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View Full Version : Funny or Embarrissing Bus Stories

Joe Camper
06-06-2013, 09:00 PM
Whos going first:o

06-06-2013, 10:40 PM
Louise and I were traveling in New Mexico on some back roads just for the fun of it. This was quiet a while back, before GPSs were popular. So she is looking at the travel atlas and giving me directions.

We come to a intersection in the road and the US hiway sign was missing so we didn't know which way to turn. I said let's not turn since there was no sign telling us to turn; let's just keep going straight! Sounds logical right! She says turn right and that will be the continuation of the hiway. We argue back and forth at the intersection and since I am driving I continue to go straight.

We drive about 2 miles and come to a beautiful lake; only problem was there was a big sign that said "Road Ends"! So I had to disconnect the car, turn the coach around and re-connect the tow car.

We still laugh about that day!:D

Now we let the GPS confuse us and get us into similar situations. At least we can blame the computer!

06-06-2013, 10:46 PM
Too many to remember. Driving down the road at night with my Neon skirt lights on, or both engine doors swinging wildly going down the freeway and a driver trying to flag me down. plugging 12 volt lamps in 24 volt sockets. Bringing the living room slide in and crushing a box of stuff.

Driving down the road for 2 hours with my ride height up to max height, not in drive height.

Not bringing a ladder and losing my electric zip dee shade canopy in the desert.

Many more.

06-06-2013, 10:51 PM
Hey Gary, I did the drive down the road at max ride height before. People were looking at me like I was crazy.

Joe Camper
06-06-2013, 11:06 PM
When I picked up mine it idled for probably an hr while I was showed around some and then I aired up all the tires. It was an 84 and 8-V and at the time I was pretty clueless as to high idle. I thought Id let it "warm up" a bit. The bus was also sitting for who knows how long only running from time to time at startup never actually rolling around. When I hit Henderson Pike on the way out to the big road that bus layed out a smokescreen a half a mile out. I thought holy crap what have I gotton myself into. It was a really ugly It cleaned up but oh my god I bout had a heart attack when I looked in the mirror. I was still grinning ear to ear happy to be headed home with it.

dale farley
06-07-2013, 08:18 AM
A few days after we got our first bus (93 Marathon), I drove around the bus barn without disconnecting the power cord. When I made the circle I saw the end of my cord hanging on the wall. If I had looked in the mirror, I could have seen Paulette running and waving her arms. That's why I traded for a Country Coach so the talking lady would tell me when my power cord was connected. Problem solved!

06-07-2013, 10:23 AM
Love "Country Coach Betsy" (cleaned that up!) I had a period of time when my Verbal System was inop and realy missed it. When I had an early Datsun (single days) used to think it would have been cool to be able to access its controls to change and edit what it would come on and say.....just remembering

06-07-2013, 12:06 PM
I know a Member that became alarmed when he learned his 8-V was a two cycle engine and he had not added any two cycle oil to the fuel.

Joe Camper
06-08-2013, 09:22 AM
Ohhhhhhhhhh I didn't realize I was including our experiances with other peoples mistakes. Great idea Jim. I have a single friend with a Marathon that invited some folks in the bus and the door mechanism fell apart as they closed it behind themselves on the way in. When they went to leave they could not open the door with either the inside or outside latches. One of the persons he was entertaining and stuck inside was a more than moderately overweight middle aged woman. They all crawled out one of the awning windows in the livingroom out on to a flimsy aluminum step ladder just tall enough to "get er done". He told me "I was very worried she was either not going to fit or get stuck going out"

Dick in Wisconsin
06-09-2013, 12:05 AM
I know a Member that became alarmed when he learned his 8-V was a two cycle engine and he had not added any two cycle oil to the fuel.

How much oil? 50:1 ratio?

Joe Camper
06-10-2013, 09:23 AM
Yes Dick its a good thing that U R looking at campers with 60 series. U just inserted yourself into this thread more than U realize.

