View Full Version : Where the heck is Jon?
Jerry Winchester
02-04-2006, 10:40 PM
I spent all afternoon washing my coach and when I get home, there were no epiphanies posted on this board. Where in the world is Jon? :confused:
As I was polishing the wheels, well maybe as I was watching a guy polish them for $5 each, I was thinking about Jon and the turbo buffer and wondering where he was hiding out this week.
Any sightings?
02-05-2006, 10:50 AM
He's got the life of Riley.
Down at the Liberty rally in Stuart, then heading up to DC for some Jerk Chicken at Mango Mike's. Probably see him around Valentine's day, unless he figures how to get online before that. He should sell some of those spare parts everyone is sending him and get a laptop.
Jon Wehrenberg
02-07-2006, 12:31 PM
I've been rubbing shoulders with the kind of folks that buy new coaches down in Stuart FL. Good bunch.
Since I don't trust Jeff to report accurately on my activities I will confess to being temporarily blinded by MPD and we looked at 4 and got serious on one coach, but it was not to be right now. I can and will report that my adamant posture against slideouts has been reversed, in part to not jeopardize a 44 year marriage, in part because how we use our coach is now changed, and in part because the Prevost engineered slide outs seem fairly bullet proof.
But for now we will remain with our 97.
And I have seen the comments about shipping me junk parts so I will suggest you who have been conjuring up some trickery may wish to reconsider because all of your coaches will be vulnerable at the POG rally.
Jerry Winchester
02-07-2006, 07:11 PM
I can't see how an Internet genius like yourself got off to a rally for a week with no computer access. However, it will take you a week to find all the subtle fun we had at your expense while you were gone. ;)
However, I made it to NYC today and this has to be coach driving hell. I would never bring a coach here.
Glad you are back....... Lew has been pissy and Mike has been toting the load (did you see his marker light web page?) and K&E can't figure out how to get logged onto the forum :D
Jon Wehrenberg
02-07-2006, 08:51 PM
"I can't see how an Internet genius like yourself got off to a rally for a week with no computer access. "
Boy are you off base.
My knuckles are scraped from draggin' on the ground. To put this in terms you will understand I use cartridges to update my GPS because I don't know how or want to learn how to do internet updates.
I never miss the computer, but when I am here safe and sound in familiar surroundings I turn it on and am still amazed at how this all works.
I just got a cell phone about a year ago. I still don't have voice mail on it because I don't know how and don't want to go to the trouble. When it rings I say hello.
Jeff on the other hand walks around with this thingy that he can use to read email, type letters, and make obscene phone calls.
02-07-2006, 09:21 PM
All of you "DONKEYS" went right by exit 121 on 95 and no one blew their horn. A fine bunch of stuck up friends you are. When you hang around the wide brimmed hat crowd, you get just like them.
Was the skinny mini Jeff sleuthing around getting secret scoops from uninformed Liberty owners.
Pulled in there Monday noon and it looked like Liberty's balance sheet will be on the favorable side. I saw about 8 or 9 sold signs in the front of their stock on hand. Did Jeff make a move on one with my rationalizations. He blamed the last "no buy" on me, why not blame me again?:D :D
Jon Wehrenberg
02-07-2006, 09:57 PM
You can't blame me for the sold signs, and since you brought it up, I was the coach that gave you the air horns at 3:42 AM on Monday.
I am a little upset you failed to respond.;)
I'm responsible for one of those sold signs. I'm scheduled to pick up the 1997 40' XL in mid March.
I did hear of quite a few sales from the rally and other events over the last month or so.
02-08-2006, 07:47 PM
This is my first post on the POG board, so forgive me if I make a faus paux, or in laymans terms put my foot in the cow pie. While the horns were a blasting
(3:42 A.M.), and those left home were throwing spit balls on the board, Liberty sold a total of 12 coaches. Enough said. :D
02-08-2006, 08:47 PM
Could've been lucky 13 - eh Jon.
Welcome to the board PT. And don't worry about any posts, we're all stepping in cow pies around here.
Ben, Congratulations on the purchase, how many sleepless nights until mid March. :)
02-08-2006, 09:45 PM
let's see.....3:42, horns, hmmmm. By god, I was taking a short snooze. Sorry, but your horn need a tune up.
