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View Full Version : Managing a Blowout - Front or Rear EYEOPENING

10-11-2013, 01:05 PM

Hi All,

The youtube video (link below) presented by RIVA and sponsored by Michelin shows with real blowouts on how to manage your coach to safety. This may be old news or redundant to some, but I have to say this being our fifth RV building up to the XL that I have never had this instruction nor would have ever thought of accelerating as being the initial critical reaction to the initial blowout. I spend time at 180mph for fun and sometimes profit and am considered good at my race craft. This was a surprise for me and disturbing that if presented with this immediate panic situation over these past years that I probably would have come off the gas first - no brake and possibly put us into a more dangerous or fatal situation. Wifey found this and said I have to watch it ten more times!



Doug NashXL1239912398

10-11-2013, 01:50 PM
I experienced a blow out on the front driver's side tire @ 65mph! I was on CRUISE CONTROL on I-25 in Santa Fe.

I heard the tire blow; I tapped the brake pedal in order to come off of cruise control. The coach tracked straight and I pulled off onto the shoulder of the interstate. I assume that because I was on cruise control that was the same as ACCELERATING for a few seconds after the blow out.

I didn't sustain any damage to the coach or the rim for that matter.

I called Santa Fe Skies RV park and they recommended a truck tire shop that had road service. The tire shop came out and changed the tire without removing the rim. 1 hour and 30 minutes later we were on our way to the RV park.

I think that being on cruise control is what kept my coach tracking straight. Just lucky I guess!:D

dale farley
10-11-2013, 03:13 PM

Great video to remind all of us what we need to do in such situations. I don't think any of us can hear this too much. Thanks for the post.

11-17-2013, 08:01 PM
I am impressed with not taking the wheel off!

04-05-2017, 08:31 PM
Has anyone heard of Safe-T-Plus to prevent an accident due to front tire blow out? Will it work on a Prevost? http://www.safe-t-plus.com

04-05-2017, 09:03 PM
I'm sure Safe-T-Plus will help with a blowout. At the very least it will dampen the steering wheel pull. Unfortunately, they only support a limited number of Prevost models.

Another product that seems interesting works by limiting the shrinking diameter of a tire during a blowout. It's the reduced diameter of a blown tire that causes the pull to the direction of the blowout. Here's their site: http://www.tyron-usa.com

I don't have first hand experience with either product.

04-06-2017, 05:53 AM
Doug, long time no see...good to know you're still around. Still have your XL? Still racing? Hope to catch up with you somewhere sometime. You should know from your racing that 98% of the time you're better of with a throttle and a steering wheel than a brake pedal. Geo.

04-06-2017, 01:35 PM
I like the Tyron concept better because it looks like it might put some sort of limit on the amount of damage in addition to saving lives. thanks Gil.

Donnie Myers
04-07-2017, 02:36 PM
I'm sure Safe-T-Plus will help with a blowout. At the very least it will dampen the steering wheel pull. Unfortunately, they only support a limited number of Prevost models.

Another product that seems interesting works by limiting the shrinking diameter of a tire during a blowout. It's the reduced diameter of a blown tire that causes the pull to the direction of the blowout. Here's their site: http://www.tyron-usa.com

I don't have first hand experience with either product.
I have installed quite a few Tyron systems. I have the shop hydraulic press and give the customer the portable tool to keep in the coach. I really like the system. I think all vehicles over 20k pounds should come standard with them installed on the steer tires! I also like the Tru Balance sleeves for all hub centered wheels!

04-11-2017, 01:58 PM
I had Tyron bands installed on My XL steer tires. I had a limited budget to spend at the time on My coach. And still need to do headlight / Tail light upgrades and some other things on the want to list. I decided to put safety first, and do the bling later. I plan on taking Our grandkids on some trips and want the coach to be as safe as possible. I heard that Marathon is putting them on their new coach's steer tires. They seem a bit pricey , But how much is it worth to be safe ? I can see the merit of the steering stabilizer shock mentioned above. Does anyone here have one installed on their coach ? If so , Did it improve handling ?

Safe Travels,

Joe Camper
04-11-2017, 07:16 PM
Rocky there r quite a few chassis with the steering stabilizers and prevost components that have hydraulic assist not just a horizontal shock.

Can't really say u can tell under normal conditions, we can only hope and assume it would be helpful during a blowout.

So what r we talking about to do the steers tyron?? How many Lewbucks?

04-11-2017, 07:47 PM
I know one member that has a couple front flats or blowouts and he said he didn't have any problems with control. His coach has a steering dampener of sorts.

The internal devices make sense in theory. I wonder why they aren't more common. I'very never seen them offered at really big truck tire suppliers.

If Marathon installs them it must be after 2014.

Joe Camper
04-11-2017, 09:12 PM
I had a steer blowout about 30yr ago in a day cab kw with no power steering. It destroyed the fibreglass front fender blew the headlight bezel completely out then I drove over that. I was able to control it.

That wasn't a 53000lb bus with almost 18000 on the steer my steer was right at 10000.

How much r the tyron for 2 steer.

04-12-2017, 10:05 AM
Joe, Got mine at ETLC. They started installing them and are dealers for the Tyron system. Call them for price. Mine were lumped in with a ton of other work. Do they work as advertised ? I don't know , And hope I never have to find out. But I don't want to have one of those moments where I wish I had a " Do Over " should I ever have a steer tire blowout or failure.
Gil, They might just be on the option list for Marathon. I did hear that they put them on. But I do not know if they are on all , Or options ? Don't think I will be in the New Coach market to find out.
Safe travels,