View Full Version : WHEN THE TIME COMES
Gary Carmichael
04-30-2013, 07:17 AM
There comes a time in every lab owners life, when you have to make the decision about your beloved pet, Today the time came for our wonderful Miss Mattie Grace. She crossed the Rainbow Bridge at 3:00 PM April 29 2013, Megan and I held her till those big brown eyes closed for the last time, she now is in no pain and playing with others of her kind waiting for us to be united again in the future. She gave us the most wonderful fifteen years we could have possibly had. Thank you Lord for sharing her with us.
Rest In Peace, Mattie Grace Carmichael
Born Oct 12, 1998 Left this earth April 29 2013
Mom and Dad
dale farley
04-30-2013, 07:35 AM
Our hearts go out to you Gary/Megan. We have a 14 year old Golden Retriever that is in the failing stages. They really can be a best friend.
Joe Camper
04-30-2013, 08:26 AM
Dogs get jipped only going 15 yr. Ya gotta love um. Im sure U have noregrets the little rascle probably didnt even know it was a dog. I know mine lives like a queen.
Uthinasia is always my job done that with all ours pets over the years I hate it. Im sure the pooch could have had it no better than what U provided for it. Get out the puppy pics
04-30-2013, 09:29 AM
Gary and Megan, so sorry to hear the sad news. Our "Max" our standard schnauzer lasted 3 weeks after the diagnosis last Decemcer, of a rapidly going tumor. He was only 10. Yes, dogs do get "jipped"
04-30-2013, 10:49 AM
Gary and Megan,
My heart goes out to you. I've been there and said I'd never do it again; I did. We love our new Yellow Lab, Shiner, but will never forget the dogs that came before him. I'll share tear or two with you both on the passing of your Miss Mattie Grace once again brings back the memory our last lab, Harley, and the pain of saying good bye. A pain only a dog lover can appreciate.
Jamie Bradford
04-30-2013, 11:05 AM
Megan & Gary,
That is such sad news - most all of us view our "buddies" as part of the family. I know you are thinking of all the great times you all had with Mattie Grace.
04-30-2013, 11:25 AM
Condolences from us to you, Gary & Megan. Having been through similar situations, my advice is do it again. Heal yourselves of your loss, but dare to go out and get another dog. Not a replacement, how could that ever happen, but a dog who deserves the love & attention that you obviously gave Mattie. The dog deserves it and so do you two. I can say, it is difficult to relive the past we have gone through, but do yourself a favor and bring another dog into your life. You will benefit and I am sure that Mattie would be happy to know that your doing it
04-30-2013, 01:45 PM
Gary & Megan,
We hold you in our hearts during this difficult time.
We are so sorry.
Wayne & Jill
Debbie Bradford
04-30-2013, 01:58 PM
I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your Mattie Grace. I am sure that she knew she was cherished and loved very much. All dog lovers dread that day when you have to say goodbye.
04-30-2013, 02:43 PM
Megan & Gary, My condolences to you. We walked in your foot steps several years ago with our Golden, Reilly. Worst day of my life - by a long shot.
We now share time with "Cash" (think man in black) a rescue black lab / golden mix.
04-30-2013, 06:31 PM
Such sad news... we are so sorry... They aren't called man's best friend for nothing are they!! Larry & Diane
Gary Carmichael
04-30-2013, 08:19 PM
Thanks all, It is just hard to get her off our minds, every where we look we see signs of her that brings tears, her footprints in the dirt, favorite toy and most of all the companionship we shared on our walks, she has listened when no one was there, and understood what I said. It will get better with time she will return home in the urn Megan has picked out for her, Then when I am well from this prostate surgery we will travel once again with our girl. again thank you all Gary and Megan
04-30-2013, 08:33 PM
dogs do get jipped, but being always happy to see you even with all your ups and downs takes a heavy strain on them. God Love them. I love the story about putting your dog and spouse in a car trunk on a hot summer day and see who is happy to see you when you open the trunk.
Sorry for your lose.
04-30-2013, 10:01 PM
We got a puppy a few months ago after losing two of our family pets over a year ago. We will forever love and remember our dogs. The puppy brings joy to our home. He's a handful but we have love to give and so does he.
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