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View Full Version : Farewell to Eveyrone

dale farley
05-03-2012, 04:34 PM
It's been a great 5+ years, and we have met so many wonderful friends through the POG. This group has been a lifesaver in so many ways, and I hope the friendships will last forever. There are so many things I could say, but I will try to make short and maybe somewhat sweet.

In addition to all the great rallies we attended with many of you, we spent three wonderful summers in Yellowstone in the bus. Paulette's dad (age 87) and my dad (92) have both suffered some medical setbacks in the last few years, and that made us a little uneasy being gone for months at a time, so in 2010 we decided to stay close for a couple years. I thought this would be a good time to start a used car business, since I had always wanted to do that. To make a long story short, after several months of preparation, we opened the business in March of 2011, and we've been working 6 days a week ever since. That's rough after being retired for 8 years. Our schedule has made it impossible for us to travel for the last couple years, so we decided it made no sense to keep the bus setting in the garage. Unfortunately, Paulette's dad has passed away last year, so we were glad we were close when that happened.

Paulette is cleaning out the inside of the bus today, and I have to get started on the bays so Gil can pick it up this weekend. We were just discussing that we are both rather sad to see it go, because of the many wonderful memories it has created for us. I certainly wish the best for everyone in the POG and for Gil and his new adventure. I still plan to keep up with the POG (at least until my dues run out). We wish God's richest blessings on you all. Dale/Paulette

Reagan Sirmons
05-03-2012, 04:38 PM
Thank you for being such excellent members and we wish you well.
May God bless you in all ways possible. Taking care of our parents is sometimes a chore but an honor.

Jamie Bradford
05-03-2012, 05:01 PM
Paulette & Dale,

I am happy for you that you sold your bus but I hate to see you all go. Hopefully - after a few years ( or months ) of the used car business you all will miss the road and want to get another bus.

Debbie & I have enjoyed your company at the various POG events and will certainly miss you!

I wish you all the best of luck in your new venture. Please keep in touch.


05-03-2012, 05:32 PM
Dale & Paulette,

Beverly and I wish you the brightest future possible. Your kind and gentle participation will be missed.


05-03-2012, 05:58 PM
Ditto from E.J. and Pete.

05-03-2012, 07:26 PM
Dale & Paulette,

God bless you and Karen and I hope you are happy in your new venture. We will miss you!

05-03-2012, 11:26 PM
You will definately be missed. I wish you all the best and success in all you do.

05-04-2012, 07:08 AM
Dale, As you said to me you " Had an itch and it has been scratched. " Now sell that business to someone or close it down. Get on with what you really want to do. You and I are the same age. At some point we are supposed to get to do exactly what we want to do. Now, if I could just heed my own advice.

Thanks to you and Paulette for your gracious hospitality as Karen and I visited your house more than once.

Good health to both of you.

dale farley
05-04-2012, 10:05 AM

As you know, I never got into the car business for the long-haul, and it is about time I got out. I have plenty to keep me busy without the business. We recently started an accredited Bible school at our church, and I have obligated myself to teaching/facillitating part of that for the next year or so. Plus, I still have the horse boarding farm with about 21 horses. Bottom line is, I have so much to do I'm afraid I'm not doing any of it as good as I should. "I DO NEED TO RETIRE AGAIN."

And yes, I agree with you, take your own advice. But of course, you have good people to run things for you when you are off in the bus, so it isn't so bad when you are making millions and don't even have to be there. You and the King have it made!!!

05-04-2012, 12:33 PM
Dale, I wish !!! When I grow up I want to be like you and the King.

05-04-2012, 01:40 PM
Ya'll both need to be in Church on Sunday.

Dale and Paulette: Just cause you are in the car business is no excuse for not using and selling that bus. We sure are gonna miss ya'll so hurry up and retire so you can get another bus and get started goofing off and spending money again!

We will always remember your generous hospitality when we visited you and Paulette in Yellowstone, washing my bus was very nice of you. And following you to Spearfish and getting a 100 gallons of fuel stolen while we were eating in Gillette Wy. Also recall you driving the bus while i pushed it with the Mini Cooper.

You had to be there to believe it folks.

and when we rolled into Nashville and could not buy fuel cause of the lines and shortages.
Just think of all the fun - and that was just with me and Micki.

