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View Full Version : Improve WiFi While in Your Prevost

dale farley
05-11-2013, 11:28 AM
Inexpensive way to improve your WiFi in your RV.

You may have pulled into an RV park at some point and quickly been underwhelmed by the WiFi service. There may be a simple and inexpensive way to improve that reception.

Wi-Fi works with no physical wired connection between sender and receiver by using radio frequency technology. The main component in any WiFi is an amplifier that is used to broadcast a wireless signal that computers and other devices can receive. WiFi is the name given to a low power microwave communications in the 2.4 Ghz range between personal computers and other devices such as cell phones, tablets, etc. Most of these devices have a working radius of 25-50 feet if there are no obstructions such as a metal RV wall between your device and the broadcast signal.

There are other adaptations of the original WiFi design such as Hot spots and long range WiFi that can be found in places such as RV Parks. These setups are called base stations and are designed to help overcome the distance limitation imposed by the relative lack of output power of the radios in PCs, Cell phones and tablets. Remember, not only do you need to receive a signal, you also need to broadcast a signal from your device if you are both receiving and sending information.

The more of these devices that are operating inside the boundaries of an RV park, the more interference or “noise” the devices create. As the level of the “noise” approaches the output power of the customer’s device, the device’s messages are lost in the background noise and the connection fades or is disconnected.

WiFi seems to come and go in an RV Park setting for several reasons. High frequency, low power radios such as WiFi radios are particularly susceptible to interference from both naturally occurring and man-made sources. Humidity, temperature and emissions from the sun are all naturally occurring sources of interference. The man-made sources are devices that operate on the WiFi Frequency, that is, everyone else’s PCs, iPhones, IPads, Droids, Tablets, Air Cards and wireless routers. So when you get to an RV park that says they provide WiFi, don't be too surprised if that service seems sub-standard. It may not be the service at all.

Most of us do not understand the limitations of our own devices, and it may not always be the Wi-Fi provider's fault that we have little or no connection. Many of us do not understand the capabilities of our own laptops, smart phones or tablets. If we did, we probably wouldn’t complain as much.

The little antenna built into your laptop was designed for ‘in-home’ use, not a commercial application, like an RV resort. Don’t confuse getting online at McDonald's or Starbucks with your built-in devices because the experience is not the same as getting online at an RV resort.

The antenna that is in your laptop is just not strong enough, and was not designed to go through the metal siding of a Prevost or pick up a signal from a tower a 100 feet away. The average laptop antenna was made to send/receive signals approximately 25-50 feet. Your iPad, e-reader,smart phone, etc. all have even less powerful antennas built-in than your laptop.

There are all kinds and prices of devices that you can purchase and enhance your WiFi experience while on the road but probably the simplest thing you can do is purchase an inexpensive antenna or signal booster.

You probably can't do anything about your existing antenna in your devise, but you can get an external antenna that connects to your laptop through your Ethernet or USB port and will make Wi-Fi more readily available while at an RV park. I usually connect my antenna to the computer and place the antenna by a window. External antennas may be 20 to 40 times stronger than the existing one in your device. Simple and relatively inexpensive antennas can make it possible to really enjoy your Wi-Fi service when it would otherwise be nothing more than a total aggravation.

There are many ways to enhance the WiFi experience, but the intent of this article is just to highlight the fact that an antenna for less than $50 may make a significant difference in your WiFi experience while in your RV. Ebay and Amazon have a variety of simple and effective antennas at very reasonable prices.

05-11-2013, 06:37 PM
Very interesting. Thanks Dale.

05-12-2013, 11:44 AM
Dale, opinions differ on the effectiveness of external attennas. See this POG thread from last October.


dale farley
05-12-2013, 01:30 PM
I certainly agree that opinions and facts differ about antennas under different circumstances. If a camprgound has lousy service with a bad signal, no antenna of any kind is going to turn that bad signal into a great signal without significant upgrades and/or expense. But in cases where there is a good signal, and you may be too far away from the closest amplifier, an external antenna can definitely enhance the WiFi experience.

I am not implying that an external antenna is the answer to all the WiFi problems, but I have stayed in several campgrounds where the antenna made a significant difference. Even if there is a good signal outside the bus, the metal sides and top block some of that signal. Having the antenna in the window can make a difference in most of those situations.

Even as I presently sit in the lobby of my church (between services) and type this, I know that I have a marginal signal since I am about 40' from the amplifier. If I had an external antenna or booster, I could definitely improve the reception on my netbook.

05-12-2013, 08:06 PM
I use a repeater that is self contained in the coach and find it to be the most effective solution that doesn't require an external antenna. This also works with any user device in the coach wheter it's a tablet, laptop, smartphone or anything else. It works establishing two connections. One Wi-Fi connection with the CG's hotspot and other with your device. Then it bridges the two connections.

dale farley
05-12-2013, 09:57 PM

Although, I have said 'external" antenna, I actually never use it external to the bus. I just plug it in to my USB port and set it on the inside window sill, and it usually makes a big difference.

I use a Lynksys router/repeater in my house to create my WiFi from my DSL connection but never had one in the bus. Are you saying your repeater picks up the CG's WiFi signal, amplifies the signal and re-broadcasts it in the bus?

