We live in the Houston area and are willing to drive 5 or 6 hundred miles in any direction (except south to Mexico). Some have suggested New Orleans and the Destin Florida area.
I have done some research and while New Orleans is great for dining, the park situation is rather scarce, with only one being in the down town is according to reviews, under the I-10 overpass, and is rather noisy, and although gated, warn against walking outside the park after dark.
One of our all time favorite parks is Topsail Hill in Santa Rosa Beach, (Google Topsail Hill). Near good food, a very large shopping mall, ect.
So let's dust off the buses, and get together!
Just let us know.
Pete and E. J.
dale farley
03-21-2013, 10:48 PM
I apologize to Gil and Bob who had originally posted a reply to Pete. Unfortunately, as a result of System Malfunction and/or maybe a little stupidity on my part, I wiped out their posts.
03-22-2013, 08:21 AM
We are ready most anytime and in most any direction! Dan & Jo
Well....I just called Topsail Hill, and was told they are FULL for the end of april, in fact the month of November is the slowest time of the year, but otherwise you have to book about 11 months ahead to get over a couple of sites!!!!.
So back to the need for ideas! ???
03-22-2013, 01:49 PM
I know that we have all been to Buckhorn Lake Resort in Kerrville before, but it really is a first class RV park to host a mini rally. The accomodations are first class and after all it is really about getting together with friends.
Does anyone know of a nice RV park in the Dallas/Ft Worth area?
03-22-2013, 09:59 PM
Liberty Coach is having a rally at Buckhorn April 10 to the 14th. 8 spaces still available per their e mail.
dale farley
03-23-2013, 09:17 AM
There are a couple parks in Pensacola and there's the park in Mobile where we've had a few mini rallies before. Pensacola RV Park is relatively new, has large spaces, convenient to the interstate but is not fancy (around $35 a night). There are some nice ones in Perdido/Orange Beach area that are more expensive and very nice. Unfortunately, I've never stayed at a park in Pensacola, so I don't know much about them.
03-23-2013, 07:29 PM
I know that we have all been to Buckhorn Lake Resort in Kerrville before, but it really is a first class RV park to host a mini rally. The accomodations are first class and after all it is really about getting together with friends.
Does anyone know of a nice RV park in the Dallas/Ft Worth area?
The Vineyards Campground in Grapevine Tx!!! It is not only an award winning park, but very close to Grapevine fun and Wineries!
rvis2005..thanks for the info, we will consider that in the future. We have folks in Coppell, maybe we should get in touch.
03-24-2013, 12:59 PM
FWIW, The French Quarter RV Resort is worth reconsideration.
It isn't inexpensive, especially during any of NOLA's dozens of crowd events. Helicopter over it via Google maps (500 N. Claiborne Ave. New Orleans, LA). It is fenced, gated and patrolled. The facilities are excellent. Across the street is a large park for your dogs. The Quarter is an easy walk.
Ok, after numerous phone calls a new park (one year old) has surfaced in Navarre Florida.. it is on Santa Rosa Sound. St. Rosa Sound RV Park.
They have spaces available for the last week in April, and the manager Jinks says if we can give them an idea of how many coaches, they will apply a discount.
If any POG members have an interest, please reply and I will try to make the arrangements. Most of the water front sites are available and we can have the use of the club room. I discussed the week of the 22nd of April, so let me know if it would be convenient for you.
I have not visited this park, but the reviews are very positive. The park is about half way between Pensacola and Destin, so there should be a lot to do in the area.
03-24-2013, 05:18 PM
Hi Pete,
Sounds great! Count us in.
Bob & Sandi Thomas
03-24-2013, 05:33 PM
Louise and I are in! Can't wait!
Hey Dan, I beat you to the draw. (Dan is usually the first one to sign up for a mini rally).
03-24-2013, 07:53 PM
I drove through this park last year. It’s small, but nice. It’s on the water (not the gulf). The only negative may be road noise; it’s directly on whatever the main east west highway is, Hwy 98 maybe. I seem to recall it might be tight, but that may not be a good recollection.
Maybe, we can make it.
dale farley
03-24-2013, 08:42 PM
With 88 spaces including 24 large and 7 pull throughs, I would think they can accomodate several Prevosts. That should be 10-15 miles from Ft. Walton Beach/Destin, and right across the bridge from Pensacola Beach. It is on Hwy 98 that runs from Pensacola to Destin.
Jamie Bradford
03-24-2013, 09:23 PM
Hi Pete,
That sounds good!
Are we looking at the 18-19 to the 21-22 ??
Ronald Hiemann
03-24-2013, 10:01 PM
We are very familiar with Santa Rosa Sound RV Park! We have staid there a year ago, days after they opened, and again, a few weeks ago, when we returned from New Orleans. The biggest minus in Santa Rosa Sound is, in my opinion, that all the waterfront lots are BACK-INS! Makes absolutely no sense to me. You pay a premium price for waterfront and then you do not see it. When we were there a few weeks ago, I asked for permission to pull in because I do have extension cords for the electric and do not dump until I am leaving a park. They refused. The problem with this park is that the architect who designed the park is not an RV person. Unfortunately, nobody looked over his shoulder either. That is why the power pedestals are on the wrong side for pull-ins. Thus, save your money and book the middle row. Quite a bit cheaper and being back-ins and they way they are angled, you get a peakabo waterview. If you really want waterfront, try to get site 24. It is the ONLY site.. You pull or back-in ALONGSIDE the waterfront! The park is right alongside the highway and there is no sound barrier. You WILL hear traffic noise. The road into the park and the single loop around the park is wide enough for a Prevost. No worries there! The beaches and State Parks are across the bridge over St. Rosa Sound about 1.5 miles away. Loooong beach, great for walking. For us, this park is good for a couple of nights, not any longer.
When I spoke to the park manager, we discussed being there during the week of the 22nd, which would allow us to miss the busy week end traffic in the area.
I did not nail down the exact day in, or out. If there are no objections among us, I suggest arriving on the 22nd (Mon), and departing on the 26th (Fri), or arriving on the 23rd (Tue), and departing on the 27th (Sat). Of course, you may want to come early or stay past these dates.
If you folks have a preference, please advise. E.J. & I are flexible on the days. So look at your schedules and let me know.
There are a couple of Air Museums in the area, the Pensacola Naval Air Museum is a very interesting one to visit, also for the ladies who wish to shop, a very large shopping mall is in Destin. The food is also good in the area.
As soon as I hear back from those interested, I will start firming up some plans with the park manager.
Also, thanks Ron for the input on the park.....come join us!
Ronald Hiemann
03-24-2013, 11:17 PM
Pete, would love to come but by that time we are either in Heritage, Orange Beach, AL, or already in Twin Rivers, Tennessee.
Jamie Bradford
03-24-2013, 11:20 PM
Looks Good...... See you there.......
03-25-2013, 03:09 PM
Any date you all decide on is fine with us. Just let us know and we'll be there.
Bob & Sandi Thomas
03-25-2013, 06:05 PM
let us know dates. Dan & Jo
Just finished talking to the manager at St Rosa Sound. We have set aside 10 sites for Monday, April 22 (check-in) - Friday,April 26 (check out).
You may come earlier/later than Monday, or leave earlier/later than Friday if you like.
If we have 10 or more coaches, we will get a 15% discount, less than 10 coaches a 10% discount, and will have the use of the club room in either case.
We have reserved sites 57-61, and 02-07, because they are nearest the club house and pool.
To make your reservation call 850-936-4791 and tell them you are with POG, or Prevost Owners Group.
Pete & E.J.
03-26-2013, 07:47 PM
We in! Dan & Jo
03-26-2013, 08:36 PM
Made our reservation today at Santa Rosa Sound and hope a lot of you will, too. We're newbees and would like to meet you.
Bob & Sandi Thomas
Dan & Jo, Bob & Sandi, glad you are going to be there, always nice to meet new POG members, and see old friends. See you there!
dale farley
03-29-2013, 11:06 AM
The links below will take you to Attractions, Dining and Recreation available in the immediate area of the Mini Rally at Santa Rosa Sound RV Park in Navarre, FL starting April 22: Dining ( Golfing Fishing Historical
04-01-2013, 11:30 AM
Hi everyone!
Good news, a couple we know from the SouthEast Bus Nuts will be attending the mini-rally. They are Ed and Anke Fisher and have an H3-45. Hope a lot of you will be there also!
Bob & Sandi
04-01-2013, 12:34 PM
We will not be able to make the rallly, but make sure someone says HI to Ed and Anke for us. We know them from way back when we lived in Maryland. It has been at least 2 or 3 years since we have seen them. Ed and Anke are great people, I hope we get to see them again someday.
dale farley
04-02-2013, 05:29 AM
Pete, It looks like you have enough interest for a good mini rally. I've noticed that some of the smaller rallies are where you really get to know the other members and can be the most rewarding in relationship building. Paulette and I are hoping to come one evening when you are having a gathering at one of the buses. Since I don't have a bus, maybe I can borrow a covered wagon from one of the other local farmers.
Bob & Sandi, great to hear that Ed & Anke Fisher will be joining us at the mini rally. We are looking forward to meeting new folks at each rally. That is what POG is all about!
Dale & Paulette, make sure that covered wagon has polished wheels! See you then!
04-02-2013, 08:22 PM
Hi all,
Heard from Gil and Durlene and they will be at the rally. Hope many more of you can make it.
Bob & Sandi
Great... the more the merrier! Gil & Durlene will be a super addition to the mini rally. We met them at the Las Vegas POG, and thoroughly enjoyed our time with them. We are looking forward to seeing everyone.
04-03-2013, 05:06 PM
Reservations booked! We look forward to a little time away from house work and seeing everyone.
04-05-2013, 10:23 AM
Well Darnit, First spring rally and I'm bus- less.( that's not a word) without bus maybe?
Pete, We decided to pass on the coach we talked about so I'm still looking.
Maybe, I could take the avalanche, put an air mattress in the back and pretend.
Anybody got any Prevost emblems I could stick on my Avalanche?
Barney, I think you made a wise choice on the coach we discussed. Never fear, there is a coach out there that you will get just as excited about. Just keep up the search! You can still join us at the rally, I think a couple of other folks are planning to join us that are without a coach at this time, and I do have a PREVOST emblem for that Avalanche!
Maybe a short trip in the Avalanche to the Pensacola area would be good for you and Barbara to take a break in the search.
04-05-2013, 09:32 PM
Barney & Barbara,
Karen and I will be at the rally without a coach. I have my Newell up for sale. We will be staying at the Hampton Inn about 1.5 miles from the rally campground.
Come on down and camp with us in the Hampton Inn!
It'll be fun meeting everyone.
E. J. and Pete will be hosting a Beer & Wine get together (with assorted snacks) on Monday evening, the 22nd to visit and meet every one attending the mini rally. We have reserved the meeting room at the park.
Looking forward to seeing every one.
Here is the latest list of the folks coming to the mini rally at St. Rosa Sound Rv park:
Pete & E.J. Petree
Dan & Jo Smith
Bob & Sandi Thomas
Jamie & Debbie Bradford
Ed & Anke Fisher
Gil & Durlene Johnson
Edmund & Bonita Antie
Looks like a rally is shaping up!
There is still time to book a site, if you need any info on the mini rally, please give us a call. 979-627-7050
Tuga & Karen and Dale & Paulette will be coming (sans coach)
Oil changed, diesel tank full, changed all engine belts, checked all fluid levels, (and found we needed a bottle of scotch, and a couple bottles of wine) E.J. is preparing a few things for our welcome get together and we are starting to load the bus for the trip to Navarre, Florida for the upcoming mini rally on the 22nd.
The weather looks good, and some Poggers are going to meet us for some good times! How much better can it get!
Still time to get your bus dusted off and checked out, and join us in Navarre. (or risk being talked about if you don't show!).
Jamie Bradford
04-15-2013, 09:49 PM
Your pre-trip inspection list seems to cover most everything Pete.........
Debbie & Caesar & I will be heading north Sunday and plan to arrive Monday.
We will be hosting a cook-out Thursday evening for everyone there. No need for anyone to bring anything , we will have it covered.
We are looking forward to seeing everyone .........
dale farley
04-16-2013, 11:19 PM
About what time do you plan the get-together on Monday evening? If I can get the fields bushhogged, the horses fed, and Paulette milks the cows in time, we plan to be there. Of course if she see this, I may have to come by myself.
Dale, we are going to drive from Biloxi, Ms on monday, and will probably get to St. Rosa Sound some time in the early afternoon. We will probably start the get-together five-ish or sometime there about. Remember, there is no agenda, so come as early as you would like, and we can get the visiting under way.........this applies to every one.
Oh yeah, if you feed the livestock and milk the cows, remember to change your shoes!
Looking forward to seeing everyone.
Pete & E.J.
dale farley
04-18-2013, 09:33 AM
I probably can't get Paulette out of the cotton field before about 4:30, so we plan to be there about 5:30. SHOES??? When you don't wear shoes, you don't have to worry about changing them!
Jamie Bradford
04-20-2013, 09:28 PM
We are leaving Sunday mid-day and plan on staying Sunday night at Ho-Hum in Carabelle. We stayed there a few years ago & liked it.
Will be in Navarre Monday...............
dale farley
04-23-2013, 10:12 AM
Thanks to Pete and EJ, we had a great time of food and fellowship in Navarre last evening. Got to see old friends again and make some new ones. Even had some of that "Easy peach Cobbler" along with a large variety of other fine tasting hors d'oeuvres. Nice RV Park with beautiful views.
Jamie Bradford
04-23-2013, 10:20 AM
Here are some pics - Thanks to EJ & Pete for putting this together & the good vittles last night !!
04-23-2013, 04:53 PM
Thanks to Pete and EJ. I'm sure everyone enjoyed the informal gathering last night. There is a good blend of coaches. XL, XLII, and H3 coaches from Country Coach, Marathon, Vogue, and Vision are all represented.
Jamie Bradford
04-23-2013, 11:57 PM
Here are some more pics:
04-25-2013, 08:26 AM
A few of us went to the Naval Air Museum.
04-25-2013, 09:56 AM
Pete looks good in that cockpit.
Jamie Bradford
04-25-2013, 11:41 PM
More Pictures ........ Thursday
Jamie Bradford
04-25-2013, 11:45 PM
POG Mini Rally Pics - Skinny Dippin' Event After Dinner
We spent the last two days visiting E.J.'s relatives in Biloxi Ms. and will be heading for home in the morning. We just wanted to say "Thanks to all of the folks who took the time to come" to the Navarre mini rally. We had a great time visiting with old friends, and enjoyed making new friends with those who were attending their first POG rally.
We managed to fix a few things on our coaches, visit with a lot of laughs, eat too much, and store up a bunch of new memories.
See you at the next gathering of a POG rally. That's what it is all about.
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