View Full Version : POG XI Las Vegas Motorcoach Resort
Jamie Bradford
05-18-2012, 02:00 PM
Hi Gang,
Here is a revised sign-up sheet AND a PAY PAL LINK for those who would rather "click & go ". Also - I have an updated schedule listed below.
You may either mail the sheet with a check back to me or click the link here & I will get with you for the information needed.
Pay Pal :
<form action="" method="post">
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<input type="hidden" name="hosted_button_id" value="UTEUHRATE2CY6">
<input type="image" src="" border="0" name="submit" alt="PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!">
<img alt="" border="0" src="" width="1" height="1">
Mail Check : Las%20Vegas%20Motorcoach%20Resort.htm
Pog XI
Tentative Schedule
Monday 10/1/12
Arrive Las Vegas Motorcoach Resort
Welcome Reception
Tuesday 10/2/12
Continental Breakfast
Seminar I
Seminar II
Women’s Crafts
Putting Contest
California Guys Cookout
Las Vegas Poker Run
Coach Open House Area 1
Pot Luck
Wednesday 10/3/12
Full Breakfast
Hoover Dam Tour (includes transportation& admission) 10-3?
Treasure Island - Cirque du Soleil & Dinner – this is a $ 90.00 per person add-on
Thursday 10/4/12
Continental Breakfast
Shelby Museum / Lunch
Ladies Luncheon
Seminar III
Seminar IV
Coach Open House Area 2
POG Banquet
Friday 10/5/12
Continental Breakfast
If anyone needs additional information please feel free to contact me - 352-552-4812
Jamie Bradford
06-22-2012, 03:38 PM
Here is the current list :
Bradford Jamie & Debbie
Siegrist Fred & Betty
Regenstein Joe & Donna
Foster Roger & Micki
Smith Dan & Jo
Brockman Ed & Sandy
Gaunce Brian
Simmons Mike & Jean
Olson Grant & Leslie
Curtis Donald & Rosemary
Esler Brian & Beverly
Mullins Jeff
Davis Ray & Kathy
Zittrer Ken & Janet
Johnson Gil & Durlene
Dahlin Larry & Sandy
Deinhard Gary & Lise
Bell Gene / Calvin Dixon
Allman Larry & Heidi
06-22-2012, 10:59 PM
You should have Durlene and I on your list too.
06-23-2012, 09:29 PM
Sent my Check in thru Pay Pal thursday.
Jamie Bradford
07-02-2012, 02:35 PM
Hi Gang,
I spoke with Prevost today and they plan on having several Service Techs / Representatives joining us in Las Vegas.
They would like to host a seminar one day and I would like a feel from people as far as topics????
Do we zero in on a few specific topics or do we have a general question & answer session ?
Please let me know your thoughts.
Ronald Hiemann
07-02-2012, 03:17 PM
Hello Jamie,
Although, we would love to come to Vegas, unfortunately, we will very likely not be able to attend the rally. If we can manage it, somehow, we may have to fly in.
However, I would like to suggest an item which has received a lot of publicity, lately.
Namely, the delamination issue with XLII busses.
I have been reading a lot about this issue on the BB and I find it hard to believe that Prevost makes some or most owners pay for the repairs of a known manufacturing defect. Even more surprised to read that for some others, Prevost treated it as a warranty matter.
Given the large number of coaches known to have this problem, IMHO, Prevost should repair any and all free of charge and I think, they should be pressed for an official response.
Best regards,
07-02-2012, 10:08 PM
Maybe 3 or 4 topics and then Q & A time.
07-08-2012, 09:57 PM
I sent our Los Vegas Rally money through Pay Pal today:
Shirley & I are looking forward to seeing you all soon.
07-09-2012, 11:41 AM
We also would vote for discussion on the delamination problem. Although, we have discussed it before at a rally on the private individual basis with Prevost Rep.. Thank you, Jaime & Debie.
Ed & Sandy
07-09-2012, 11:56 AM
I agree with Garyde---3 or 4 topics then Q & A.
The panel problem with the XLII is important but, many of us are still driving rivets so lets not just focus on delamination issues .
07-10-2012, 12:38 AM
As a new owner, I'd like to kow what the more critical maintenance items are and what an owner can do to keep the bus going when there's a problem. An example would be the way to lock the fan clutch with the bolts or removing some relay. This may be something all you long time owners already know, so maybe I just need to tap your knowledge. Maybe, Jon will volunteer his pit and give me a day to better know my coach.
07-10-2012, 12:44 PM
One other issue that might be of value with Prevost is the latest recalls. We had on our previous bus some work done at Prevost Nashville and they informed us that while we were there, some recalls needed attention. We knew nothing of the recalls and apparently the seller, a well known converter, didn't either. The recall work was done, of course at no charge. So this might be a quick topic to bring all up to date. Just a suggestion here.
07-10-2012, 12:51 PM
Are any of the POG Sponsors, other than Prevost, attending the Vegas Rally?
Jamie Bradford
07-10-2012, 01:05 PM
Hi Sandy,
Very Good Question - I have contacted most all sponsors and have gotten verbal commitments from several.
