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12-13-2006, 09:13 AM
Just for fun, I went to the PP Yahoo site and noticed they had a wopping 28 post for Oct, Nov and Dec.:eek: They must not commuicate much with over a thousand members.....

12-13-2006, 10:02 AM
You know what, I'm going to join just to stir things up a bit.

...and I'm going to use JDUB's name.


12-13-2006, 12:06 PM
Go for it Mango. I got my hands on their news letter recently and it reminded me of the high society pages of my home town newspaper where they printed the country club goings on! No tips on slack adjusters, Webasto repairs, or etc. Thank goodness for POG and all the wonderful folks....even those V-tail Cowboys! Ken

12-13-2006, 12:25 PM
Just for fun, I went to the PP Yahoo site and noticed they had a wopping 28 post for Oct, Nov and Dec.:eek: They must not commuicate much with over a thousand members.....

They have staff to do it for them of course,,,, come on Tom!:p

Jerry Winchester
12-13-2006, 02:35 PM
I think Mike needs to just do it in his own name as he fits the member profile much better than me, a lowly oil field hand. I thought all Liberty owners were PP guys?

Anyway, I think you are being a little hard on them. I also belong to the Royale Coach Owners group and there is little to no traffic on their board either. But they do seem to have some really nice rallies (the Royale guys), however they are out of sync with my schedule and I doubt they encourage vintage coach participation.

Since the only social issues on this site relate to Mike's Thursday night Corona Kelly post, I see little chance of it going to the dark side.

Jon Wehrenberg
12-13-2006, 02:58 PM
Jerry used a word that is not going to roll off anyone's tongue at a PP rally.

We attended one in New Orleans and a friend of ours had a 1984 Liberty. Part of one evening's entertainment was a few of the hot shots ridiculing his coach because the finish was not the latest and the greatest.

Vintage coaches are not appreciated by the PPs.

Gary & Peggy Stevens
12-13-2006, 08:26 PM
Jerry used a word that is not going to roll off anyone's tongue at a PP rally.

We attended one in New Orleans and a friend of ours had a 1984 Liberty. Part of one evening's entertainment was a few of the hot shots ridiculing his coach because the finish was not the latest and the greatest.

Vintage coaches are not appreciated by the PPs.

So I guess that 1988 Royal I was eyeing is out of the question??????:confused:

Cxxx it was in my budget too!!!!:eek:


12-13-2006, 09:29 PM
Ya know, it won't be long before the big talkers here will be in the uppity high monkey monks and up grade their coaches. Then they'll park it next to their VL J in that fancy hangar in Texas and then see if THEY talk to you when they have a staff to work on their new coach.

Just a few more oil field fires is all we'll need.


Jerry Winchester
12-13-2006, 09:46 PM
Lew, that was way harsh. Especially from a PP Charter Member. We're so bad off here we had to have the local swami toss a live goat and chicken into the well to kill it.


12-13-2006, 11:46 PM
I don't know much about PP, but they are a chapter of FMCA and they do get involved with state issues such as the 65ft. rule here in California. PP has started a program to seek relief from state of Calif. for tickets issued. If anyone has recieved a ticket, call me for info.
Prevost Prouds state they have over 900 members , which makes them a very potent segment of the Prevost and conversion Industry. In there November magazine, 'Proud Moments' they say they spend around $1400.00 per member at each rally for all the different events they sponsor and entertainment. Nothing to sneeze at!

As for the Folks who look down on older Coaches.......they do so at their own peril.

Ray Davis
12-13-2006, 11:58 PM
they say they spend around $1400.00 per member at each rally for all the different events they sponsor and entertainment

So, where does the $1400 per member come from? Are dues that high? Did your quote mean that the PP club paid that per member, or the members each paid on average $1400 to attend a rally?

12-14-2006, 12:15 AM
So, where does the $1400 per member come from? Are dues that high? Did your quote mean that the PP club paid that per member, or the members each paid on average $1400 to attend a rally?

