund!
Joe Camper
12-21-2013, 05:05 PM
It was a boat for a architectural sight seeing tour and the bridge was a steel grate drawbridge over the Chicago river.
No good Mr Bus Driver No Good. Hence the Dave Mathews switch. I think they (cook county politicians) also constructed new laws and stiff fines make sure your dump cap is on when U R going thru the windy city.
Jetart I have a good friend who does electric things very good I call him The Yoda another ism. He helped me a great deal on a Marathon like this with the bedroom/shower window . He named it the sex kitty bus.
I hope that does not offend anyone It makes me laugh every time I recall that memory.
12-21-2013, 07:48 PM
What happens on a rock star's tour bus generally stays there, but the Dave Matthews Band's dirt made a public appearance earlier this month in Chicago.
The band is being sued by the state of Illinois for allegedly dumping up to 800 pounds of liquid human waste from its bus into the Chicago River on August 8, according to The Associated Press.
The suit, filed Tuesday, claims that a boat with more than 100 people on an architecture tour was soaked with sewage when the driver emptied the bus' septic tank through the Kinzie Street bridge's metal grating into the river. According to the AP, the attorney general's office said no one was seriously injured by the falling waste, and the boat's captain quickly took the ship back to shore and handed out refunds to passengers before disinfecting the boat.
Dave Matthews Band spokesperson John Vlautin said of the incident, "Our driver has stated that he was not involved in this incident," and added that the band "will continue to be cooperative in this investigation."
The lawsuit seeks $70,000 in civil penalties and charges the band and one of its drivers with violating state water-pollution and public-nuisance laws.
12-21-2013, 11:45 PM
I call my Dolly ' Dali Lama' . and when I'm driving, from Animal House "Ramming Speed!" other than that, I find my self quoting Captain Kirk from Star Trek occasionally, ' Make it so Sulu '. and Scotty, ' the shields won't hold Captain"
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