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dale farley
04-25-2013, 10:18 AM
A safe an effective alternative to rodent traps and poisons.

Fresh Cab is the only Plant-Based Rodent Repellent registered for inside use by the Federal EPA and with a 100 day guarantee to Work For You. Let down by electronic pest repellers? Sick of the smell from using poisons? Tired of baiting traps that don't catch the rodents? Fresh Cab has been used by farmers, truckers, and homeowners nationwide to provide lasting protection against the most challenging mouse and rat infestations. Effectively repels rodents up to 100 days with a "woodsy" scent that you'll find refreshing, but they'll find extremely offensive. So safe around kids and pets, no safety warning is required on the packaging. Environmentally-friendly - Fresh Cab is 98% biodegradable. 9 out of 10 Fresh Cab users come back for more - tested and endorsed by Good Sam Club, National Home & Garden Club, independent labs, and farmers nationwide!


Effectively repels rodents for up to 3 months with a "woodsy" scent that you'll find refreshing, but rodents find extremely offensive.

Safe around children, pets and wildlife
Easier to use than traps, bait stations and glue boards
No dead rodents to find and dispose of
More effective and less dangerous than poisonous options
Keeps rodents far away instead of killing them
EPA registered - All Natural, Biodegradable, "Green" product

Begin treatment with one pouch per average sized room or storage area placed near entry points where rodent might gain entry. For current infestations, place a pouch near possible food and water sources. Remember, rodents need food and water, as well as shelter.

Increase number of pouches as needed, until desired results are achieved. Heavier infestations may require more pouches per room. For mouse prone areas use 1 pouch per 125 sq. feet placed at area entrance for protection. Replace when the scent is no longer strong to the nose. For known infested areas, use one pouch per 8 sq. feet of floor space placed at area entrance for up to 30 days of maximum protection.

Proven in independent testing to be effective up to 100 days in infested enclosed areas like garages, sheds, and small outbuildings. We are waiting for a Federal EPA review in order to update our label with instructions for this "larger area" application.

RV: use 3 pouches for up to 30 ft. Place near water tank, drains, and cushions.
Tractor or Truck: use 2 pouches; replace when scent has diminished; 4 if it is in storage for the season
Combine: use 4 pouches when putting away for the year
Garage: use 2 pouches for single garage, 4 for double garage. Replace every 30-45 days
Home: use one in an entryway, pantry, or closet. Use in mouse prone areas like vents that open to the outside (i.e. dryer vent, attic vent, etc.).
Tac room: use 1 pouch per 8 feet of floor space
Auto: use one in the trunk, one under each seat, and one under the hood if in storage (be careful to remove pouch under hood before driving). Replace when scent has diminished.
Drop Ceilings, sub-floors, crawl spaces: Use one pouch per 8 sq. feet, replace in 30 days to prevent re-infestation.