I guess I will have the only older coach at the POG rally.. I'm not jealous or sad. I have a sweetheart. Not only that, am I having a ball with the chrome polish. I hope that makes someone happy besides me. Wax on, wax off.
Jerry Winchester
02-08-2006, 09:51 PM
Now my mental image of the you has warts. Not computer savy? Oh the humanity of it all. I actually thought you were doing a good job faking us all out, but to not program your own GPS chips; for shame.
You could at least take the weenie way out and get a Mac :eek:
Crap, I should get a Mac. All my friends who have them are constantly calling me for computer help, so I have to be Mac literate as well as PC.
Aren't most Mac guys Friends of the Earth?
02-09-2006, 08:54 AM
Jon...I can only speak from my NEW perspective...WE ARE THREE DAYS INTO PREVOST DOUBLE SLIDE HEAVEN!!!!!
Don't start with the Mac thing unless you want it to come back to you with such fury that it will make your brain spin.
I use both Mac and Windows and prefer the Mac. I'm also not a beginner by any means... I started with computers before I was in high school (from punch cards to today) and have done everything from light programming to writing books about computers. But I also work with everyone from complete beginners to the most advanced folks, so I'm not thinking from an isolated position.
Comparing Mac to Windows can be like comparing a Prevost to SOB... it all depends on your perspective as to which is which.
So, if you think I've taken the weenie way out, then I'd much rather be a mac weenie than a PC user any day.
It sounds to me like your Mac friends are not computer users, which is why they need help... god help them if they were on a PC (configuration, trouble shooting and stability are some of the biggest problems with the PC). You have to be very educated about the guts of your computer to be an effective PC user, which is not a requirement for Mac users... that allows you to concentrate on what you want to do with the 'pute instead of how to keep it running.
02-09-2006, 06:07 PM
I knew my Mac comment would get the blood flowing -especially with Ben. It's like opening a discussion on about Gas vs. Diesel Pushers. :)
Our Macs are Mango flavored.
Jerry Winchester
02-09-2006, 06:12 PM
My only comment is about 90% of businesses use PC's and mostly graphics and other associated groups use Mac. Don't get me wrong, Mac's are very nice machines, but try to get hardware or software help for one. It would appear that mostly no one has them and there is a reason for that.
Jerry Winchester
02-09-2006, 06:42 PM
Oh, and I was just jerking your chain. I am a big Mac fan, but the Mac minions all drink the kool aid and are way easy to rile. Too much to let MangoMike get away with............:D
02-09-2006, 08:40 PM
How about that V tail vs straight tail discussion next.;)
Jerry Winchester
02-09-2006, 09:04 PM
You're on some kind of trouble maker mission aren't you :D Don't you have some stainless to polish or an engine to clean somewhere? I'm sure Jon can hook you up with some chores......
Jon Wehrenberg
02-10-2006, 08:29 AM
I believe a Mac is something you eat right? As in big Mac?
I am not getting into any discussion about v tails or gas or diesel or any of that stuff because I have to go out to polish my slack adjusters.
02-10-2006, 10:43 AM
You're absolutely right, I apologize for stirring the pot. In fact I was just talking to my buddy Red Adair about you and he told me to back off and cut you some slack. Sorry man.
Jon Wehrenberg
02-10-2006, 10:56 AM
This is going to be a really weird rally because if Mango is talking to Red Adair we can probably get him to talk to the first Henry Ford or Mr. Diesel.
Then there will be the low wing guys versus the high wing guys. (No contest, because I never saw a low wing bird or bee.)
We can't rule out the battle between the computer guys or the coach specific arguments. Lets see if I can add a few topics nobody wants to discuss publicly. How about roof air versus Cruise Airs, OTR air versus using house airs, slides versus non-slide, H3 versus XL, rivets versus glue, toads with brakes and toads without, four wheel down versus tow dollies, and last but not least, the battle of who has the best converter.
I can't wait to see how all of us social misfits can get through a 3 day rally without anybody getting hurt.
