View Full Version : POG XI Las Vegas Motorcoach Resort - Rally Pictures
Jamie Bradford
10-05-2012, 11:32 AM
Here are some links to the pictures taken in Vegas........
10-07-2012, 12:18 AM
I just wanted to say Thanks to Jaime and his wife Debbie, Ray & Kathy Davis, Ken & Janet Zetter who did so much to make the rally such a success, as well as all others who made it to our POG rally.
The Park and Staff were wonderful. It went so fast!
The activities were great and there was plenty of events.
In speaking with people, they all really enjoyed it so much and the members really enjoy each others company. Its like an extended family.
Lawrence M.
10-07-2012, 01:06 AM
Sandy and I felt that this was one of the best rallies we have attended. It was extremely well organized with many enjoyable activities. We especially enjoyed the Poker Run around Las Vegas. We saw things we never knew existed.
The camaraderie, food and drink were second to none.
Many thanks to Jaime, Debbie, Ray, Kathy, Ken and Janet. You all did it right!
10-07-2012, 10:28 AM
Looks like everyone had a great time.
It's one of our favorite spots in the country and we sure hope to get back there one day.
Ditto on what Larry and Gary said. E.J. & I have been to many POG (and other rallies) and feel the Las Vegas rally to be the best from A to Z. (except for the internet access)
The park was awesome, the entire schedule of activities was awesome, food awesome, on and on. All those who participated in the planning, scheduling, ect. did an outstanding job.
Those who were unable to attend missed a super time.
Jamie & Debbie, are no doubt PROUD!
10-07-2012, 01:04 PM
Beverly and I would like to add our thanks to Jamie and Debbie and the California Boys for all the work and original thinking that went into the best POG rally ever. Jamie, thanks for taking the chance in accepting the stewardship of POG. We wish you a great return on your investment so we can all continue to enjoy the benefits of our unique group.
It was terrific to visit with old friends. We're looking forward to Nashville and POG XII.
10-09-2012, 12:32 PM
Chris and Jim would also like to say a big "Thankyou" Ray and Kathy, and Ken and Janet, and Jamie and Debbie for a great rally. The Poker Run/Scavenger Hunt that the Davis' and Zittrers put together having us search thru town to places we hadn't thought of going was the best event for a rally we have participated in. Lots of laughs, fun, and friendship and of course busses, we had a great time. Thanks to the Bradfords for choosing enough variety in the menu, Jim was able to choose foods and avoid al;ergic reactions which in pre-prepared food events is difficult knowing what the contents are.
Also, special thanks to Bill Jensen ( with his wealth of experience) ( hope youre not thinking of retiring) and crew for information and technical expertise lent to us "do-it-yourselfers." And if Paula at LVMR is reading, thanks for the hospitality.
10-09-2012, 01:26 PM
Tell me about the Hoover Dam and the tour as I will be there in November with friends,is the tour worth it and did the ladies like that part,and anything else about the dam that we should see.
10-09-2012, 02:52 PM
Jack, be sure to take time to walk across the Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge. We drove over it coming up from Kingman, and had to go back and walk. The view of the dam is spectacular. Amazing for those who did the bus tour said, the Chinese are who built the bridge, no one else in this country stepped up with a bid. What's that all about.????
10-09-2012, 04:11 PM
Looks like a very good rally, sorry I could not be there. Hey Jamie for those of us who could not attend, how many coaches did y'all have and what did the auction do. Hope to be at the next one. Pics look really good.
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