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View Full Version : Generator Blower Comparment

Bill Dator
03-26-2013, 07:30 AM
I am still exploring all compartments etc. of our new 03 Country Coach. I removed the interior access door to the area that houses the generator battery, small blower and the filter that is between the floor and the bottom of the coach. What I found was that the insulation, which is a heavy panel, had come off the back of the access door and was blocking at least 75% of the filter. I screwed the panel back to the door and ordered a new 20 x 25 inch filter from Grainger. I am posting this as a suggestion that if you have a CC or similar coach you may want to check this filter. I am surprised that the generator didn't over heat.

03-27-2013, 08:09 AM
Good discovery Bill. It is something that could happen to any of us and we need to be aware. Fortunately, the filter is on the incoming side of the air flow and the panel probably lifted up allowing air to enter. If it was on the exhaust side there could have been a different result. The original filter configuration included a metal screen and wire support. Be sure to have those items included when you install the new filter. Needed to keep out the small rodents.