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View Full Version : RV GPS for IPAD

dale farley
02-13-2013, 07:42 AM
Rand McNally has released an RV GPS app for the iPad. According to a Rand McNally press release, it is the first iOS GPS application specifically designed for RV navigation.

The new application, available at the Apple Store for $99.99, provides RV class-specific routing based on Rand McNally’s proprietary road data and navigation.

The app includes thousands of RV parks and campgrounds, RV-friendly locations, RVer tools and pre-planned trips. It also includes dynamic weather*, a map overlay feature that helps drivers anticipate conditions such as high wind and precipitation along the route.

An e-book version of the 2013 Rand McNally Road Atlas also is included.

“About 20 percent of RVers have an iPad, and many of them take it on the road,” said Dave Muscatel, CEO of Rand McNally. “Our new app lets those travelers access the same premier RV routing, navigation and content available on our RVND™ GPS devices, and load it on their tablet.”

The Rand McNally RV GPS is an on-board app that provides safe and easy routing customized for an RV or car. Unlike off-board navigation, the maps load on an iPad, providing access everywhere — even in remote areas where a cellular or Wi-Fi connection is not available. For real-time navigation as the vehicle progresses, a GPS signal is required**.
The RV GPS app includes:

Safe and easy routing for 11 types of RVs in the United States and Canada; also includes car mode for cars towed to the destination and used for excursions, or for everyday use.
Warnings for speed limit changes, sharp curves, dirt roads, and other potential hazards.
Millions of general and RV-specific points of interest including thousands of RV parks and campgrounds listed by category; RV parking, rest stops, exits and other locations; RV dealer information; and Rand McNally Editor’s Picks, including Best of the Road® adventures, trips, and getaways.
Real-time weather information* including current and forecasted information for current location, destination, and anywhere along the route. Choose from 10 different map overlays to display important information for RVers, such as wind speed, current and forecasted precipitation, and weather-based traffic impact.
RV Tools such as RV checklists to prepare for trip departure, campsite setup and more; Trails to record a “bread crumb” path from the campsite, or a favorite shortcut; Quick Planner to calculate time, distance, and cost for trips between major cities; Fuel logs to track fuel purchases, including where purchased, gallons and total cost; Tools to record vehicle maintenance.

For more information, visit www.randmcnally.com/rvgpsapp (http://www.randmcnally.com/rvgpsapp).

02-13-2013, 05:47 PM
I have the dedicated 7" version of this and love it. From FL to AK and throughout Canada it always got us where we were headed. It even always had the CG we wanted to stop at already in it. It's mounted to my dash just above the dash stereo where it fits well and is easy to see and use. The only thing I don't care for is the vehicle size limit based routing doesn't really seem to work.

dale farley
02-14-2013, 07:26 AM
Gil, Are you saying it provides different routing based on the height/length of your vehicle?

Ronald Hiemann
02-14-2013, 10:17 PM
Gil, also I would like to hear more from you about this. I do have the 7" diplay, too. I upgraded to the RVND7720. So far, so good. I have yet to be steered down the wrong road.

02-15-2013, 08:55 AM
I have 7710. When in arV mode it warns me that a state I need to cross doesn't allow passage to width or length. It will still route me through the state, unless it can easily be avoided. I haven't been on a roadway yet where height is a concern. The manual states it is suppose to take that into consideration. I've been routed over 14,000 miles through 25+ states and Canada without a problem. I've run it side-by-side with MS Streets and much prefer the 7710.

Jamie Bradford
02-15-2013, 12:17 PM

My Ipad does not have a cellular connection - only WIfi. So this works without having to be connected? Is there a plug in GPS attachment?

Ray Davis
02-15-2013, 12:35 PM
I have no first-hand knowledge on this one, but from their website, it appears that a wifi only version will work, if you get an external GPS. I would have expected that the cellular connection would have been required to keep downloading the local maps as you traveled (ala google maps, etc), however it appears the app is 3.5GB in size, meaning the maps are part of the app. That's a surprise, but would allow for non-cellular operation.

Jamie Bradford
02-15-2013, 02:21 PM

What kind of external GPS would be good with an IPad?

Ray Davis
02-15-2013, 02:53 PM
I've never really needed one, as all my iPad's (save one) have cellular). But, in looking online two seem to get good reviews. The Bad Elf GPS (a couple of different models), and the Dual GPS.

Do a google search, and you'll see a number of them.

Personally, I use the Garmin DEZL-460, which is a truckers GPS, and it works wonderful with the bus.


02-15-2013, 03:42 PM
I've heard good things about the Bad Elf product but don't have actual experience with any of the external GPSs. Personally I'll stay with my purpose built 7710. Other than the larger iPad screen, I'm not a big fan of PC/MAC based navigation programs unless the PC/MAC is dedicated to that app. I have had far too many GPS lock ups with the Microsoft Sync in my Explorer.

On my last coach I ran Silver Leaf's VMSpc and Microsoft Streets both in split screen mode. Even then I had a purpose built GPS.

02-16-2013, 10:50 PM
When I worked for Southern Pacific RR in Denver, they used Delorme Street Atlas for crossings I.D. I have used it for over 12 yrs and find it very good. The ability to preplan a trip is very easy to use. One draw back is the updating that has to be purchased seperate and apart, not too $$$ but still....other than that, it works well for me.