06-12-2013, 06:52 PM
A couple of stories.

Coming back from a long weekend at a friends in the Hill Country with my family and his wife and kids in the bus. We got to Houston and the automatic air lock on the entry door (typically disengages when the parking brake is set of the door handle is opened) would not disengage. Got on the phone with Prevost and spent the next 30 minutes taking the dash apart to try to find the the Norgren valve that controlled the door lock. Ended up taking everyone (3 adults and 4 kids and 2 dogs including a 65 lb Fat Beagle) out of the emergency window via a ladder. The valve was below the driver's seat in the electrical bay.

With our first motorhome (a Fleetwood diesel) back in 2000, I had just filled up and got to the storage facility to park it. I turned the key off and took it out of the ignition but the engine would not shut off. I tried several things but to no avail. Fortunately, I stored the RV in the same facility that Pete Petree stored his 85 Prevost (at the time). Pete was working on his bus and I asked if he could help a bewildered RV owner. He came over and we lifted up the bed and disconnected the main wiring harness from the computer to the engine. It worked.

Jamie Bradford
06-12-2013, 10:50 PM
The Summer Adventure Begins..........

Left Florida yesterday - started the bus and the Country Coach Dash would not light up - I have played this game before - I proceeded to take things apart above & below until I got on the forum and looked at my own post from 4 years ago - one of the responses from back then was to check the dimmer switch - dimmer switch had been turned to dark and I turned it clockwise and all was well.... 1 hour lost............

07-11-2013, 11:52 PM
We were once staying in an older RV park and a guy came up to me and exclaimed, "Wow, what a beautiful rig! It's so big!". "So", he said, "how many people does it sleep?". I said, "We'll, when its full, ... two,". We all had a good chuckle.

07-12-2013, 07:45 AM
Nice to see you posting again.

07-12-2013, 10:14 AM
Not funny, embarrissing, but scary, I took my bus to have some work done on it, and upon arrival, I stopped at the maintenance facility, set the brake, turned off the engine, and attempted to unlatch my seat belt to no avail. I was by myself, without my cell phone, and after struggling with it for about 10 minutes, took out my trusty pocket knife and CUT the belt to get free. It is scary when thinking if it were an emergency, like an accident or fire and had no knife what could one do?
ALWAYS have a way to get out of the seat, as seat belt latches do fail!

Tully Garrett
07-16-2013, 10:31 PM
Was at Yogi Bear park in Milbrook Illinois on the 4th of July this year. Was there for two days. Running A/C non-stop. Seems a lot of condensation from the Roof top units made the ground around the rear tires very wet and soft. We fired the rig up and were going to head home but... the rear wheels kept spinning in the mud. After ten minutes of rocking the bus back and forth we see a crowd of 20+ people standing out in road watching us.

Another ten minutes pass and now there are more people (and some with lawn chairs) sitting in the street watching us.
Now Im getting nervous- I think I see people behind tress and bushes exchanging bets as to wether I get get out or stay stuck in the mud :-0 All they see is my wife pointing her finger at me and me yelling back at her to chill...

Finally got out and threw some rubber floor mats under the rear tires and was able to finally get some traction and pull out onto the road. A large roar of folks were pumping their fist in the air and clapping. I could see the park ranger in my mirrors as I pulled out scratching his head and looks at the deep craters I left behind.

For the next couple of miles we left a track of mud as far as the eye could see ;-)


07-17-2013, 10:14 AM
I think the thread title could be considered funny or embarrassing as it is spelled incorrectly, as is the category "Miscellaneous Items":p Just saying.

dale farley
07-17-2013, 12:20 PM
That "Miscellaenous" was a little embarrassing. Funny you are the first to notice or at least the first to point it out. Only been that way for about 6 months.

07-17-2013, 05:28 PM
I kept thinking it would get fixed so didn't say anything sooner:cool: No biggie, I make lots of mistakes as well. Just thought it fit the thread.