05-13-2013, 07:39 AM
Yes Dale that is how it works. It doesn't have a routing function, just a bridge. It does support security to prevent your neighbors from jumping on.

dale farley
05-13-2013, 07:49 AM
That shows how fast technology our runs us. I wasn't even thinking about a wireless one, since I've always had the hard wired one in the house. Of course, that's all I need in the house since there isn't a WiFi signal in several miles. What make/model do you have?

Joe Camper
05-13-2013, 07:59 AM
Why rely on other signals to have wifi when U can leave home with your own signal for peanuts.

I have verizon vc access manager 20 bucks a month.

dale farley
05-13-2013, 09:01 AM
Joe, How much do you get for $20 a month?

Joe Camper
05-13-2013, 04:21 PM
It is the only wifi I have I use it for all wifi at home and on the road the only time I ever went over my package is recently I watched a bunch of free live tv off my new live direct tv capability.

Also have to have an exzisting Verizon account prior. Its 4g i know that and its just as quick as the home wifi it replaced .

Also gave out a free HP compact mini when I signed up.

05-13-2013, 07:16 PM
Joe, my discounted VZ plan is about $90 a month which includes tethering my smartphone to Wi-Fi devices and 5G of data. My preference is Wi-Fi, even to connect my phone when at home, and when the Wi-Fi performance is better than VZ. In Canada and Ak I didn't use VZ data at all. In fact I turned off data while in Canada due to unnecessary expense.

dale farley
05-13-2013, 07:40 PM
VZ must like you Joe. The price around here with is about the same Gil is paying.

Joe Camper
05-14-2013, 07:50 AM
Im not streaming data thru my cell phone I use for phone calls. I have been given a seporate second # for interet service it costs an additional 20 bucks a month and anyone can get the same thing

Joe Camper
05-14-2013, 08:52 AM
Next time U R at VZ ask them to explain the "mobile office manager" that is the device I am using to put the data thru my mini hp instead of a phone.

05-14-2013, 11:36 AM
Joe, so you have the $90/mn or thereabouts data plan on your phone and pay another $20/mn to avoid using your phone's built-in Wi-Fi capability. I assume you don't get any extra data with that 20 bucks, just a data only device, which I assume to be their Mi-Fi card.

05-14-2013, 11:48 AM
Dale, here's the one I use: http://www.ampedwireless.com/family/products/sr10000.html The only thing I don't like about this one is that it has to be configured from the Ethernet port. I would prefer to have one configurable over the local Wi-Fi link.

05-14-2013, 12:36 PM
Gil are you saying a router works without being connected to a DSL line just the computer wired to the router?

Joe Camper
05-14-2013, 05:24 PM
I only have 1 laptop and VZ is the only internet I pay for both at home and on the road.

I had the VZ office manager installed or downloaded or whatever into it

I still have my cell phone that is wifi but it is completly useless for what I need while traveling. The buttons are to small the screen is too small and all around joke.

They kinda solved that with the new tablets but they are still a bit pricey for me and I would still prefer a conventional laptop with a keyboard anyway.

My monthly with VZ is over 200 but I have other things going on.

The data plan I have was tweeked by one of the VZ associates that suggested I go with the smallest plan based on my prior usage and it was the 20 dollar a month (i started with a larger plan but neverused even 1/2). I think the packages go up in incraments of 10 dollars

I use it for all my wifi needs so its like im a fulltimer with it and it has almost always been under the package data allowance.

The only signal I have coming in my home now is for TV I dumped the land line phone and all internet to the house and the additinal 20 bucks I give VZ is all it cost me for internet both home and away.

As I continue to learn more about the free live tv direct tv now offers I will undubtably need to go to a bigger plan depending on how much TV I watch on it in the future.

"VZ mobile office manager" for those with big fat fingers and poor vision like me U will love it instead of pumping the signal into the phone U send it into your current laptop instead, couldnt be nicer.

Dont remember what I was paying for internet at the house that I canceled but im sure it was more than that.

05-14-2013, 10:07 PM
Joe, VZ can turn on mobile tethering on most any Wi-Fi capable smart phone. This allows you to connect up to 5 simultaneous devices, like your laptop, to the smartphone and use the phone's data plan.

05-14-2013, 10:15 PM
Greg, I've never configured a router to be a repeater, but I understand it can be done. A Wi-Fi repeater is intended to establish a Wi-Fi connection between two Wi-Fi devices that connect directly over Wi-Fi. They establish a wireless link to both Wi-Fi systems using 2 different channels. Internally, they bridge these wireless devices. Some are higher powered than others. Some can also be used to bridge 2 different Wi-Fi standards, such as 802.11n and 802.11a/b.

dale farley
05-16-2013, 10:02 AM

Are you sure it is called "mobile office manager"? I have searched Verizon website and the google, and I can't find any reference to it.

05-22-2013, 10:10 AM
I found WifiRanger on the web yesterday. Company manufactures a line of routers, boosters, and antennae exclusively for the RV and marine market. OEM for Newell and other motorhome builders. www.wifiranger.com (http://www.wifiranger.com).

Joe Camper
05-22-2013, 12:30 PM
Sorry for the slow reply Dale I been buisy


Seems I had the nominclature a bit off.