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View Full Version : DirecTV Didn't Win any Points Today

05-31-2013, 05:08 PM
First, let me start by saying I should have read DirecTV's early termination policy.

Several months ago I subscribed to DirecTV and it never worked with my satellite system. I noticed a requirement for a low speed data connection on the satellite receiver in my satellite system user's manual. I mentioned this to the installer that dropped the receiver off at my house. He assured me it wasn't necessary. After several attempts to use the satillte system I called KVH and they told me the TracVision LM is basically a boat anchor (his words) due to DirecTV discontinuing support for the data channel.

I finally got around to cancelling my subscription. The first DirecTV rep said he'd sent a tech out to validate that it won't work and they would waive the early termination penalty. They sent the tech to my last address, even though it was clear where he was supposed to be. The next DirecTV rep said there's no way to waive the penalty. In written correspondence with DirecTV they said the same.

Here's the kicker. The early termination penalty could be as much as $480! I had already paid them $560 in subscription fees without watching a single minute of TV. and they are now demanding $370 in early termination fees.

Next time you can bet I'm going with DISH, the no contract provider.

05-31-2013, 09:23 PM
What a BUMMER! I think sometime they make up the rules as they go. I think I would make them work for a every single dime if they get anything.
What ever happened to old fashioned courtesy and common sense in business.

dale farley
05-31-2013, 10:14 PM
That coutesy and common sense have been replaced by greed. It's a shame Gil doesn't have a way to get enough publicity to shame Direct into doing what is right.

06-01-2013, 11:52 PM
Sometimes it just takes a couple of calls to get the right person. You may also have to work your way up management to get to someone higher who can make the decision.

06-02-2013, 10:59 AM
I agree with Gary. We've been Direct TV customers for years and we change our service from local feeds to national feeds every time we haul the DVR receiver from the house to the bus for a trip. It's been amazing to us that the rules seem to change every time we do this. The good news is when I don't like the answers I'm getting, I always ask the rep to escalate the call and I always end up with someone who is courteous and who can make a sensible decision. It's frustrating but so far it has always works out in the end.