The newsletter states;" for the Charlotte rally..... we expected to spend over $1300.00 per coach for the Rally. ....the rally fee was only $495.00."

Ray, you also have to remember this was a pre- FMCA Convention. I am wondering if any part of that fee pays for the FMCA Convention.

The annual dues for the Prevost Prouds is $50.00 . Gary

12-14-2006, 07:55 AM
Park out in a field next to the race track in Charlotte for a week? with that bunch of snotty folks? for an FMCA convention? Must be like watching a drink box sweat.
I attended my first and last FMCA event there. Spent the day. If it wasn't for looking at buses we could have done it in 2 hours.

12-14-2006, 09:25 AM
Hey Dread,
I was there too, last one for me also, but the PP's were high and dry and didn't even get their golf carts dirty. I would have paid the 495.00 to keep away from this mess...


Ray Davis
12-14-2006, 11:50 AM
The newsletter states;" for the Charlotte rally..... we expected to spend over $1300.00 per coach for the Rally. ....the rally fee was only $495.00."

I guess I'm a little slow when it comes to finance. But, if $1300 is spent on each coach attending, and the rally fee is only $500, then $800 is coming from somewhere? If it's from club dues, then I guess they hope that only 1 out of 15 members is coming, cause the $50 ain't gonna cut it. Does the PP group do fund raisers or similar? Somewhere cause you can't put in only $50 per year, and expect to get $800 worth of rally support.

12-14-2006, 12:31 PM
By the way I received a free membership to the Prouds for displaying their Logo in my Avatar. I'll let you know what their Rallies are like.


12-14-2006, 01:36 PM
The extra money above and beyond the rally fee is made up from Prevost sponsorship as well as the converters. PP rally fees are very reasonable considering what Marathon charges, 12-1500 Lewbucks per rally.
If we had gone with the PP in 2002, instead of with the Country Coach crowd for the fall FMCA in Hutchison KS,, we wouldn't have sank in the mud, got hit by a towing tractor, and would have been high and dry on a hard surface. In the end, we were up to our rims in mud, unable to move until a 8-wheeled articulated Jonh Deere tractor towed us to dry ground. If we ever go again, we will search out a hard surface spot to camp.

Just Plain Jeff
12-14-2006, 02:46 PM
I've been to two PP events. One was an annual dinner at the Naples Vineyards Country Club in the winter and the other was a visit to their rally in Biloxi, MS a couple of years ago.

The food was pretty good at the Vineyards and there were more conversion people there than members. The converters, who feel that if they don't go will get talked about, pay $500 per person to attend. That would be for the dinner. I didn't think the food was that good myself, but I have peasant-taste.

The Biloxi experience was visiting the PP dry camping area in the Biloxi Civic Center parking lot. I was there while attending a nice Parliament Travel Club rally at a local Casino. At the PP rally, the converters paid very large money per coach to show them to the members (which is being raised again for the next meeting) who compare them to one another and decide who is 'best.' At a PP rally, one can see lots of jewelry and fine clothing, from what I viewed. What is highly regarded is a spanking new coach and a good story to tell about how you got it.

At POG I, people wore T-shirts and jeans and laughed a lot. I believe it was Mango Mike, who at that time flew a tie on his mirror in defiance of the PP standard about wearing ties at dinner.

I guess he has gone over to the Other Side.

And he was such a good guy back then. We will miss him.

12-14-2006, 07:24 PM

11-30-2008, 01:42 AM
Jon, All,

I've been a good girl lhere...but I just cannot resist a comeback at hearing how the PP's don't appreciate Vintage Coaches...
Do you think they might throw a real old junky Liberty at me...if I joined them just to get rid of me...
Boy am I ever lucky I didn't find their Group before ours...That was my Blessing in disguise...

Hugs to all Always Viv...

Vintage coaches are not appreciated by the PPs.