Stay in touch - I may need to buy a car someday.

05-04-2012, 09:57 PM
Good luck Dale and Paulette and good health too, will be missing you both!


dale farley
05-05-2012, 08:49 AM
Roger, We have had some great times, and the trip from Yellowstone was "one of a kind" for several reasons. We should have made a movie of us pushing your bus around with the Mini Coooper. That should have been worth the $10K prize on AFV.

I am handing the bus over to Gil and Durlene today, and I am planning on washing it before I hand it over. Of course, that's going to require Paulette to run the car lot today. I washed the bus when we got back from Yellowstone in Oct 2010 and it's been in the garage ever since. That's why I'm selling the bus.

After owning Prevosts for over 5 years and living in Yellowstone 3- 5 months for 3 years in a row, I couldn't believe how much "stuff" we had in the bus. I thought I would be able to get everything cleaned out in a couple hours, but Paulette worked on the inside all day Thursday, and we both worked on it from 5:30 to 11:45 last night. This was almost like "packing up and moving from our house." We hope to see everyone again and wish the best to all.

05-06-2012, 04:53 PM
Dale and Paulette, Good luck with your new venture you'll be missed.........

mike kerley
05-07-2012, 09:52 AM
Dale & Paulette,

Best of luck on your new life and lets hope you get to retire again soon and remain in good health.

It was a pleasure knowing you, hope to see you both again.

05-07-2012, 10:39 AM
Dale & Paulette....Well, Ed & I are not going to say so long....! Very happy for ya'll (as us southerners say). We sure have been missing you at our local get togethers close to you. Now just because the bus is sold, doesn't mean that you can't ride over to "Charlie's" and spend a day with us when we go. Yes, we have had some great traveling times together and can still meet up. Our prayers are with you and we CERTAINLY have been thinking of ya'll. Paulette, sitting around and doing nothing at the car lot means that you can type here on POG site and keep us informed. No offense with the statement of sitting around doing nothing...just repeating what Roger says he does at the car lot !!!
We love ya'll and hope to hear from you again soon. CONGRATULATIONS!!!

Ray Davis
05-07-2012, 03:42 PM

Sorry I missed this, I've been away for a bit. Really sorry to see you guys move on. Best wishes in your new endeavors. Thank you for the call recently regarding Yellowstone.


Gary Carmichael
05-08-2012, 10:33 AM
I have never met either of you but life is a series of journeys, As you set out on this new adventure, you will be guided by the "Master Navigator" as always, Keep the faith and Godspeed!

dale farley
05-08-2012, 04:17 PM
Thanks for the kind words from everyone. We'll try to get to one of the local get-to-gathers so we can see everyone again. Paulette and I will miss everyone, and we already miss the bus. But when I looked at a couple sites to see what Prevosts are currently selling for, the pain caused by my "lack of ownership" somewhat abated when I see what I would have to pay to get back in the bus business. When I see a really nice 45' with a Series 60 for $50K or less, I may jump back into the ring. Or maybe the King will give me his old bus when he moves up to a 2012.

Paulette did mention to me yesterday that maybe we should buy a nice 5th wheel so we can take it to our "very small" cottage on East Bay. The reason for our need of the 5th wheel is because our son and family would be staying in the cottage. Must be some logic there!!!!

05-10-2012, 10:59 AM
Dale and Paulette,
Something made me check POG today, and this thread must have been what it was. We enjoyed so many fun times with you both at so many fun rallies. You don't need a bus to come visit us in the hill of East Tennessee. We have a guest room with your name on it. We can have our other East TN bus friends bring their busses to you to visit!! A bus/no bus rally. We wish you well on your next journeys. Sounds like you have plenty on your plates! I laughed reading the post about the mini pushing Roger's bus, I'm glad we got to witness that in person. I might not have believed it otherwise. Take good care of yourselves. Everytime we make Paulette's banana pudding we will remember you and the fun times we had together! Come see us! You wouldn't believe how tall Jay is now!!! Deb, Eric and Jay Faires

dale farley
05-10-2012, 10:31 PM
Deb-Eric, We definitely had some good times. Just a few days ago, we were wondering what/how Jay's doing. Something good I know.