Jerry Winchester
02-10-2006, 10:58 AM
You do get around. I heard Adair liked the Key Lime pie at Mango's so much he secretly dressed in drag to sneak in for a slice. I asked him why in drag and he said it helps you blend in at Mango's.......
What's up with that? :eek:
Oh, and he likes Mac's and forked tailed doctor killers.
02-10-2006, 11:08 AM
Boy it's going to be a tough rally. I'm showing up with a suit of armor and my attorney.
more to come...
Mango Mike's - best drag queen key lime pie in town.
Jerry Winchester
02-10-2006, 11:18 AM
Now Jon, I didn't want to jam Mike up with the news I was at Adair's funeral 8 months ago.
I think this rally is going to be a classic. More like a roast than a meeting of the minds. Let's call in the first air strike;
Roof Air - Makes your coach look like a Winnebago
OTR - If you have big juevos, this is the only way to keep them cool in flyover country
Cruisair - A small metal box that grinds money into cool air
Liberty Conversions - whorehouse chic positioned on the foreskin of technology
Slides - A calibrated leak you install to drive yourself crazy
H3 - the coach you want if you are a eunoch and can't keep up with the stainless
Toad Brakes - Also a eunoch device specifically designed to remotly grind your tires off without leaving the vehicle with the brakes on.
Tow Dollies - SOB tag-a-longs mostly used by old timers who keep forgetting to release their brakes.
What else?
Mike, this thread has turned into a car wreck; you hate to see it happen, but you just have to look......
Lew; I'm just kidding ;)
Jerry Winchester
02-10-2006, 11:39 AM
We have them warming up.........
Jon Wehrenberg
02-10-2006, 12:13 PM
I'd tell them bad boys to shut down their engines.
Mango's key lime pie may be good, but is it good enough for a squadron of pilots to show up wearing dresses?
And Jerry, the brake thing was an engineering test. Nothing more, nothing less. I wanted to see if all the other guys that drove away with them locked up and claimed the bus didn't feel any different were correct. I'm pretty sure you could drag a Hummer until you scraped a hole in the gas tank. And from previous personal experience I can tell you that the resultant fire would not show up in the rear monitor or the mirrors.
Car wreck????? I don't think so....this is shaping up to be a train wreck.:)
Jerry Winchester
02-10-2006, 12:39 PM
I think this guy also forgot to release his brakes.
Jon Wehrenberg
02-10-2006, 02:37 PM
I know everybody on this site is just sitting back waiting to pounce on some member who makes a minor mistake. Well I am not like that.
In fact I am heading in the other direction on this one. We should all be proud of one of our members who has invented a wireless toad lighting device. All of us have to plug a wire cable into our coach and our toad, but the very modest inventor shown here along with his newly designed device should eliminate that need if testing proves it functions well.
As one who is more comfortable with simple mechanical concepts I am not sure how the device shown functions, but I suspect it gets energy from bouncing along the pavement behind the bus, and through some means lights the appropriate toad lights.
I hope the inventor can share his progress in this very important leap of technology.
02-10-2006, 06:11 PM
I don't think the V tails are warming up to try the key lime pie, I'm thinking more of a bombing run. Thank God for the ADIZ.
I like the wireless toad light prototype - when does the production run start? Or is a kit deal that you just tie to your rear bumper.
Rough crowd. No wonder no one wants to spend the $100.
Jerry Winchester
02-11-2006, 08:24 AM
I thought you were in change of hazing new members? With such a nice board, I wondered why there were so many threads started on the other board; now I know the answer.
You should go over to the other board and drive those folks over here. :D
I had harbored the thought of using my coach today at a basketball tailgate party but the thought of it becoming a mobile job jonnie is too much to endure. I guess it will stay in the hanger and the Scout will make the trip.
You and Jon keep them whipped into a fury whilst I am out.........:p
And remind me to never make a mistake when Jon is about with a camera.
Jon Wehrenberg
02-11-2006, 10:20 AM
In the interests of full disclosure the photos would not have ever been possible had the plug not been sent to me in the mail.
This site is populated with members who know they will experience ruthless abuse at the first sign of an error, but those same members are rough and tough and can take it.
The real wimps are the ones who try to hide their mistakes.;)
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