However................. The sponsors want to know how many people are going to be there.
If you plan on attending it would be VERY HELPFUL if you would please register - you do not need to pay until the end of August if you so desire.
Jamie Bradford
07-12-2012, 10:26 AM
Here is an updated list of attendees:
Allman Larry & Heidi
Bell Gene / Calvin Dixon
Bradford Jamie & Debbie
Brockman Ed & Sandy
Curtis Donald & Rosemary
Dahlin Larry & Sandy
Davis Ray & Kathy
Deinhard Gary & Lise
Esler Brian & Beverly
Foster Roger & Micki
Gaunce Brian
Hollaender Rob
Hoppe Harry & Shirley
Johnson Gil & Durlene
McLeod Elliot & Evy
Milam Joe & Teena
Mullins Jeff
Olson Grant & Leslie
Petree Pete & EJ
Regenstein Joe & Donna
Siegrist Fred & Betty
Simmons Mike & Jean
Smith Dan & Jo
Zittrer Ken & Janet
07-12-2012, 02:14 PM
We are planning on it, but our work/airstream travel schedule at that time is tight.
07-17-2012, 12:42 PM
Jim & Chris, sure hope that things will work out for ya'll to be able to make it. We women drivers/co-owners could probably be ready for a test on all the knowledge you two provided us with in Austin!!
Jamie Bradford
08-13-2012, 01:28 PM
Hi Gang,
Here is an updated list for the Vegas Rally : If you plan on attending please let me know soon so we can make final arrangements - Thanks
Allman Larry & Heidi
Bell Gene / Calvin Dixon
Bennett Steve & Rhonda
Bradford Jamie & Debbie
Brockman Ed & Sandy
Curtis Donald & Rosemary
Dahlin Larry & Sandy
Davis Ray & Kathy
Deinhard Gary & Lise
Esler Brian & Beverly
Foster Roger & Micki
Gaunce Brian
Griffitt Brian
Hollaender Rob
Hoppe Harry & Shirley
Johnson Gil & Durlene
McLeod Elliot & Evy
Milam Joe & Teena
Mullins Jeff
Mullis Wayne
Olson Grant & Leslie
Oppel Ray & Susan
Petree Pete & EJ
Regenstein Joe & Donna
Siegrist Fred & Betty
Simmons Mike & Jean
Smith Dan & Jo
Womack Harry
Zittrer Ken & Janet
08-13-2012, 03:27 PM
Sandy, I keep saying we are coming if all works out, but we don't get listed on the list. I guess we aren't on the list I guess we aren't coming.
Jim & Chris, I think Jamie is only listing those who have sent in the registration form. I also said we were coming on two occasions and did not get listed until I sent in my form and payment.
We look forward to seeing you guys there.
08-13-2012, 11:01 PM
We have also indicated that we were coming but haven't sent in the form. Once we get home and can PRINT out the form we will send it on. Would be faster if we could pay/pal and done.
08-14-2012, 09:50 PM
Hi Larry . I did my payment thru paypal.
08-15-2012, 07:42 PM
Gary, thanks I'll see if that works for me. Can't seem to stay on line long enough to reply to this. The Vortex of central Or.
08-15-2012, 08:39 PM
Norm & Doreen Casson will be there-just sent the money off today. By the way how about a seminar on how to do everything on the POG website ?
Jamie Bradford
08-16-2012, 09:25 AM
Anyone who wants to register by phone please call me at 352-552-4812 - I can take care of the form etc...............
Jamie Bradford
08-30-2012, 02:25 PM
Here is the list as of 8/30/2012
Abbott Ron & Deborah
Allman Larry & Heidi
Beer Larry & Teddy
Bell Gene / Calvin Dixon
Bennett Steve & Rhonda
Blythe Brandon & Kalee
Bradford Jamie & Debbie
Brockman Ed & Sandy
Casson Norm & Doreel
Cummings Ben
Curtis Donald & Rosemary
Dahlin Larry & Sandy
Davis Ray & Kathy
Deinhard Gary & Lise
Ellis Benny & Linda
Esler Brian & Beverly
Foster Roger & Micki
Gaunce Brian
Griffitt Brian
Hitt Robert
Hollaender Rob
Jensen Bill
Johnson Gil & Durlene
Laughlin Kevin
May Rick
McLeod Elliot & Evy
Milam Joe & Teena
Mullins Jeff
Mullis Wayne
Munds Tom
Olson Grant & Leslie
Oppel Ray & Susan
Petree Pete & EJ
Purcell Jim
Regenstein Joe & Donna
Siegrist Fred & Betty
Simmons Mike & Jean
Smith Dan & Jo
Springer Pat
St-Amant Sylvain
Symmes Ernie & Kathy Crooks
Vanklompenburg Randy & Betty
Williams Dan & Simpson Robert
Willmuth Tim
Womack Harry & Barbara Borkey
Ziegler Steve
Zittrer Ken & Janet
Ray Davis
08-30-2012, 04:56 PM
Looks like it's going to be a fun rally! Can't wait ....
