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View Full Version : Do You Carry a Gun in Your Bus?

dale farley
10-13-2013, 09:28 PM
I have taken a gun with me in a bus and/or passenger vehicle before without thinking about all the implications if I got stopped for any reason. This book may be something that we all want to read before entering a State where we are not familiar with their gun laws. This book (2013 Traveler's Guide To The Firearm Laws of the 50 States) is available for as little as $13.95 and the description below is from RV Bookstore.
Many RVers carry a gun in their RV. Most of them, we believe, are aware of the gun laws in their home state but not those of other states where carrying a gun may be a felony. Many horror stories exist in which an unwary, nonresident traveler is arrested on a firearms felony for a violation that wouldn't be a crime at home, A routine traffic stop can suddenly degenerate into a nightmare with the unsuspecting traveler hauled off to jail.

One story typifies such a nightmare. A businessman from North Carolina was traveling on the New Jersey turnpike when he was stopped for speeding. During the routine questioning, the trooper asked the North Carolina man if he had a firearm. Having a concealed carry permit in North Carolina, he told the trooper that he had a pistol which he was licensed to carry. Before he could utter another word, the trooper had drawn his sidearm and ordered the man out o fhis car with his hands up. The stunned businessman, who had never even had a parking ticket, obeyed. The man was charged with a felony and spent three days in jail. He was eventually placed on a diversion program while the felony charge was pled down to a misdemeanor. But if he had not had such an exemplary prior record, he may have faced the original felony and prison time.

This book, published in 2013 has more than 50 changes from last years edition and outlines the laws of every U.S. state. There is also a section for each state detailing a permittee's duty to inform a police officer of his permit status during a traffic stop. And it’s quickly evident by paging through, that the laws vary greatly state by state. This excellent book covers all the basics for armed travel: vehicles, the glove box, open carry, loaded or not, reciprocity, weapon types and more. For the RVer who carries a firearm, this book is essential. New edition published 2013. More than 400,000 books sold.

10-14-2013, 08:00 AM
I think there are at least 2 places you can't even transport a gun through the state. Although not a state, I know DC is one of them. DC is so bad that they had considered a pistol style flare gun the same as a handgun. I think the Coast Guard finally helped with that one given flares are a requirement on the water and many of us had the pistol style.

10-14-2013, 12:13 PM
Thanks Dale, Amazon has it for $6.50
http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_0_15?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=travelers%20guide%20to%20the%20firearm%20 laws%20of%20the%20fifty%20states%202013&sprefix=Travelers+guide%2Cstripbooks%2C376&rh=i%3Astripbooks%2Ck%3Atravelers%20guide%20to%20t he%20firearm%20laws%20of%20the%20fifty%20states%20 2013

dale farley
10-14-2013, 01:06 PM
Thanks Brian. I like that price better than $13.95.

Joe Camper
10-19-2013, 09:07 PM
There is 3 ways and 3 ways ONLY a cop can enter your vehicle lawfully. U let him in, he sees something illegal or when U have been arrested for something. Any other entry is not legal. So if u r being stopped and have a gun do not do something U don't need to, Like let them anywhere near the door. Cant have a gun in the Chicago city limits either. Big knives and billy clubs r OK tho.

10-19-2013, 09:55 PM
TWO, and a 100 rounds.

10-20-2013, 01:01 PM
Dan, is that because you are a bad shot, or are you going RHUGARUH hunting?

10-20-2013, 07:30 PM
Good one Pete!

11-09-2013, 01:03 PM
Never leave home without one or two !