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View Full Version : Torque Multiplier Question

01-28-2013, 10:06 PM
Sorry folks but this thread was archived and I could not reply to it any more. I know most of you swear by the X12 because of its ratio and lock on the adjacent stud/nut. Has anybody had any experience with the type of multiplier seen here? These wedge on the adjacent stud/nut and use an even higher ratio (Some as high as 50:1). They can be purchased quite inexpensive compared to the over $600 price of the X12. Might be worth a try at $100 unless someone has had a negative experience with one.

On the note of wheel lug torque, upon removing my cheap rusting axle covers for replacement yesterday I found a loose lug nut. I mean loose enough to turn by hand. Very disturbing. I need to acquire the tools needed to check and torque my wheel lugs myself.

dale farley
01-28-2013, 11:11 PM

When I first bought an X12, I got the Model 568 (on left) which has an end similar to the tool above. When I tried to use it on the bus, it would slip on the lug. I called TIA Products and they said I needed the Original X12 (on right) that actually fits over the adjoining lug so it wouldn't slip. Fortunately, they exchanged it for me, and I had no more problems on the bus or truck. I would expect the same problem from the tool above.

01-28-2013, 11:24 PM
Thanks Dale. I saw that on your earlier post to the archived thread. Maybe not a good choice then if similar in design to your original X12.

When tightening lugs with your X12, do you use a torque wrench at say 45-46 ft. lbs. to get the 550 ft. lbs. torque spec on the wheel lugs?

dale farley
01-29-2013, 07:49 AM
TIA said the 568 design was a more universal type wrench that works on more than one application. Unfortunately, it didn't work very well on a bus. You are right about the torque wrench setting.

02-03-2013, 06:22 PM
Where can you find these type lug wrench thanks Danny

dale farley
02-03-2013, 06:30 PM
Danny, GO to www.times12.com

02-04-2013, 04:58 PM
Thanks for info Danny

Ray Davis
02-05-2013, 07:49 PM
Maybe worth mentioning, maybe not. At the rally in Vegas I gave away a Power Tank RV system, which is generally used for filling tires. Brian Esler purchased one from me after we learned that it could easily power an impact wrench, and have plenty of power to remove and replace more than a single wheel.

I am not sure if Brian has had a chance to use the system yet, but he was impressed with the quality when received. You might ping him, and ask about that option, rather than using a X12?

If you'd like, I can get you better than internet price on any of the systems on Powertank.com.
