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Joe Cannarozzi
01-02-2007, 07:45 AM
A friend who lives in Florida insisted we stop on the way down so he could show us around The Villages.

Just off US27 where I75 hits the Fla. turnpike south of Ocalla.Just outside Wildwood.

The last exit on 75south before the pike is Fla44 go east past the KOA to a private campground(half the price and just as nice 27bucks)

If there was ever a community with PLENTY to do this is it.

More than a dozen golf courses. Shopping in quaint little town squares. Custom golf carts EVERYWARE. You can use them everyware legal, they even put tunnels under the intersections for them. Live entertainment EVERY night At 2 of the squares. The night we were there we herd a fellow do Girshwins rhapsidy in Blue in long. If you closed your eyes you would have thought it was the old boy himself. This place is advertised as a retirement place but we didnt see anyone sitting still. If anyone is thinking about buying in Fla. and does not check this place out that would be a mistake.

01-02-2007, 08:16 AM
Hi Debbie and Joe,

I agree the place looks impressive from the flyers. Last year I sent for information on The Villages. Friends of ours who live in Florida had mentioned it to us.

When Bob finally retires again (yeah right, I see you all rolling your eyes) he had mentioned wanting to have a place in Florida, SC, and Ohio. When I found out The Villages does not have a horse community section I crossed them off my list:D In this day and age, with a huge majority of women over 40 involved with riding, etc. it is a shame that they are missing out on that part of the population. Maybe they figure there are enough horsey communities down there? Did you find out their status on buses and RV's?


Joe Cannarozzi
01-02-2007, 08:32 AM

They have buffalo, guess they get a tax break for it.

We would like to concider ourselves as not at retirment age yet but would not hesitate to move here now if the need arised.

The area is just loaded with horse farms all the way up to Ocala and going north from there on US27 there's MANY HUGE horse farms. Live oaks everyware, we dont see these up north.

While on the subject if anyone enjoys getting off the interstate but hesitsates for all our obvius reasons US27 inbetween Tallahasse and Ocala is a WONDERFUL drive. Its all 4-lane and practicly deserted. It also cuts off miles if going east on 10 to 75 south. The road is so strait and flat for so long it disappears into the horizon, and very smooth as well.

The Villages are like condo communities,but are single family homes, no room for the bus but I suspect you would not have to go too far to shelter it.

01-02-2007, 09:21 AM
They have buffalo, guess they get a tax break for it.
We would like to concider ourselves as not at retirment age yet but would not hesitate to move here now if the need arised.

Buffalo? Maybe Ted Turner owns part of The Villages:p Yes, I have many friends with horse farms in the Ocala/Gainesville area. I agree that the drive through there is beautiful.

I don't think retirement necessarily equates to chronological age so if you take that point of view, none of us will ever retire--ha~! Seems to be Bob-00's philosophy:rolleyes: