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dale farley
02-22-2013, 01:59 PM
Protect Electrical Connections http://www.fmcmagazine.com/images/stories/techtips/2012/Electrical-water-proofing.jpgI use dielectric grease compound any time I am working on electrical connections that are exposed to water, road salts, or corrosive elements. The electrical umbilical cord that runs from the motorhome to the towed vehicle is protected on both the male and female ends, and I have never had contact problems. The grease helps to improve electrical performance during adverse conditions such as rain, fog, salt spray, and temperature extremes. Just fill any voids, coat the connectors with the grease, and then make the connection.

Dielectric grease is made by several manufacturers, and it can be found in a variety of stores, including those that sell auto parts. I purchased mine from an electrical supply house. It may be a bit messy, but it’s worth a couple of paper towels.
Danny Lindstrom, F310275, Salinas, California

02-22-2013, 04:05 PM
I also use the Dielectric grease when cleaning/re-lubricating the air/water regulator in my Microflush toilet. There is ton of o-rings in that valve that have to be lubricated after cleaning.
Also just finished cleaning and tightening all of the electrical connections in my electrical panel. Something that should be done on an annual basis, and found a couple of posts that needed to be snugged up. Make sure ALL power sources are turned off before
you start, and have a good flashlight or work light.

02-23-2013, 02:15 PM
I use DC4 dielectric grease. It is made by Dow Corning and it really works great. ;)