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View Full Version : The Adventures of POG Man

07-14-2013, 07:12 PM
Hey POGgers,

Do these guys look familiar??


Not so much. How about this one??


Still not sure. This one should do it.


That's right. POGman went to Frank and Mike's place today. I wanted to see what they would give me for him. Because of their fame (and fortune), they don't show up at the store much. Only when the cameras are rolling. I took him inside and a sales person helped me.
"What is this guy worth?" I asked.
She said "about $5.00 and that's being charitable."
"Are you kidding me" I said? "Do you know how much I paid for him?"
"Tell me" she said.
"Well I don't remember exactly, but over $100.00, and I only get to keep him for a year" I said.
"Sir" she said, "you must have been crazy, or half drunk at the time, to pay that much for this "Thing" ".
"Well, Yah, OK. Were you in Las Vegas last October? How did you know??" I asked
"No sir, I wasn't there--Experience!! I just knew".


And the adventure continues. On the road, round about, to Nashville.


07-14-2013, 08:10 PM
What a great trip...for both of you and POGman too.

dale farley
07-15-2013, 10:57 AM

Did you get to talk to Danielle, or just a run-of-the-mill sales person?

07-15-2013, 05:53 PM
It wasn't Danielle, but she had tatoos like Danielle. I wonder if that is a prerequisite for working there??

Joe Camper
07-16-2013, 09:27 AM
Dale I think Danielle is now at the Nashville Store maybe a trip over there during the rally might be in order.