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View Full Version : loss of electricity dilemma

12-27-2012, 10:13 PM
After weathering a storm and loss of electricity while storing our coach in the bus barn, I began worrying about what to do for the coach. Obviously I always turn off the auto start function when storing in a closed barn with 50 amp service. But what to do during prolonged power outages. Door would be very difficult to open and drive bus outside ( to start bus generator) with loss of power since garage door is 20by16 and extremely heavy to lift manually.( plus manual cord is about 10 feet up in the air). One thought would be to buy a flexible hose to place over generator exhaust pipe and run it outside. ( how tight are these in regards to preventing exhaust odor build up in the bus barn and thus inside the coach). Or buy a small generator to power the garage door open. Or a generator outside the barn to power the coach directly. Or just rely on the coach batteries and prey for a quick power restoration.

12-27-2012, 10:23 PM
I guess it depends on how long the power is out and what you are trying to do. If its just for the opening of the Garage door, a small Honda generator set up would work.
If you turn everything off on the Coach when stored, it should be OK. If you want to keep the Inverters on, refrigerator, etc. then you might consider a auto transfer & generator for the storage barn.
Yes, you can purchase and install an exhaust flexible tube like the Mechanics use however, do you want that generator running when your not there. It also would not help with the garage unless you rigged something to the coach which would be tricky.
Maybe, add more springs or counter weights to the garage door.

Dick in Wisconsin
12-28-2012, 12:13 AM
Can't you hook the bus barn garage door opener to the bus and run the garage door opener off the inverter(s)? Once the bus barn door is open, run the bus outside and then fire up the generator so you can hook the bus's generator to your house.

Gary Carmichael
12-28-2012, 09:42 AM
Bob, I have the same problem, We had a ice storm a couple days ago went to open roll up door was frozen in place, when it did open it almost came off the sprocket. Have not lost power here but all around are with out it, thought about if it happened I could open the doors and run gen for a couple hrs a day to keep things right, what do you think?

12-28-2012, 01:33 PM
An extension cord from the overhead door motor to the bus worked for me. It is necessary to climb the step ladder onto the top of the bus to make the connection, but I can't raise the door manually. Its too heavy.

I suppose if the power failure became a habit I would run a extension cord in a more permanent manner.

12-28-2012, 06:54 PM
researching aux. generator possibilities and will get back with you

12-29-2012, 05:12 PM
Good thought, I'll try that next time .

12-29-2012, 07:21 PM
Roger, if Micki can't lift that garage door, tell her to be extra careful climbing that ladder!

12-30-2012, 08:59 AM
Pete, If Micki wants to open the garage door, she will climb the ladder. Ever see her play Basketball ? Or was that a Cheerleading outfit ?

12-30-2012, 03:07 PM
I have been thinking about having a 50a outlet mounted on the generator so I can run power backwards in the barn during a power failure to run critical stuff in the house like our well pump. Last year when we lost power for 3 days we ran out of water for the horses. Had to drive the bus to get water and ferry it home.