Just a note to everyone coming. Be sure to bring a digital camera with you, phone or otherwise. We'll explain why at the rally!!!!
Sounds like the Las Vegas rally is building up steam. It is a great resort so if you have not visited LVMR, and enjoy good times with good should be there.
09-01-2012, 08:43 PM
Just noticed that Harry & Shirley Hoppe are not on the attendees list now. Is this an overlook or did they have to cancel? Sorry if they had to cancel. We will miss y'all !
Sandy & Ed
Sid Tuls
09-03-2012, 01:57 AM
Ray can a person come even if it's only for 2 days? I have that auction but might be able to break free for a little time.
Jamie Bradford
09-03-2012, 08:29 PM
Hi Sid,
We would love to have you for as many days as you can be there!
Please call me at 352-552-4812 if you should have any questions..........
09-03-2012, 08:35 PM
Hi Sid. You got my vote. Love to see you.
Sid Tuls
09-04-2012, 09:13 PM
I'm going to try to work it in my schedule !
Well, it is time to start prepping the bus for the Las Vegas rally. The weather in the Houston area has blessed us with a cool front, (finally) so its time to start washing, polishing, and loading for the trip. Looks like those working on the Rally are doing a great job getting things lined up for a awesome time.
What is the weather forecast for the first week of October in Las Vegas? Would appreciate some input from those in the area so my wife won't have an excuse to buy an entire NEW WARDROBE when we get there.
Looking forward to seeing old friends, and meeting new ones!
09-10-2012, 03:50 PM
Pete, if you 'shine' the Bus you know it will rain in Las Vegas and your wife will probably take a lot of other wives with her shopping. Save yourself and the rest of us by just coming Dirty.
09-10-2012, 06:42 PM
Pete, I'm with Larry; don't make it too shiny. We will have come over 10,000 miles by road another 1,000 by ferry and traveled the Alaska Highway to get to Vegas. Save your energy and help me clean my coach--it needs it.
09-10-2012, 08:39 PM
Ed & I are really getting excited about the Rally also. We look forward seeing all our POG family, also.
One thing here, Don't go blaming the women if the weather isn't what they predict!! You know the rally wouldn't be complete without a shopping spree. While the women are shopping, you could be washing the bus then and not even know we were shopping.
Ed & Dan want you to come in a dirty bus so they can sit around and watch you hand polish it.
You guys should not worry about my bus being dirty, I can hardly get it out of my driveway without it getting rained on! Plus I always OUTRUN plenty of bugs and have to clean them off! I guess I could run in our convoy behind Roger and let him collect the bugs!
09-10-2012, 11:26 PM
I would call the RV Park regarding October weather. I've stayed there for several rallys Conventions, vacations and just passing thru and the weather has always been great.
09-11-2012, 09:33 PM
Hey Sid, your signature line seems to indicate that you went shopping at CA. Coach. I have heard that not keeping the group informed of Bus changes cost the offending party several rounds of drinks at the next Rally. Not sure where I heard it but it's a rule.
Sid Tuls
09-11-2012, 10:38 PM
Ya Larry I sure did and had a great time. Steve treated me very well. I haven't taken delivery till next week then it will be official. Going over to California Coach is like going to giant candy store.
09-11-2012, 10:58 PM
Good for you Sid, hope you enjoy your new Bus. Steve is a nice guy, I know he treated you well and, got you started off on the right foot.
09-18-2012, 11:51 AM
Shirley & I will be making the rally after all. Sid I will be bringing a red pair of shorts that I know fit you perfectly. We are looking forward to seeing all our old POG friends and meeting new ones.
Shirley & Harry
09-18-2012, 12:15 PM
That's good news Harry----see ya at Las Vegas
09-20-2012, 09:48 PM
Great to hear your coming Harry, we'll look forward to seeing you.
Sid Tuls
09-20-2012, 10:27 PM
Sorry Harry but I won't be able to make it. Sure had a great time with you and Shirley the last time!!
09-21-2012, 09:27 PM
Hey Sid I guess that leaves me as the lonely Thompson owner.....again.
Sid Tuls
09-21-2012, 11:42 PM
Ya sorry Rick, but if anyone wants a great bus Steve at Calif Coach has my old bus for sale a a steal!! It's in A1 condition
Jamie Bradford
12-05-2012, 06:15 PM
After numerous phone calls and talking to several people Debbie was finally able to get to the right person to acknowledge our recent gift:
Ronald Hiemann
12-05-2012, 07:31 PM
10458If it took them this long to acknowledge the donation, then, perhaps, they do not need it.
While all of us have our own ideas of who and what is worthy of receiving our donations, I do very highly recommend "Toys For Tots" the U.S. Marines annual Christmas toys drive.
During the time I owned my business, for the past 25 years, we have made annual, 4 digit contributions, which go directly to purchasing new toys. There is very little overhead because this program is administered by retired Marines who volunteer their time.
They have chapters all across the USA.
Anyway, just my .05 worth.
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