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08-06-2012, 12:02 AM
Ed and I had a request today from my daughter who is in Italy while our son-in-law is on his 3rd tour in Afghanistan. Four more of our troops were killed last week in Afghanistan and were in my son-in-law's battalion.
One of the fallen is from Palm Bay, FL and his funeral will be on Wed. 8-8-12 in Palm Bay, FL. The Westboro Baptist Church members have already let it be known that they are showing up at the funeral to protest.:mad:
My daughter has asked us to please reach out to our POGGERS to let all know about this group and if possible,in any way,do what we can to help stop them from showing up at the funeral and protesting. The family just wants to have a peaceful funeral for their son and are grieving enough without this nonsense!:(
If there is anyone you know that can participate in forming a human barricade against these RUDE people, it would mean a lot to the family of the fallen soldier and to ALL our troops.
YOUR SUPPORT IS GREATLY NEEDED!! Please keep our troops in your thoughts and prayers.
I will keep all POGGERS updated as much as possible on this matter.
THANK YOU for your time here.

You can look on the internet under "Westboro Baptist Church" to learn more about this AUWFUL and SHAMEFUL group!

08-06-2012, 09:15 AM
Sandy, wish I could be there to help! Keep us up to date on this. These CLOWNS are an embarrassment to the rest of us.

08-06-2012, 01:00 PM
Yes Sandy... what Pete said and then some !!

What is this beautiful country coming to?. I went to their web site and was shocked at the hatred they share... OMG that's pretty UNGODLY to hate like that whether or not you agree or disagree with alternate lifestyles. Sad to witness something like that.


08-06-2012, 04:15 PM
Sandy, from Washington state we are only able to help by sending Good Thoughts and Prayers that perhaps these Jerks could focus their efforts and hatered toward Washington DC and leave the Family alone.

Gary Carmichael
08-06-2012, 09:06 PM
Same from Megan and I, This country has become too politically correct, something has to change when someone protest at a fallen solider's funeral that is going to far!, I agree with Larry send a message to washington!

08-06-2012, 10:44 PM
Our thoughts will be with the family who have lost their son. This country belongs to them and the families who sacrafice day in and day out for our country. Those that
are taking the free ride and are disrespectful are unworthy . God Bless all of our military.

08-10-2012, 02:42 PM
I wanted to update all on the Fallen Soldier's Funeral. The family had the funeral at a secret place and it was peaceful. Hundreds of people showed up to the cemetery
to build the human shield against the Westboro Baptist Church members. Street in front of cemetery was lined up with people in red, white, and blue and waving American Flags. The WBC people got word that the funeral was changed to a secret place and didn't show up. You can view part of the video on the website...FloridaToday dated 8-8-12 under Fallen Soldier's Funeral. I will try to type the website but not sure if it works here. (Haven't learned how to copy it from my daughter's e-mail. Don't know my MACBook Pro yet)
I told my daughter about your posts of concern and caring, and she greatly appreciates it and wanted me to say thank you & to keep our soldiers in your thoughts and prayers daily.
Type in Fallen Soldier to search.
I thank you all, also.