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View Full Version : The Adventures of POG Man

07-12-2013, 09:29 PM
Hey POGgers,

This morning POGman visited the John Deere tractor and cab assembly plant in Waterloo, IA. The problem was that you have to be 13 years of age for the factory tour, and he is a couple of years shy. No photos, videos, or cell phones are allowed in the factory. John Deere has a foundry for casting engine blocks, etc., an engine works facility, a drivetrain facility, and assembly plant. The Waterloo Operations has over 195 acres of manufacturing floor space located on 2,485 acres of land and employs approximately 6000 people from the local area. WOW!!

After lunch we took a trip over to Hudson, IA and toured Hansen's Dairy. This family bought their land in 1864 and have been farming / dairying ever since. Years ago they only milked cows and sold the milk to local creameries. Recently they changed their business plan, and now process their milk into cheese, cheese curds, butter, and ice cream, and non-homoginized milk. Local markets, senior center, and Hansen outlets sell all of their production.

Taking the round about route to Nashville,






07-12-2013, 10:08 PM
That is amazing regarding John Deere and its operation. Did they offer samples at Hansens?

07-13-2013, 08:58 AM
Hi Gary,
Yes there was plenty of samples at Hansen's. We made butter, tasted their ice cream, and cheese curd. I had never heard of cheese curd before, but it is quite tasty and very popular in this area. And of course their milk, chocolate in fact.

Joe Camper
07-13-2013, 09:20 AM
Doesn't John Deere also have and forge their own steel over there in their own mill right at the factory. Used to deliver lime to the mill at the Deere factory in Fargo ND. No Chinese steel in those tractors they make it themselves.

Jamie Bradford
07-13-2013, 11:08 AM

Are you letting POG Man do any of the driving?


07-14-2013, 01:28 PM
John Deere / Waterloo brings memories. Many years ago working as an Ironworker Connector I spent many months there erecting a series of structures. I believe they referred to it as the Northeast Site then. I remember it being in the middle of nowhere in a big corn field. Colder then the proverbial witch in winter, hotter than hell in summer, spring was nice though.
Not the best spot for nightly entertainment for a young energetic construction hand. However I recall we managed to get by. Back then the farm and construction equipment manufacturers were building fast and furious all across the Midwest and supplied a lot of construction hands many employment opportunities. Ahh the good old days.

07-14-2013, 03:05 PM
Mr. Fix, I hope that little flashback was good for you. We enjoyed it too !

07-14-2013, 05:55 PM
Flashbacks, hot flashes, all about the same !