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View Full Version : Visitors and Members

04-25-2013, 01:39 PM
I thought this site was private and wanted to post more information, but I'm concerned it is not private.

It shows 68 people on line, but only 14 are members. Are the guests from the public?

Jamie Bradford
04-25-2013, 05:30 PM
Hi N33,

This question was answered for me last year when I asked it. However , I think my response would further confuse you. ( it is kinda like knowing the airplane will get you there but you are not quite sure how it does it )

Anyway , I have sent this question to my tech guy. He should be able to answer this so we can all understand it. I guess we could also ask Al Gore since he invented all this stuff but he is probably busy.

Only members have access to the Forum portion of the website.


Jamie Bradford
04-26-2013, 09:06 AM
Here is the answer I got:

"If someone (search engine, bot, someone viewing a public article) is on the site it registers as a guest. You have to be logged in, in order to view any of the forums."

04-27-2013, 06:44 AM
Something isn't right. This morning there are 53 on the forum and 4 are members. So I logged out and tried to get to any POG articles or the forum and I couldn't get access as a "guest" so exactly what is being viewed by people that did not pay $100 but are counted as being on this sight.

dale farley
04-27-2013, 09:16 AM
Guests only have access to the POG Home Page. Guests can access the public links on the Home page such as Rallies, RV Resorts, etc., or they can sign in and become a member. If they had access to all the pages, then there would be no privacy for the POG members.

04-27-2013, 02:04 PM
So am I to understand that based on what I have seen the last week that every minute of every day there are over 50 people who cannot access the forum, that they are just looking at rally and RV resort information?

Yeah, I believe that.

04-27-2013, 03:15 PM
Have you tried getting on the forums without logging on ? I can't. Until someone tells us that anyone can read our posts without being a member and logging in, I don't see what the beef is.

04-27-2013, 05:36 PM
So am I to understand that based on what I have seen the last week that every minute of every day there are over 50 people who cannot access the forum, that they are just looking at rally and RV resort information?

Yeah, I believe that.

There are thousands of people with no life spending thousands of hours on the Internet. I can believe 50 of them could be looking at our Site.

Jamie Bradford
04-27-2013, 05:47 PM
Dear N33,

As the response from my tech guy states " (search engine, bot, someone viewing a public article)".

Google - Bing - Yahoo - ALL Search Engines are constantly sending what the industry calls "bots" into EVERY SITE on the internet to check content.

I really fail to see what , exactly , your question or issue is? If you could clarify that perhaps I would be able to provide the answer you are looking for.

Vbulletin is one of the largest providers of Internet Forums in the world. If I ask them a question about their system and they provide an answer I feel it is probably ok to believe what they told me.

As far as the number of possible intruders / guests - until we implemented a new sign-up firewall last month we were getting 40-50 BOGUS people PER DAY trying to sign up for membership - 90 % were African/Asian residents who I did not believe had a sincere interest in Prevost ownership. So , contrary to what you may think , there are ALOT of people constantly surfing the internet just to see what they can do. That is why we protect the Forum and allow ONLY REGISTERED MEMBERS access to the Forum.

If you should have any additional questions or concerns regarding these "guest" please let me know and I will be happy to try and answer them.



04-27-2013, 09:53 PM
I believe the confusion is within the statement itself. It says XX amount of people 'on line' . It does not say XX amount of people 'on or in forum'. The statement is confusing because the statement is within the forum itself.
Over the years, I can attest that the site has been secure. If it were not, we would have had many unknowns posting unrelated postings, etc.
That just has not happened.
If someone is concerned about lurkers, well, we have many of those. But they paid their one hundred bucks.

04-27-2013, 10:00 PM
I cannot say it any simpler. There are more guests than members listed "online" on the forum. Not from any other related sight, just the v-bulletin.

So unless v-bulletin is tracking guests on non-v-bulletin pages our posts are not private. Someone is in there looking at posts and it makaes me very concerned about non members reading posts I don't intend to be public. my bet is those guests are not listed as members but they are on there looking at our posts.

I don't care if it is google or african and asians. I don't want private posts to pop up on the internet for the world to see. How can we talk about private issues like skin problems on an open forum.

04-27-2013, 10:26 PM
Who cares if anybody see's disscusions about skin problems on some buses. You participated in discussions about it on the PC Forum and that's there for the world to see.


Bill Dator
04-27-2013, 11:13 PM
Some people have too much time on their hands. You guys are doing a great job with POG and this site.

dale farley
04-27-2013, 11:25 PM
Thanks Bill.

04-27-2013, 11:38 PM
Well put Bernie. N33, even lurkers don't know who you are given you don't use a real name. What us your concern? FWIW, log out and go to prevostownersgroup.com see how much you can see under that domain.

This discussion is likely meaningless to the membership. I'd like to see this thread deleted and handled privately between N33 and the administrator.

04-28-2013, 07:48 AM
Who cares if anybody see's disscusions about skin problems on some buses. You participated in discussions about it on the PC Forum and that's there for the world to see.


The problem is PC is open to the public so few with skin problems is sharing what kind of deal they are getting on repairs. If this sight was private maybe owners that had negotiations and repairs would be willing to get more specific and help others to know how to get the best deals. As big as this problem is the amount of open talks among XLII owners who are all going to need repairs is less than anyone would think considering how big and expensive the problem is.

Who caeres if people see the old FMCA articles or travel tips. wheres the discussion about the serious stuff? It isn't here.

04-28-2013, 12:17 PM
I do not think most of us will be posting CLASSIFIED, OR TOP SECRET issues on this site. If you need to do so, I would suggest using the "PRIVATE MESSAGE" function. I know in the past, some have used this function to post things that they did not want others to see in an attempt to get their message out.
I also think that if one is trying to discuss skin care issues, that they should go to a medical related site that has security.

Good job on the website Jamie & Dale, keep up the good work!

04-28-2013, 01:06 PM
n33 I don't know if it helps but look at Who's online. When you open that page up you can see that Guest are either viewing the forum index or registering. When you look at a members names you can see what thread they are reading or searching, ie they are past the index and into forum threads it doesn't appear that guest get any farther than the Forum Index. If they are reading an Article or looking at a sponsors site you can tell that from the who's online feature.

04-28-2013, 10:31 PM
Much a do about nothing.